Overall Winning submission for IC Hack 24 - Best EdTech Solution sponsored by Marshall Wace
Dev Post Link
Clone the repository then:
# Using the official GitHub CLI
$ gh repo clone suhas-arun/handemonium
# or using git
$ git clone https://github.com/suhas-arun/handemonium.git
The backend currently uses a static 'student' database so you will need to add your headshot to ./backend/data/headshots
and add your name and path to photo to ./backend/data/students.csv
Then navigate to ./frontend/handemonium/src/GameState.ts
and add your name to the GameStat users like: ['name', 0]
You can run our containerised web server locally by using our 'dev' docker-compose.yml or using node.js and python locally (required libraries are stored with requirements.txt).
cd dev/ \
docker-compose up --build -d
cd backend
uvicorn main:app
cd ..
cd frontend
npm run build
npm run start
Then navigate to http://localhost:3000
Our image analysis is computationally expensive and runs best on a GPU. It will run on a CPU but quite slowly.