Shattered is a couch co-op fighting game. The goal is to break the blocks underneath your opponent to get them to fall off the map. The last person left standing on the map wins the round. THe players can jump to get over gaps and they can slam their hammer into the blocks to break them.
View the initial Project Proposal (Oct 6 2019)
View the Funcitonal Minimum Report (Nov 22 2019)
View the Final Report (Dec 09 2019)
- Speed up charge speed
- Speed up single block hit speed
- Players can still jump off broken blocks
- Clicking hammer twice quickly causes the block-hit vector to be reset
- There is a bug where when 0 players are ready the game still plays
- Create actual graphics for the select screen
- Add ability to kill opponent with hammer (Demonstrate the ragdoll)
- Create a few more head models
- Create a few more hammer models
- Show 3D models on the select screen with the proper (selected) color
- Create a post score/victor screen
- Animate the UMG widget
- Proper collision with the lava floor (so it looks real)
- Add in a 'fire splash' in the lava when the character dies
- Create new lava texture to match theme
- Adjust lighting
- Add in 'join' instead of just going to the player select
- Add wwise music
- Add in footstep sounds
- Add in hammer sounds
- Adjust jump height so that players can jump on each other
- Random spawn corner (instead of the same corner every time)
- Menu that asks to play again instead of going straight back to the main menu
- Animate 'flip' graphic when a player joins
- Speed up block charge rate slightly
- Flash the character's emissive the closer we get to fully charged
- Add in hammer vibration
- Add invisible respawn blocks (Blocks that stop the hammer distance from continuing and respawn the now empty block after a set amount of time)
- Victor phrases from LUT
- Animations in MainMenu