released this
04 May 09:26
⛑️ Fixes
add more cases to isEmpty (ddd7b45 )
isEmpty: default branch boolean cast (c9e98fc )
strings: textBetween (5e304e2 )
🚀 Features
collections: add contains and pickRandom (c34ebb9 )
colors: added (1eddd15 )
dates: add formatDateISO (75ca1ea )
exports all (7848543 )
is: add isNull, isUndefined, isNullish. Refactor all the rest of functions (9d17c4b )
is: added with functions for primitives and basic JS objects (40971a2 )
objects: add utilities for objects (9b60fc2 )
paths: add utilities for paths (f284a74 )
strings: add more utilities (426d72b )
strings: add toSnakeCase, toKebabCase, isHex, getHexValue... (19a1bf4 )
⚙️ CI
set custom preset types for @release-it/conventional-changelog (48082c1 )
setup github workflow to publish the docs (833a03e )
📖 Docs
dates: update TSDoc (7e05ee7 )
objects: updated (b01387c )
package.json: udpate description text (e7d2641 )
package.json: udpate description text (30c00e0 ) updated (7543c77 ) updated. coverage badge added (9cb1d78 )
setup typedoc with plugins and a custom theme (c8a2737 )
update overall functions documentation (7db62b9 )
🏡 Chore
add .vscode folder to .gitignore (4148901 )
deps updated (7daca8d )
deps: remove eslint-plugin-neverthrow (755cce2 )
deps: update all dependencies (23c40b5 )
deps: update all dependencies (2cbab0d )
pnpm-lock.yaml: updated (5c53c1f )
typedoc.json: update titleLink to prod host (3d7b4f4 )
typedoc: move plugins flags from package.json to typedoc.json (619ea8d )
update pnpm to v8.4.0 (d5f2beb )
update pnpm-lock.yaml (9452c09 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.