The Sophomore Caucus Website developed in Node with EJS, Express, and Sequelize. Features a publicly available frontend, REST API, and CMS.
- Download zip
git clone
git clone
npm run start
npm run migrate
npm run dev
It's easiest to make a .env
file to use these locally.
Name | Description |
PORT | what port to run on (default is 3001) |
DATABASE_LOAD | describes how to load the Sequelize ORM (force, alter) |
DATABASE_URL | a database url to use (default is a SQLite DB at ./app.db) |
LOG | if the database should log (default is no logging) |
AUTHENTICATION_MODE | Change the admin panel authentication mode in development:
CLIENT_ID | the google api client id for the google admin panel authentication (not necessary if AUTH_MODE is set to not use google) |
CLIENT_SECRET | the google api client secret for google authentication |
ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET | the signuture of the JWTs distrubted for authorization |
- Install project
- Create
npm run dev
- Add CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, and ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET to test google authentication and JWT authorization with AUTHENTICATION_MODE=show or full
Documentation for Sequelize Migrations
Documentation for queryInterface
- Run
npx sequelize migration:create --name=[name]
- Edit the new file created in
- Add a list of commands to the up function which will update the database
- Add a list of commands to the down function which will revert the database back to its original state
- Commit and push
- Better study guide and event interface for admin page
- Add newsletter on admin panel and frontend
- Timezones are messed up between local and remote website (e.g. event interface, consider using Date datatype in the models)
- Redesign error page
- Clean api response code (especially study guides)
- Not all of the alerts actually respond to what the server is saying (add more consistent responses and frontend error handlers)
- Document code + add READMEs to each folder
- Figure out best way to handle sequelize errors