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Sway How To

mckinney-subgraph edited this page Apr 14, 2019 · 7 revisions

What is Sway?

Sway is a tiling window manager for Wayland. It is based on the i3 tiling window manager (which does not support Wayland).

We have included Sway in Citadel as a secondary option for users who prefer not to use GNOME. Sway does not provide a full desktop environment. Some features that are normally expected in a desktop environment are fulfilled either by running command-line applications or through the integration of additional tools. Where possible, we plan to implement tools to make some common tasks easier for the user.

Enabling the Sway session

The Sway session can be started by editing the kernel command line during boot (pressing either Tab or e) and adding the following command-line argument:


Basic keyboard shortcuts

The Sway modifier key is the Super (Windows) key. Each shortcut is a combination of Super and some other key.

  • Opening a terminal in the current realm: Super+Enter
  • Opening a Citadel terminal: Super+Shift+Enter
  • Opening the desktop launcher (sgflow): Super+d
  • Opening Nautilus in the current realm: Super+n
  • Locking the screen: Super+9
  • Take a screenshot: Super+PrtSc
  • Select a region and take a screenshot: Super+Shift+PrtSc

The full configuration can be found in /etc/sway/config within Citadel. If anything changes from this documentation, the config file is the canonical source.

Sway workspaces

Sway supports multiple workspaces (and even multiple displays). Windows can be moved from workspace to workspace, where they will be displayed according to whatever window management mode(s) are enabled for the workspace in question.

Workspace navigation

To navigate to a workspace, press Super + the workspace number. This works for workspaces 1-8 (Super+8 selects the 8th workspace).

Moving windows between workspaces

To move the focused window to another workspace, press Super + Shift + the workspace number (Super+Shift+8 will move the window to the 8th workspace).

Sway window management modes

Window focus

Window focusing is done using the keyboard (or mouse). The same shortcuts apply to each mode. Pressing the Super key + an arrow key will move the focus in the direction of the arrow. The VIM directional keys (hjkl) are also supported.


Tiling mode is the default. In this mode, the entire workspace is divided among the open windows. The windows can be arranged horizontally or vertically.

  • Tiling windows vertically: Super+v
  • Tiling windows horizontally: Super+b
  • Cycling back to tiling mode when another mode is enabled: Super+e

It is also possible to cycle between horizontal and vertical splits in tiling mode with the Super+e shortcut.


Windows are tabbed horizontally. One window/tab is displayed at a time.

  • Enabling tabbed mode: Super+w


Windows are stacked vertically. As with the tabbed mode, one window is displayed at a time.

  • Enabling stacked mode: Super+s


This is similar to how other desktops manage windows. Some applications that open pop-ups or multiple windows are best run in floating mode.

  • Enabling floating mode: Super+Shift+Space

Floating window resizing

Floating windows can be resized using the Super+r shortcut on the focused window. This puts the window into resize mode. The arrow keys can then be used to resize the window. Pressing the Esc key will exit this mode.


Citadel includes a stable 1.x release of Sway. This should work for users who are already comfortable using Sway and using the command-line to perform certain actions. However, we consider Sway support in Citadel to be a work-in-progress and there are certain convenience features missing that we intend to implement.

Status bar

Sway includes a status bar that will display information about network connections, volume level, battery levels, etc. The status bar (swaybar) does not contain any logic to query these status items by itself, requiring that third-party status tools are used to gather updated status information and present information to display on the status bar. The status items are displayed textually.

sgstatus is a tool that was written to present status information in a graphical format. It will uses some of the same methods of querying status info as the GNOME shell. It also does this on-demand by listening for events instead of repeatedly querying for status updates on a periodic basis (like other status tools). It will interact with the Sway status bar by querying status information and then sending icons that reflect the status to be displayed by the status bar.

NOTE: sgstatus currently does not work in citadel, for the following reasons -- this needs to be fixed to work with the current tray impplementation in Sway 1.0.

Launching applications

Applications are launched using a custom launcher we wrote called sgflow. Activating the launcher will present the user with a dialog to search and launch applications. Pressing Esc will close the dialog.

Connecting to wifi

Sway, like other tiling window managers, does not include native tools for connecting to the network. Command-line tools such as nmtui are normally used to connect to wifi because the graphical tools provided by GNOME do not work in Sway. However, nmtui brings in a bunch of unwanted dependencies so in the interest of keeping Citadel minimal, nmtui is not included in Citadel.

Currently, there are two ways to configure a wifi connection. The first is to set it up in GNOME prior to starting Sway. The second is to use the nmcli command line tool with the Citadel terminal.

Some easier options are being explored to address this in the future.

Connecting to wifi with nmcli

Run the following commands in the Citadel terminal to connect to a wifi network in Sway:

$ nmcli device wifi rescan
$ nmcli device wifi list
$ nmcli device wifi connect <ssid> --ask

The --ask flag will cause nmcli to prompt you for the wifi password.

Taking screenshots from the command-line

In addition to the keyboard shortcuts for taking screenshots, screenshots can be taken from the Citadel terminal.

Taking a screenshot from the command-line with grim

Citadel includes command-line tools for taking screenshots in Sway 1.0. The main tool is called grim, which handles taking the screen shots itself. To take a screenshot with grim, it must be run in the Citadel terminal. The following is an example of the various options:

citadel:~ $ grim 
Usage: grim [options...] <output-file>

  -h              Show help message and quit.
  -s <factor>     Set the output image scale factor. Defaults to the
                  greatest output scale factor.
  -g <geometry>   Set the region to capture.
  -o <output>     Set the output name to capture.

The simplest way to use grim is to run it with an output file:

citadel:~ $ grim screenshot.png

Taking a screenshot of a region from the command-line with slurp + grim

The second tool is a supplement to grim called slurp. slurp lets you interactively select a region on the screen. Piping output from slurp to the geometry flag of grim will take a screenshot of the selected region, for example:

citadel:~ $ slurp | grim -g - screenshot.png

slurp has some other interesting options:

citadel:~ $ slurp -h
Usage: slurp [options...]

  -h         Show help message and quit.
  -d         Display dimensions of selection.
  -b #rrggbb Set background color.
  -c #rrggbb Set border color.
  -s #rrggbb Set selection color.
  -w n       Set border weight.
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