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バンジージャンプ イントゥ アビス - English translation


English translation project for the メイドインアビス (Made in Abyss) based game バンジージャンプ イントゥ アビス (Bungy Jump Into Abyss).

The game is available for Android and PC Windows.

Official website:


  • ✔️ All items, explorer' skills, abyss' events, special unit's description have been translated.

  • ❌ The image assets (blackboard-like background images) have been found in the extracted files but they have not been translated yet.

  • ❌ The menu/UI texts have not been found yet in the extracted files.



Special Unit Riko

Special Unit Nanachi

Explorer skills


Please note that this procedure is based on Windows 10 and Powershell.

Patch the Android version

  1. Extract the original APK file .\original.apk using the already included software Apktool (more info here):

    java -jar .\apktool.jar d .\original.apk -o .\extracted_apk


    make unpack
  2. Patch the assets

    • Options 1: use the already patched file

      Replace the file .\extracted_apk\assets\bin\Data\data.unity3d with this file.

    • Option 2: patch the single assets manually

      From AssetBundleExtractor go to File -> Open and select the file .\extracted_apk\assets\bin\Data\data.unity3d. Select a folder to save the uncompressed files (you can use the current folder .\).

      Select the element resources.assets (Assets) as shown below:


      Search and patch the text assets. To patch a text asset you have to select it and then Plugin -> Import from .txt selecting the appropriate translated file from the folder .\translation_files\en\.


      The files to be patched are the following:

      • abyss
      • event
      • item
      • skill
      • spchar

      When all the files are patched go to File -> Apply and Save All. Replace the original file .\extracted_apk\assets\bin\Data\data.unity3d with the modded one. Keep the same name otherwise it will not work.

    Additionally you can change the app name by opening the file extracted_apk\res\values\strings.xml and replacing

    <string name="app_name">バンジージャンプ イントゥ アビス</string>


    <string name="app_name">Bungy Jump Into Abyss</string>
  3. Generate the APK file from the modified files (more info here):

    java -jar .\apktool.jar b .\extracted_apk\ -o .\build\packed.apk


    make pack
  4. Execute the zipalign command to optimize the APK (more info here):

    zipalign -v 4 .\build\packed.apk .\build\aligned.apk


    make align
  5. Generate a self-signed key to sign the APK (more info here):

    keytool -genkey -v -keystore key.keystore -alias apk_key -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 36500


    make generate-key

    When asked to input some information you can leave it blank and press ENTER. You don't have to choose a complex password unless you plan to re-use this key for other projects.

  6. Sign the APK with the already generated key (more info here):

    apksigner sign -v --out .\build\signed.apk --ks .\key.keystore --ks-key-alias apk_key .\build\aligned.apk


    make sign

    Enter the password when asked.

The English patched APK file will be located in .\build\signed.apk.

Patch the PC Windows version

  1. Extract the file .\original_installers\

  2. Patch the assets

    • Options 1: use the already patched file

      Replace the file .\BungyJumpIntoAbyss_Data\resources.assets with this file.

    • Option 2: patch the single assets manually

      From AssetBundleExtractor go to File -> Open and select the extracted file .\BungyJumpIntoAbyss_Data\resources.assets. Follow the same procedure used for the Android version (step 2.) to patch the text assets. When all the files are patched go to File -> Apply and Save All. Replace the original file .\BungyJumpIntoAbyss_Data\resources.assets with the modded one. Keep the same name otherwise it will not work.

Note: gamesave will be located in C:\Users\{USER}\AppData\LocalLow\kokoromati\バンジージャンプ イントゥ アビス.

Cheat mode

It is possible to modify the text assets to add a special item that gives invulnerability against all entities in the Abyss (except the final unknown entity found below depth 15500m).

To add this item you need to modify the file .\translation_files\en\item.txt by adding the following code:

        "id": "item-godmode",
        "name": "God Mode",
        "desc": "Invincible. Exp. multiplier. Shared exp. Time relic selection.",
        "buy": 1,
        "sell": 9999999,
        "avertDrowning": true,
        "avertSickness": true,
        "avertCursing": true,
        "fixPP": 99999,
        "fixMP": 99999,
        "ratioAvertMenPower": 100.0,
        "ratioAvertPhyPower": 100.0,
        "ratioPPDamageEvent": 0.01,
        "ratioMPDamageEvent": 0.01,
        "ratioMPCureEvent": 10.0,
        "ratioExp": 1000.0,
        "avertPhysical": 999999,
        "avertMental": 999999,
        "shareExp": 1.0,
        "percentTakeout": 100,
        "selectTime": 5.0,

You also need to add this item in the in-game shop by modifying the file .\translation_files\en\shopProduct.txt and including an extra element in the list:

        "shopProducts": [