+ With free end-to-end encrypted messaging, and unlimited voice and video calls, Superhero is a great
+ way to stay in touch. But that's not all! With Superhero Chat you will be able to access token-gated
+ chat rooms and create your own communities.
Let's get started!
Download and install Superhero Wallet browser extension:
+ window.open(
+ "https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/superhero/mnhmmkepfddpifjkamaligfeemcbhdne",
+ "_blank",
+ );
+ }}
+ className="sh_userOnboarding_download_option"
+ >
+ from Chrome Web Store
+ window.open(
+ "https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/superhero-wallet/",
+ "_blank",
+ );
+ }}
+ className="sh_userOnboarding_download_option"
+ >
+ from Firefox Add-ons
Say hello to Wallet Bot and connect your Superhero Wallet:
+ startDmOnFirstMessage(cli, [
+ new DirectoryMember({
+ user_id: botAccounts?.superheroBot || "",
+ }),
+ ]);
+ }}
+ kind="primary"
+ className="sh_userOnboarding_btn"
+ >
+ Chat With Wallet Bot