Clic me to read the NYC SafeGo Application Article
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crime | hdfs:///user/yl6127/project/NYPD_Complaint_Data_Current.csv hdfs:///user/yl6127/project/NYPD_Complaint_Data_Historic.csv |
311 | hdfs:///user/jl8456/BDAD/project/311_data.csv |
Weather | hdfs:///user/cy1505/proj/noaa_nyc_weather_2010-2019.csv |
NYC Street Centerline (CSCL) | hdfs:///user/cy1505/proj/Centerline.csv |
├── data ingest
│ └── crime_data_Ingest.txt
│ └── 311_data_Ingest.txt
│ └── weather_data_Ingest.txt
│ └── map_data_Injest.txt
├── profiling_code
│ ├── 311
│ │ ├── 311_profile.scala
│ ├── NYPD_Complaint
│ │ ├── crime_profile.scala
│ ├── weather
│ │ ├── weather_profile.scala
│ ├── map
│ │ ├── map_profile.scala
│ │
├── etl_code
│ ├── 311
│ │ ├── 311_etl.scala
│ ├── NYPD_Complaint
│ │ ├── crime_etl.scala
│ ├── weather
│ │ ├── weather_etl.scala
│ ├── map
│ │ ├── map_etl.scala
│ │
├── app_code
│ ├── crime_analysis.scala
│ ├── machine_learning
│ ├── backend
│ ├── frontend
├── screenshots
└── Readme
data ingest | Upload data from local file system to Dumbo Cluster, and then ingest to HDFS |
profiling_code | Profile the data using Spark-shell |
etl_code | Clean the data using Spark-shell |
code_iteration | Conduct data analytics using Spark |
data ingest:
command to upload the datasets from local file system to Dumbo Cluster. In Dumbo, usinghdfs dfs -put file /user/yourNetID/project
to ingest the data into Hadoop HDFS. -
profiling_code: Utilize Spark to profile three datasets.
- Compile and run code for 311 data:
- spark2-shell -i crime_profile.scala
- Compile and run code for NYPD Complaint data:
- spark2-shell -i 311_profile.scala
- Compile and run code for Weather data:
spark2-shell -i weather_profile.scala
- Compile and run code for Map data:
spark2-shell -i street(centerline)_profiling.scala
- etl_code: Utilize Spark to clean three datasets.
- Compile and run code for 311 data:
spark2-shell -i 311_etl.scala
- Compile and run code for NYPD Complaint data:
spark2-shell -i crime_etl.scala
- Compile and run code for Weather data:
spark2-shell -i weather_etl.scala
- Compile and run code for Map data:
spark2-shell -i map_etl.scala
- app_code:
- code_analysis.scala:
- spark2-shell -i code_analysis.scala
- backend
The backend of the server is implemented using Apache Flask.
- Our application (backend) that implements Safe Route API. -
API inputs:
- start point latitude
- start point longitude
- end point latitude
- end point longitude
API output:
- A json object with two fields that describes the safest route and the shortest route between start point and end point. One field is named
and another one is namedshortest
. Each field is an array of street objects (please see more about the street object below.)
{ "safest":[...], ... "shortest":[...], ... }
- A json object with two fields that describes the safest route and the shortest route between start point and end point. One field is named
Both routes are implemented using Dijkstra's SSSP (Single Source Shortest Path) Algorithm.
The street object returned by the api contains the following fields:
: Each street has a unique number id, this field is unique. -
: a number denoting the physical street length of each street -
: a number denoting the safety extent of a street -
: an array of latitudes and longitudes numbers that represents the vertex of the street.
How to run this application:
We have deploy this application online. Simply visit the deployed website of this application.
Or, if you prefer only to run the backend locally, you may deploy the backend code using Apache Flask use the following command: ``` python3
How to extract the results:
The backend api will take
requests from the following path:/index?startLat=[a]&startLng=[b]&endLat=[c]&endLng=[d]
Please replace
to start point latitude,[b]
to start point longitude,[c]
to end point latitude, and[d]
to end point latitude. -
Once the parameters are inputted correctly, the user will receive a 200 status code and the result will be send back in the json form mentioned above. Otherwise there will be a 400 status code and a return value of
Bad Request
- frontend
The webpage frontend of the overall application.
: -
This is a component that uses the google map API
: -
Search component that enable users to type in start point and destination
: -
Display the route sent back by backend
If you want to run the frontend locally and separately, use the following command:
npm install
npm run serve
* If you want to run the frontend districbutedly, use the following command:
npm install
npm run build
- machine-learning
- The machine learning portion is implemented using Spark MLLib. The model is trained on DUMBO, and then downloaded and integrated into the application.
- To run the machine learning inference independently, please use the following command (on dumbo)
- Under the root, use
sbt package
to get*.jar
files - To train the crime model
spark2-shell -i train.scala
- If run inference in shell, use
spark2-shell -i inference.scala
- If run inference as spark job, use
spark2-submit --class inference --master yarn --deploy-mode client infernce.jar
- Under the root, use
- Yue Luo: 1/3 analytics + website frontend
- Jiaqi Liu: 1/3 analytics + backend
- Cong Yu: 1/3 analytics + Machine Learning