Python scripts and jupyter notebooks for convex hull diagnostics in SMLM cluster analysis.
This code is a supplement to the publication:
Vincent Ebert, Patrick Eiring, Dominic A Helmerich, Rick Seifert, Markus Sauer, Sören Doose, Convex hull as diagnostic tool in single-molecule localization microscopy, Bioinformatics, Volume 38, Issue 24, 15 December 2022, Pages 5421–5429,
Python 3.8.10
Run the following commands to install the necessary python packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
Alternatively, run the following command
conda env create -f environment.yml
or update an existing environment (e.g., 'my_env') with
conda env update -n my_env --file environment.yml
Distributed under the terms of the BSD-3 License, this code is free and open source software.