Hello, I am Sumeet Kumar Paul and here is a Discord Server 24x7 Voice Channel Bot, so let's get started.
This discord bot play musics on the dicord voice channel and stay there for 24x7.
These are all the framework and libraries that has been used to build this project :-
1. Javascript
2. Discord Player
3. DiscordJS
4. ExpressJS
6. FFMPEG Static
7. FFPROBE Static
8. Figlet
9. Get YouTube Id
10. Simple YouTube Api
11. YouTube Info
12. Jimp
13. Moment
14. Table
15. MS
These are all the functionalities that has been implemented in this project :-
1. Play Music
2. Pause Music
3. Next Music
4. Previous Music
5. YouTube Music
6. Music Queue
7. Music Search
8. Track Add
9. Track Start