A dual monitor VPinballX front-end for your virtual pinball cabinet.
"As Simple As Possible".
- Full screen dual monitor display of table playfield, backglass and DMD
- Navigate tables with titles and wheels
- Extended settings for many display configurations
- Extremely lightweight and simple
- No need to download artpacks, generate your own!*
- Just what it takes to make a cabinet look good
*Playfield and Backglass from automated screenshots. Wheel and DMD generation not implemented yet.
git clone https://github.com/surtarso/asap-cabinet-fe.git && cd asap-cabinet-fe/
sudo apt install python3 python3-pyqt5 python3-pyqt5.qtmultimedia
(orpython3 asap_cabinet_fe.py
) -
(orQT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb python3 asap_cabinet_fe.py
- Game title from metadata (instead of filename)
- 'jump to letter' mechanics
- Keymaping support
- Generate wheels/dmd somehow (?)
- Music support (?)
This is my personal frontend for my cabinet. It's As Simple As Possible. If you need help installing and configuring Visual Pinball X check my wiki page, also check my vpx-gui-tools to ease the process of settings tables up. I am also currently porting this project to C++/SDL here. (WIP)