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5. WhitelistMOTD

Philipp Bolte edited this page Jun 17, 2018 · 4 revisions

When enabled, this MOTD gets triggered when you have enabled a whitelist on your server.




Enable: false
MessageWhitelisted: '&cWelcome back, &e%player%&c!%line%&c&oYou are on the whitelist.'
MessageNotWhitelisted: '&cYou are &lNOT &cwhitelisted.%line%&c&oPlease contact the server owner.'

Change Enable to true if you want to activate WhitelistMOTD. MessageWhitelisted is used if user is whitelisted and MessageNotWhitelisted if not.

Variables NotWhitelisted:

  • %line% -> second line
  • %weather% -> weather of configured world
  • %time% -> time of configured world
  • %randomplayer% -> random player name known to your server

Variables Whitelisted

All from NotWhitelisted plus:

  • %player% -> player name
  • %money% -> player's balance (Vault and EconPlugin required!)

Apostrophe usage

Because the apostrophe is used to border strings, you have to mask it if you want to use it in your MOTD. Config: It''s -> Motd: It's

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