diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index e617b61f8..a4459da4d 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -18,4 +18,6 @@ SWITCH. This will build HTML documentation files from python doc strings which
will include descriptions of each module, their intentions, model
components they define, and what input files they expect.
-To learn about **numerical solvers** read [`docs/Numerical Solvers.md`](/docs/Numerical%20Solvers.md)
\ No newline at end of file
+To learn about **numerical solvers** read [`docs/Numerical Solvers.md`](/docs/Numerical%20Solvers.md)
+To learn about **numerical issues** read [`docs/Numerical Issues.md`](/docs/Numerical%20Issues.md)
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6844366d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/Numerical Issues.md
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+## Numerical Issues while Using Solvers
+### What are numerical issues and why do they occur?
+All computers store numbers in binary, that is, all numbers are represented as a finite sequence of 0s and 1s.
+Therefore, not all numbers can be perfectly stored. For example, the fraction
+`1/3`, when stored on a computer, might actually be stored as `0.33333334...` since representing an infinite number of 3s
+is not possible with only a finite number of 0s and 1s.
+When solving linear programs, these small errors can accumulate and cause significant deviations from the
+'true' result. When this occurs, we say that we've encountered *numerical issues*.
+Numerical issues most often arise when our linear program contains numerical values of very small or very large
+magnitudes (e.g. 10-10 or 1010). This is because—due to how numbers are stored in binary—very large or
+very small values are stored less accurately (and therefore with a greater error).
+For more details on why numerical issues occur, the curious can read
+about [floating-point arithmetic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floating-point_arithmetic)
+(how arithmetic is done on computers) and the [IEEE 754 standard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_754)
+(the standard used by almost all computers today). For a deep dive into the topic,
+read [What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic](https://www.itu.dk/~sestoft/bachelor/IEEE754_article.pdf).
+### How to detect numerical issues in Gurobi?
+Most solvers, including Gurobi, will have tests and thresholds to detect when the numerical errors become
+significant. If the solver detects that we've exceeded its thresholds, it will display warnings or errors. Based
+on [Gurobi's documentation](https://www.gurobi.com/documentation/9.1/refman/does_my_model_have_numeric.html), here are
+some warnings or errors that Gurobi might display.
+Warning: Model contains large matrix coefficient range
+Consider reformulating model or setting NumericFocus parameter
+to avoid numerical issues.
+Warning: Markowitz tolerance tightened to 0.5
+Warning: switch to quad precision
+Numeric error
+Numerical trouble encountered
+Restart crossover...
+Sub-optimal termination
+Warning: ... variables dropped from basis
+Warning: unscaled primal violation = ... and residual = ...
+Warning: unscaled dual violation = ... and residual = ...
+Many of these warnings indicate that Gurobi is trying to workaround the numerical issues. The following list gives
+examples of what Gurobi does internally to workaround numerical issues.
+- If Gurobi's normal barrier method fails due to numerical issues, Gurobi will switch to the slower but more reliable
+ dual simplex method (often indicated by the message: `Numerical trouble encountered`).
+- If Gurobi's dual simplex method encounters numerical issues, Gurobi might switch to quadruple precision
+ (indicated by the warning: `Warning: switch to quad precision`). This is 20 to
+ 80 times slower (on my computer) but will represent numbers using 128-bits instead of the normal 64-bits, allowing
+ much greater precision and avoiding numerical issues.
+Sometimes Gurobi's internal mechanisms to avoid numerical issues are insufficient or not desirable
+(e.g. too slow). In this case, we need to resolve the numerical issues ourselves. One way to do this is by scaling our
+### Scaling our model to resolve numerical issues
+#### Introduction, an example of scaling
+As mentioned, numerical issues occur when our linear program contains numerical values of very small or very large
+magnitude (e.g. 10-10 or 1010). We can get rid of these very large or small values by scaling our model. Consider
+the following example of a linear program.
+3E17 * x + 2E10 * y
+With constraints
+500 * x + 1E-5 * y < 1E-5
+This program contains many large and small coefficients that we wish to get rid of. If we multiply our objective
+function by 10-10, and the constraint by 105 we get:
+3E7 * x + 2 * y
+With constraints
+5E7 * x + y < 0
+Then if we define a new variable `x'` as 107 times the value of `x` we get:
+3 * x' + 2 * y
+With constraints
+5 * x' + y < 0
+This last model can be solved without numerical issues since the coefficients are neither too
+small or too large. Once we solve the model,
+all that's left to do is dividing `x'` by 107 to get `x`.
+This example, although not very realistic, gives an example
+of what it means to scale a model. Scaling is often the best solution to resolving numerical issues
+and can be easily done with Pyomo (see below). In some cases scaling is insufficient and other
+changes need to be made, this is explained in the section *Other techniques to resolve numerical issues*.
+#### Gurobi Guidelines for ranges of values
+An obvious question is, what is considered too small or too large?
+Gurobi provides some guidelines on what is a reasonable range
+for numerical values ([here](https://www.gurobi.com/documentation/9.1/refman/recommended_ranges_for_var.html) and [here](https://www.gurobi.com/documentation/9.1/refman/advanced_user_scaling.html)).
+Here's a summary:
+- Right-hand sides of inequalities and variable domains (i.e. variable bounds) should
+ be on the order of 104 or less.
+- The objective function's optimal value (i.e. the solution) should be between 1 and 105.
+- The matrix coefficients should span a range of six orders of magnitude
+ or less and ideally between 10-3 and 106.
+#### Scaling our model with Pyomo
+Scaling an objective function or constraint is easy.
+Simply multiply the expression by the scaling factor. For example,
+# Objective function without scaling
+model.TotalCost = Objective(..., rule=lambda m, ...: some_expression)
+# Objective function ith scaling
+scaling_factor = 1e-7
+model.TotalCost = Objective(..., rule=lambda m, ...: (some_expression) * scaling_factor)
+# Constraint without scaling
+model.SomeConstraint = Constraint(..., rule=lambda m, ...: left_hand_side < right_hand_side)
+# Constraint with scaling
+scaling_factor = 1e-2
+model.SomeConstraint = Constraint(
+ ...,
+ rule=lambda m, ...: (left_hand_side) * scaling_factor < (right_hand_side) * scaling_factor
+Scaling a variable is more of a challenge since the variable
+might be used in multiple places, and we don't want to need
+to change our code in multiple places. The trick is to define an expression that equals our unscaled variable.
+We can use this expression throughout our model, and Pyomo will still use the underlying
+scaled variable when solving. Here's what I mean.
+from pyomo.environ import Var, Expression
+scaling_factor = 1e5
+# Define the variable
+model.ScaledVariable = Var(...)
+# Define an expression that equals the variable but unscaled. This is what we use elsewhere in our model.
+model.UnscaledExpression = Expression(..., rule=lambda m, *args: m.ScaledVariable[args] / scaling_factor)
+Thankfully, I've written the `ScaledVariable` class that will do this for us.
+When we add a `ScaledVariable` to our model, the actual scaled
+variable is created behind the scenes and what's returned is the unscaled expression that
+we can use elsewhere in our code. Here's how to use `ScaledVariable` in practice.
+# Without scaling
+from pyomo.environ import Var
+model.SomeVariable = Var(...)
+# With scaling
+from switch_model.utilities.scaling import ScaledVariable
+model.SomeVariable = ScaledVariable(..., scaling_factor=5)
+Here, we can use `SomeVariable` throughout our code just as before.
+Internally, Pyomo (and the solver) will be using a scaled version of `SomeVariable`.
+In this case the solver will use a variable that is 5 times greater
+than the value we reference in our code. This means the
+coefficients in front of `SomeVariable` will be 1/5th of the usual.
+#### How much to scale by ?
+Earlier we shared Gurobi's guidelines on the ideal range for our matrix coefficients,
+right-hand side values, variable bounds and objective function. Yet how do
+we know where our values currently lie to determine how much to scale them by?
+For large models, determining which variables to scale and by how much can be a challenging task.
+First, when solving with the flag `--stream-solver` and `-v`,
+Gurobi will print to console helpful information for preliminary analysis.
+Here's an example of what Gurobi's output might look like. It might also
+include warnings about ranges that are too wide.
+Coefficient statistics:
+ Matrix range [2e-05, 1e+06]
+ Objective range [2e-05, 6e+04]
+ Bounds range [3e-04, 4e+04]
+ RHS range [1e-16, 3e+05]
+Second, if we solved our model with the flags `--keepfiles`, `--tempdir` and `--symbolic-solver-labels`, then
+we can read the `.lp` file in the temporary folder that contains the entire model including the coefficients.
+This is the file Gurobi reads before solving and has all the information we might need.
+However, this file is very hard to analyze manually due its size.
+Third, I'm working on a tool to automatically analyze the `.lp` file and return information
+useful that would help resolve numerical issues. The tool is available [here](https://github.com/staadecker/lp-analyzer).
+### Other techniques to resolve numerical issues
+In some cases, scaling might not be sufficient to resolve numerical issues.
+For example, if variables within the same set have values that span too wide of a range,
+scaling will not be able to reduce the range since scaling affects all variables
+within a set equally.
+Other than scaling, some techniques to resolve numerical issues are:
+- Reformulating the model
+- Avoiding unnecessarily large penalty terms
+- Changing the solver's method
+- Loosening tolerances (at the risk of getting less accurate, or inaccurate results)
+One can learn more about these methods
+by reading [Gurobi's guidelines on Numerical Issues](https://www.gurobi.com/documentation/9.1/refman/guidelines_for_numerical_i.html)
+or a [shorter PDF](http://files.gurobi.com/Numerics.pdf) that Gurobi has released.
diff --git a/docs/Numerical Solvers.md b/docs/Numerical Solvers.md
index 324259f44..346de74bb 100644
--- a/docs/Numerical Solvers.md
+++ b/docs/Numerical Solvers.md
@@ -1,250 +1,55 @@
-# A Guide on Numerical Solvers
+# Numerical Solvers
by Martin Staadecker
-## Content
+## Introduction
-Numerical solvers, such as Gurobi, are tools used to solve [linear programs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_programming).
+Numerical solvers, such as [Gurobi](https://gurobi.com), are tools used to solve [linear programs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_programming).
This document is a record of what I've learnt about using numerical solvers
-while working with Switch, Pyomo and Gurobi. It includes conceptual explanations,
-solutions to problems one might encounter, and techniques that I've found to be useful.
+while working with Switch, Pyomo and Gurobi.
-Currently, the topics covered are:
+## Gurobi resources
-- Numerical issues while using solvers
+The best resource when working with Gurobi is [Gurobi's reference manual](https://www.gurobi.com/documentation/9.1/refman/index.html).
-## Numerical Issues while Using Solvers
-### What are numerical issues and why do they occur?
+A few especially useful pages are:
-All computers store numbers in binary, that is, all numbers are represented as a finite sequence of 0s and 1s.
-Therefore, not all numbers can be perfectly stored. For example, the fraction
-`1/3`, when stored on a computer, might actually be stored as `0.33333334...` since representing an infinite number of 3s
-is not possible with only a finite number of 0s and 1s.
-When solving linear programs, these small errors can accumulate and cause significant deviations from the
-'true' result. When this occurs, we say that we've encountered *numerical issues*.
+- Gurobi's [parameter guidelines for continuous models](https://www.gurobi.com/documentation/9.1/refman/continuous_models.html)
-Numerical issues most often arise when our linear program contains numerical values of very small or very large
-magnitudes (e.g. 10-10 or 1010). This is because—due to how numbers are stored in binary—very large or
-very small values are stored less accurately (and therefore with a greater error).
+- Gurobi's [parameter list](https://www.gurobi.com/documentation/9.1/refman/parameters.html#sec:Parameters) especially the [`Method` parameter](https://www.gurobi.com/documentation/9.1/refman/method.html).
-For more details on why numerical issues occur, the curious can read
-about [floating-point arithmetic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floating-point_arithmetic)
-(how arithmetic is done on computers) and the [IEEE 754 standard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_754)
-(the standard used by almost all computers today). For a deep dive into the topic,
-read [What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic](https://www.itu.dk/~sestoft/bachelor/IEEE754_article.pdf).
+- Gurobi's [guidelines for numerical issues](https://www.gurobi.com/documentation/9.1/refman/guidelines_for_numerical_i.html) (see `docs/Numerical Issues.md`).
-### How to detect numerical issues in Gurobi?
+## Specifying parameters
-Most solvers, including Gurobi, will have tests and thresholds to detect when the numerical errors become
-significant. If the solver detects that we've exceeded its thresholds, it will display warnings or errors. Based
-on [Gurobi's documentation](https://www.gurobi.com/documentation/9.1/refman/does_my_model_have_numeric.html), here are
-some warnings or errors that Gurobi might display.
+To specify a Gurobi parameter use the following format:
-Warning: Model contains large matrix coefficient range
-Consider reformulating model or setting NumericFocus parameter
-to avoid numerical issues.
-Warning: Markowitz tolerance tightened to 0.5
-Warning: switch to quad precision
-Numeric error
-Numerical trouble encountered
-Restart crossover...
-Sub-optimal termination
-Warning: ... variables dropped from basis
-Warning: unscaled primal violation = ... and residual = ...
-Warning: unscaled dual violation = ... and residual = ...
+`switch solve --solver gurobi --solver-options-string "Parameter1=Value Parameter2=Value"`.
-Many of these warnings indicate that Gurobi is trying to workaround the numerical issues. The following list gives
-examples of what Gurobi does internally to workaround numerical issues.
+We recommend always using `"method=2 BarHomogeneous=1 FeasibilityTol=1e-5 crossover=0"`
+as your base parameters (this is what `switch solve --recommended` does).
-- If Gurobi's normal barrier method fails due to numerical issues, Gurobi will switch to the slower but more reliable
- dual simplex method (often indicated by the message: `Numerical trouble encountered`).
+## Solving Methods
+There are two methods that exist when solving a linear program.
+The first is the Simplex Method and the second is the Barrier
+solve method also known as interior-point method (IPM).
-- If Gurobi's dual simplex method encounters numerical issues, Gurobi might switch to quadruple precision
- (indicated by the warning: `Warning: switch to quad precision`). This is 20 to
- 80 times slower (on my computer) but will represent numbers using 128-bits instead of the normal 64-bits, allowing
- much greater precision and avoiding numerical issues.
-Sometimes Gurobi's internal mechanisms to avoid numerical issues are insufficient or not desirable
-(e.g. too slow). In this case, we need to resolve the numerical issues ourselves. One way to do this is by scaling our
-### Scaling our model to resolve numerical issues
-#### Introduction, an example of scaling
-As mentioned, numerical issues occur when our linear program contains numerical values of very small or very large
-magnitude (e.g. 10-10 or 1010). We can get rid of these very large or small values by scaling our model. Consider
-the following example of a linear program.
-3E17 * x + 2E10 * y
-With constraints
-500 * x + 1E-5 * y < 1E-5
-This program contains many large and small coefficients that we wish to get rid of. If we multiply our objective
-function by 10-10, and the constraint by 105 we get:
-3E7 * x + 2 * y
-With constraints
-5E7 * x + y < 0
-Then if we define a new variable `x'` as 107 times the value of `x` we get:
-3 * x' + 2 * y
-With constraints
-5 * x' + y < 0
-This last model can be solved without numerical issues since the coefficients are neither too
-small or too large. Once we solve the model,
-all that's left to do is dividing `x'` by 107 to get `x`.
-This example, although not very realistic, gives an example
-of what it means to scale a model. Scaling is often the best solution to resolving numerical issues
-and can be easily done with Pyomo (see below). In some cases scaling is insufficient and other
-changes need to be made, this is explained in the section *Other techniques to resolve numerical issues*.
-#### Gurobi Guidelines for ranges of values
-An obvious question is, what is considered too small or too large?
-Gurobi provides some guidelines on what is a reasonable range
-for numerical values ([here](https://www.gurobi.com/documentation/9.1/refman/recommended_ranges_for_var.html) and [here](https://www.gurobi.com/documentation/9.1/refman/advanced_user_scaling.html)).
-Here's a summary:
-- Right-hand sides of inequalities and variable domains (i.e. variable bounds) should
- be on the order of 104 or less.
-- The objective function's optimal value (i.e. the solution) should be between 1 and 105.
-- The matrix coefficients should span a range of six orders of magnitude
- or less and ideally between 10-3 and 106.
-#### Scaling our model with Pyomo
-Scaling an objective function or constraint is easy.
-Simply multiply the expression by the scaling factor. For example,
-# Objective function without scaling
-model.TotalCost = Objective(..., rule=lambda m, ...: some_expression)
-# Objective function ith scaling
-scaling_factor = 1e-7
-model.TotalCost = Objective(..., rule=lambda m, ...: (some_expression) * scaling_factor)
-# Constraint without scaling
-model.SomeConstraint = Constraint(..., rule=lambda m, ...: left_hand_side < right_hand_side)
-# Constraint with scaling
-scaling_factor = 1e-2
-model.SomeConstraint = Constraint(
- ...,
- rule=lambda m, ...: (left_hand_side) * scaling_factor < (right_hand_side) * scaling_factor
-Scaling a variable is more of a challenge since the variable
-might be used in multiple places, and we don't want to need
-to change our code in multiple places. The trick is to define an expression that equals our unscaled variable.
-We can use this expression throughout our model, and Pyomo will still use the underlying
-scaled variable when solving. Here's what I mean.
-from pyomo.environ import Var, Expression
-scaling_factor = 1e5
-# Define the variable
-model.ScaledVariable = Var(...)
-# Define an expression that equals the variable but unscaled. This is what we use elsewhere in our model.
-model.UnscaledExpression = Expression(..., rule=lambda m, *args: m.ScaledVariable[args] / scaling_factor)
-Thankfully, I've written the `ScaledVariable` class that will do this for us.
-When we add a `ScaledVariable` to our model, the actual scaled
-variable is created behind the scenes and what's returned is the unscaled expression that
-we can use elsewhere in our code. Here's how to use `ScaledVariable` in practice.
-# Without scaling
-from pyomo.environ import Var
-model.SomeVariable = Var(...)
-# With scaling
-from switch_model.utilities.scaling import ScaledVariable
-model.SomeVariable = ScaledVariable(..., scaling_factor=5)
-Here, we can use `SomeVariable` throughout our code just as before.
-Internally, Pyomo (and the solver) will be using a scaled version of `SomeVariable`.
-In this case the solver will use a variable that is 5 times greater
-than the value we reference in our code. This means the
-coefficients in front of `SomeVariable` will be 1/5th of the usual.
-#### How much to scale by ?
-Earlier we shared Gurobi's guidelines on the ideal range for our matrix coefficients,
-right-hand side values, variable bounds and objective function. Yet how do
-we know where our values currently lie to determine how much to scale them by?
-For large models, determining which variables to scale and by how much can be a challenging task.
-First, when solving with the flag `--stream-solver` and `-v`,
-Gurobi will print to console helpful information for preliminary analysis.
-Here's an example of what Gurobi's output might look like. It might also
-include warnings about ranges that are too wide.
-Coefficient statistics:
- Matrix range [2e-05, 1e+06]
- Objective range [2e-05, 6e+04]
- Bounds range [3e-04, 4e+04]
- RHS range [1e-16, 3e+05]
-Second, if we solved our model with the flags `--keepfiles`, `--tempdir` and `--symbolic-solver-labels`, then
-we can read the `.lp` file in the temporary folder that contains the entire model including the coefficients.
-This is the file Gurobi reads before solving and has all the information we might need.
-However, this file is very hard to analyze manually due its size.
-Third, I'm working on a tool to automatically analyze the `.lp` file and return information
-useful that would help resolve numerical issues. The tool is available [here](https://github.com/staadecker/lp-analyzer).
-### Other techniques to resolve numerical issues
-In some cases, scaling might not be sufficient to resolve numerical issues.
-For example, if variables within the same set have values that span too wide of a range,
-scaling will not be able to reduce the range since scaling affects all variables
-within a set equally.
-Other than scaling, some techniques to resolve numerical issues are:
-- Reformulating the model
+- The Simplex Method is more robust than IPM (it can find
+ an optimal solution even with numerically challenging problems).
-- Avoiding unnecessarily large penalty terms
-- Changing the solver's method
-- Loosening tolerances (at the risk of getting less accurate, or inaccurate results)
-One can learn more about these methods
-by reading [Gurobi's guidelines on Numerical Issues](https://www.gurobi.com/documentation/9.1/refman/guidelines_for_numerical_i.html)
-or a [shorter PDF](http://files.gurobi.com/Numerics.pdf) that Gurobi has released.
+- The Simplex Method uses only 1 thread while the Barrier method can
+leverage multiple threads.
+- The Barrier method is significantly faster for our model sizes.
+- Running `switch solve --recommended` selects the Barrier method.
+- By default, when the Barrier method finishes it converts its solution
+to a simplex solution in what is called the crossover phase (see [details](https://www.gurobi.com/documentation/9.1/refman/barrier_logging.html)).
+ This crossover phase takes the most time and is not necessary. Therefore is gets
+ disabled by the `--recommended` flag.
+- The crossover phase *is* important if the barrier method produces a sub-optimal solution.
+ In this case use `--recommended-robust` to enable the crossover.
diff --git a/switch_model/reporting/__init__.py b/switch_model/reporting/__init__.py
index eecc9603a..56cac92c0 100644
--- a/switch_model/reporting/__init__.py
+++ b/switch_model/reporting/__init__.py
@@ -52,13 +52,13 @@ def define_arguments(argparser):
help="List of expressions to save in addition to variables; can also be 'all' or 'none'."
-def get_cell_formatter(sig_digits):
+def get_cell_formatter(sig_digits, zero_cutoff):
sig_digits_formatter = "{0:." + str(sig_digits) + "g}"
def format_cell(c):
if not isinstance(c, float):
return c
- if abs(c) < 1e-8:
+ if abs(c) < zero_cutoff:
return 0
return sig_digits_formatter.format(c)
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ def write_table(instance, *indexes, output_file=None, **kwargs):
# don't know what that is.
if output_file is None:
raise Exception("Must specify output_file in write_table()")
- cell_formatter = get_cell_formatter(instance.options.sig_figs_output)
+ cell_formatter = get_cell_formatter(instance.options.sig_figs_output, instance.options.zero_cutoff_output)
if 'df' in kwargs:
df = kwargs.pop('df')
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ def post_solve(instance, outdir):
def save_generic_results(instance, outdir, sorted_output):
- cell_formatter = get_cell_formatter(instance.options.sig_figs_output)
+ cell_formatter = get_cell_formatter(instance.options.sig_figs_output, instance.options.zero_cutoff_output)
components = list(instance.component_objects(Var))
# add Expression objects that should be saved, if any
diff --git a/switch_model/solve.py b/switch_model/solve.py
index e2bc2004c..3abc7fb88 100755
--- a/switch_model/solve.py
+++ b/switch_model/solve.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
from __future__ import print_function
from pyomo.environ import *
-from pyomo.opt import SolverFactory, SolverStatus, TerminationCondition
+from pyomo.opt import SolverFactory, SolverStatus, TerminationCondition, SolutionStatus
import pyomo.version
import pandas as pd
@@ -580,6 +580,10 @@ def define_arguments(argparser):
"--sig-figs-output", default=5, type=int,
help='The number of significant digits to include in the output by default'
+ argparser.add_argument(
+ "--zero-cutoff-output", default=1e-5, type=float,
+ help="If the magnitude of an output value is less than this value, it is rounded to 0."
+ )
"--sorted-output", default=False, action='store_true',
@@ -609,7 +613,15 @@ def add_recommended_args(argparser):
"--recommended", default=False, action='store_true',
- help='Equivalent to running with all of the following options: --solver gurobi -v --sorted-output --stream-output --log-run --solver-io python --solver-options-string "method=2 BarHomogeneous=1 FeasibilityTol=1e-5"'
+ help='Includes several flags that are recommended including --solver gurobi --verbose --stream-output and more. '
+ 'See parse_recommended_args() in solve.py for the full list of recommended flags.'
+ )
+ argparser.add_argument(
+ "--recommended-robust", default=False, action='store_true',
+ help='Equivalent to --recommended however enables crossover during solving. Crossover is useful'
+ ' if the solution found by the barrier method is suboptimal. If you find that the solver returns'
+ ' a suboptimal solution use this flag.'
@@ -623,15 +635,13 @@ def parse_recommended_args(args):
options = argparser.parse_known_args(args)[0]
- if options.recommended and options.recommended_debug:
- raise Exception("Can't use both --recommended and --recommended-debug")
- if not options.recommended and not options.recommended_debug:
+ flags_used = options.recommended + options.recommended_robust + options.recommended_debug
+ if flags_used > 1:
+ raise Exception("Must pick between --recommended-debug, --recommended-fast or --recommended.")
+ if flags_used == 0:
return args
- # If you change the flags, make sure to update the help text in
- # the function above.
- # Note we don't append but rather prepend so that flags can override the --recommend or
- # --recommend-debug flags.
+ # Note we don't append but rather prepend so that flags can override the --recommend flags.
args = [
'--solver', 'gurobi',
@@ -640,12 +650,11 @@ def parse_recommended_args(args):
- '--solver-options-string',
- 'method=2 BarHomogeneous=1 FeasibilityTol=1e-5'
] + args
- # We use to use solver-io=python however the seperation of processes is useful in helping the OS
- # if options.recommended:
- # args = ['--solver-io', 'python'] + args
+ solver_options_string = "BarHomogeneous=1 FeasibilityTol=1e-5"
+ if not options.recommended_robust:
+ solver_options_string += " crossover=0 method=2"
+ args = ['--solver-options-string', solver_options_string] + args
if options.recommended_debug:
args = ['--keepfiles', '--tempdir', 'temp', '--symbolic-solver-labels'] + args
@@ -816,42 +825,30 @@ def solve(model):
"https://docs.python.org/3/library/pdb.html for instructions on using pdb.")
- # Treat infeasibility as an error, rather than trying to load and save the results
- # (note: in this case, results.solver.status may be SolverStatus.warning instead of
- # SolverStatus.error)
- if (results.solver.termination_condition == TerminationCondition.infeasible):
- if hasattr(model, "iis"):
- print("Model was infeasible; irreducibly inconsistent set (IIS) returned by solver:")
- print("\n".join(sorted(c.name for c in model.iis)))
- else:
- print("Model was infeasible; if the solver can generate an irreducibly inconsistent set (IIS),")
- print("more information may be available by setting the appropriate flags in the ")
- print('solver_options_string and calling this script with "--suffixes iis" or "--gurobi-find-iis".')
- raise RuntimeError("Infeasible model")
- # Report any warnings; these are written to stderr so users can find them in
- # error logs (e.g. on HPC systems). These can occur, e.g., if solver reaches
- # time limit or iteration limit but still returns a valid solution
- if results.solver.status == SolverStatus.warning:
- warn(
- "Solver terminated with warning.\n"
- + " Solution Status: {}\n".format(model.solutions[-1].status)
- + " Termination Condition: {}".format(results.solver.termination_condition)
- )
+ solver_status = results.solver.status
+ solver_message = results.solver.message
+ termination_condition = results.solver.termination_condition
+ solution_status = model.solutions[-1].status if len(model.solutions) != 0 else None
- if(results.solver.status != SolverStatus.ok or
- results.solver.termination_condition != TerminationCondition.optimal):
+ if solver_status != SolverStatus.ok or termination_condition != TerminationCondition.optimal:
- f"Solver terminated with status '{results.solver.status}' and termination condition"
- f" {results.solver.termination_condition}"
+ f"Solver termination status is not 'ok' or not 'optimal':\n"
+ f"\t- Termination condition: {termination_condition}\n"
+ f"\t- Solver status: {solver_status}\n"
+ f"\t- Solver message: {solver_message}\n"
+ f"\t- Solution status: {solution_status}"
+ if solution_status == SolutionStatus.feasible and solver_status == SolverStatus.warning:
+ print("If you used --recommended, you might want to try --recommended-robust.")
+ if query_yes_no("Do you want to abort and exit?", default=None):
+ raise SystemExit()
if model.options.verbose:
- print("")
- print("Optimization termination condition was {}.".format(
- results.solver.termination_condition))
- if str(results.solver.message) != '':
- print('Solver message: {}'.format(results.solver.message))
+ print(f"\nOptimization termination condition was {termination_condition}.")
+ if str(solver_message) != '':
+ print(f'Solver message: {solver_message}')
if model.options.save_solution: