Market1501 Person Re-Identification Task Using Relational Networks
./src folder contains a couple of source files for the implementation.
./src/model/ contains a relation network which calculates a similarity of two image/feature pair input.
./src/model/ contains a relation network which calculate a feature for a single image/feature input.
./src/data/ contains loader classes for images or pre-extracted features.
./src/utility/ contains evaluation function for Market1501.
./src/trainer/ can be used to extract features from images using Resnet.
./src/data/ contains the dataset class.
./src/data/ contains batch samplers. Pairwise sampling is used to learn the relations between different identities.
./src/trainer/ is the script for training and testing, using image pairs to extract relations.
./src/trainer/ is the script for training and testing, using a single image to extract the relations.
./src/utility/ contains some utility functions.
./src/utility/ contains different types of loss function classes.
This work is inspired by the work of Santoro et al.