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Basic Functionality:

Put serversync.jar in base folder of minecraft (one with mods folder & configs folder etc).


  • Make sure ServerSync is in minecraft's root folder on the client side
  • Run/Double click serversync{ver}.jar (or create shortcut)


  • The server mode can be started from the command line or batch scripts using "java -jar serversync.jar --server"
  • If you are running ServerSync standalone then make sure to exit using ctrl-c

Some of what this gives you:

  • A standalone console specific to ServerSync (no clutter in the forge output)
  • A separate process that you can allocate however much memory/priority etc you like
  • Individual starting/stopping of ServerSync without needing to restart the Minecraft server

Alternative server starting methods:

  • ServerSync can be placed in the mods folder to be loaded by forge when you start the Minecraft server (not recommended)
    • Known Issues:
      • Forge will complain about calling exit()
      • The logging from SS will be haphazard throughout the Forge logs and is not really related, causing noise.
      • ServerSync will be tied to the Minecraft server process & lifecycle

Bonus optionals

If you are on windows you can adapt my lazy server start script (put this in a .bat file), this would replace the standard start_server.bat. This script gives you a maintenance free way to start both serversync and forge without needing to update the script every time you update either forge or serversync.

@echo off
SET server_name=My Fancy Server
SET forge_java_arguments=-Xms2g -Xmx2g
SET serversync_java_arguments=

for %%f in (forge*.jar) do (SET forge=%%~nxf)
for %%f in (serversync*.jar) do (SET serversync=%%~nxf)
start "Forge - %server_name%" java %forge_java_arguments% -jar %forge% nogui
start "ServerSync - %server_name%" java %serversync_java_arguments% -jar %serversync% --server

Program flow

Server admin

Update mods on server ----»»[ restart server

Client (user / player)

run ServerSync ----»»[ launch Minecraft and connect