With this package, you can send easily Netgsm notifications with Laravel ^8.0
This package also provides some simple reporting.
This package requires PHP
or higher and Laravel11.0
or higher.
For older versions of Laravel, please use version^4.0.0
of this package!
You can install the package via composer:
composer require tarfin-labs/netgsm
Next, you should publish the Laravel config migration file using the vendor:publish Artisan command.
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="TarfinLabs\Netgsm\NetgsmServiceProvider"
Add your Netgsm User Code, Default header (name or number of sender), and secret (password) to your .env
// .env
NETGSM_USERCODE and NETGSM_SECRET is authentication information of netgsm. NETGSM_HEADER is default header (name or number of sender) of sms messages.
Netgsm::sendSms(AbstractSmsMessage $message):string $JobId
Sends an SMS message to the phone number on the message object passed as a parameter. If the message is sent successfully, a job id returned from the netgsm API service is returned.
Netgsm::getReports(AbstractNetgsmReport $report): ?Collection
Returns a collection based on the report object passed as a parameter.
In order to let your Notification know which phone number you are sending to, add the routeNotificationForNetgsm method to your Notifiable model e.g your User Model
public function routeNotificationForNetgsm()
where `phone` is a field in your users table,
phone number format can be either `5051234567` or `5051234567, 5441234568`.
return $this->phone;
You can use the channel in your via()
method inside the notification:
use TarfinLabs\Netgsm\NetGsmChannel;
use TarfinLabs\Netgsm\NetGsmSmsMessage;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
class NewUserRegistered extends Notification
public function via($notifiable)
return [NetGsmChannel::class];
public function toNetgsm($notifiable)
return (new NetGsmSmsMessage("Hello! Welcome to the club {$notifiable->name}!"));
You can add recipients (string or array)
return (new NetGsmSmsMessage("Your {$notifiable->service} was ordered!"))->setRecipients($recipients);
You can also set the sending date range of the message. (It does not work on OTP messages.)
$startDate = Carbon::now()->addDay(10)->setTime(0, 0, 0);
$endDate = Carbon::now()->addDay(11)->setTime(0, 0, 0);
return (new NetGsmSmsMessage("Great note from the future!"))
You can set authorized data parameter (It does not work on OTP messages.)
If this parameter passes as true, only SMS will be sent to phone numbers that have data permission.
return (new NetGsmSmsMessage("Your {$notifiable->service} was ordered!"))->setAuthorizedData(true);
Additionally, you can change the header.
return (new NetGsmSmsMessage("Your {$notifiable->service} was ordered!"))->setHeader("COMPANY");
You can use NetGsmOtpMessage instead of NetGsmSmsMessage to send an OTP message.
return (new NetGsmOtpMessage("Your {$notifiable->service} OTP Token Is : {$notifiable->otp_token}"));
For more information on sending OTP messages Netgsm OTP SMS Documentation
You can also send SMS or OTP messages using Netgsm Facade directly:
$message = new NetgsmSmsMessage("Your {$notifiable->service} was ordered!");
You can get SMS reports by date range or netgsm bulk id.
To receive a report, a report object must be created.
$report = new NetgsmSmsReport();
- NetgsmSmsReport (basic reports): Documentation
- NetgsmSmsDetailReport (detailed reports) Documentation
Method | Description | Type | Required | NetgsmSmsReport Support | NetgsmSmsDetailReport Support |
setStartDate() | Start Date | Carbon | No | Yes | Yes |
setEndDate() | End Date | Carbon | No | Yes | Yes |
setBulkId() | Netgsm Job Id | Integer | No | Yes | Yes |
setStatus() | Message Status | Integer | No | Yes | No |
setPhone() | Phone Number | String[] | No | Yes | Yes |
setHeader() | Header | String | No | Yes | Yes |
setVersion() | API Version | Integer | No | Yes | Yes |
You can get the SMS report to passing the report object to the Netgsm::getReports method. If successful, SMS report results will be returned as a collection.
// Start and end dates
$startDate = Carbon::now()->subDay()->setTime(0, 0, 0);
$endDate = Carbon::now()->setTime(0, 0, 0);
$report = new NetgsmSmsReport();
$reports = Netgsm::getReports($report);
Fields in the report result may differ depending on the specified report type and the report version parameter sent.
Report Results
Field | Version | NetgsmSmsReport Support | NetgsmSmsDetailReport Support |
jobId | All | Yes | Yes |
message | 1 | No | Yes |
phone | All | Yes | No |
status | All | Yes | Yes |
operatorCode | 2 | Yes | No |
length | 2 | Yes | No |
startDate | 2 | Yes | No |
startTime | 2 | Yes | No |
endDate | All | No | Yes |
errorCode | 2 | Yes | No |
header | All | No | Yes |
total | All | No | Yes |
With this service, you can inquire the remaining balance of your netgsm account and the credit balances of your packages.
Returns the remaining money balance on netgsm account. (TL)
Returns the credit balances of the packages defined in the relevant netgsm account.
class Illuminate\Support\Collection#105 (1) {
protected $items =>
array(3) {
[0] =>
array(3) {
'amount' =>
'amountType' =>
string(14) "Adet Flash Sms"
'packageType' =>
string(0) ""
[1] =>
array(3) {
'amount' =>
'amountType' =>
string(12) "Adet OTP Sms"
'packageType' =>
string(0) ""
[2] =>
array(3) {
'amount' =>
'amountType' =>
string(4) "Adet"
'packageType' =>
string(3) "SMS"
With these services you can add and search any address to IYS.
This service is used to add a phone number or email address to IYS using NetGsm IYS service.
Method | Description | Type | Required |
setRefId() | Reference id to query your request | String | No |
setType() | Communication type | String | Yes |
setSource() | Source of permission | String | Yes |
setRecipient() | phone number or email address | String | Yes |
setStatus() | Permission status | String | Yes |
setConsentDate() | Permission date | Datetime (YYYY-MM-DD H:i:s) | Yes |
setRecipientType() | Recipient type | String | Yes |
setRetailerCode() | Retailer code | Integer | No |
setRetailerAccess() | Retailer access | Integer | No |
$address = new \TarfinLabs\Netgsm\Iys\Requests\Add();
"code": "0",
"error": "false",
"uid": "73113cb9-dff0-415b-9491-xxxxxxxxxx"
$address = new \TarfinLabs\Netgsm\Iys\Requests\Add();
$iys = \TarfinLabs\Netgsm\Netgsm::iys();
"code": "0",
"error": "false",
"uid": "16116f5e-ae2a-4745-927a-xxxxxxxxxxx",
"erroritem": {
"1": {
"recipient": "Telefon numarası 13 karakter ve numerik olmalıdır.+9xxxx"
This service is used to search a phone number or email address on IYS using NetGsm IYS service.
Method | Description | Type | Required |
setType() | Communication type | String | Yes (if refId is set to null) |
setRecipient() | phone number or email address | String | Yes (if refId is set to null) |
setRecipientType() | Recipient type | String | Yes (if refId is set to null) |
setRefId() | Reference id to query your request | String | No |
$address = new \TarfinLabs\Netgsm\Iys\Requests\Search();
- Response with a matched address.
"code": "0",
"error": "false",
"query": {
"consentDate": "2020-11-06 11:22:34",
"source": "HS_FIZIKSEL_ORTAM",
"recipient": "+905XXXXXXXXX",
"recipientType": "BIREYSEL",
"type": "MESAJ",
"status": "ONAY",
"creationDate": "2020-11-06 11:23:49",
"retailerAccessCount": 0
// "querystatus": null
- Response without any matched address
"code": "50",
"error": "Kayıt bulunamadi."
composer test
Please see CHANGELOG for more information about what has changed recently.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update the tests as appropriate.
If you discover any security-related issues, please email development@tarfin.com instead of using the issue tracker.
Laravel Netgsm is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.