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- WM: SwayFX
- OS: Arch, Void or Gentoo with Musl, installed with Getch
- Shell: Zsh with Oh My Zsh, Starship, (plugins)
- Widgets: EWW
- Term: Wezterm
- Editor: NeoVim with LazyVim (plugins) and Tmux (plugins)
- File Manager: NNN + Thunar (alsa) or Nemo (pulse)
- Fonts: Iosevka + Material Icons + Papirus + Demova + IcoMoon
- Dotfiles manager and theme switcher: GNU/Stow, Reaver.
Follow the guide here
Automatic installation available with Chezmoi dots or chezmoi-ansible (only Archlinux, Gentoo, Voidlinux).
- WM: Awesome
- OS: Arch, Void or Gentoo with Musl, installed with Getch
- SH: zsh with ohmyzsh and starship
- Term: xSt
- Editor: Vim and Doomemacs
- Compositor: Picom
- File Manager: NNN, Vifm
- Fonts: Nerd Font Iosevka + Material Icons + Papirus
- Dotfiles manager and theme switcher: GNU/Stow
There are three way to install themes-m3/focus
- Manually by following the wiki page, works on any distribution and you install only what your need.
- Fully scripted with chezmoi, (better on a new install), follow the instruction here.
- (Not Yet Tested on last Debian 12) Ansible with ansible-collection-desktop, you can find an example of playbook here.
The method with chezmoi
and ansible
only work for supported distrib Gentoo, Archlinux, Voidlinux or Debian (bulleyes).
More screenshots are available at unix-portfolio or Gallery.
Any support will be greatly appreciated, star the repo, a coffee, donation, thanks you !