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51 lines (36 loc) · 2.29 KB


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Installation instructions:

How to install the package:

  1. Install the tmcRtestrunner package i. On the terminal, navigate to the folder where tmcrstudioaddin_0.2.9.tar.gz is located, and run the command R CMD INSTALL tmcrstudioaddin_0.2.9.tar.gz ii. Alternatively, one can enter the R command devtools::install_github("testmycode/tmc-r-tester/tmcRtestrunner", build = FALSE) in the R console to directly download from GitHub

  2. Next, either: i. Go to tmcrstudioaddin's parent directory, open R and type install.packages("tmcrstudioaddin", repos = NULL, type = "source"). If this fails, install RStudio version that is at least 1.3.10731 (from Also install the required packages manually (with install.packages("package_name")). ii. Alternatively, on the terminal, navigate to the folder where tmcrstudioaddin_0.8.9.tar.gz is located, and run the command R CMD INSTALL tmcrstudioaddin_0.8.9.tar.gz. You still need to install the required packages manually (with install.packages("package_name")).

  3. Once the package tmcrstudioaddin is installed, open RStudio and select "Addins" from upper bar and there TMC R 0.8.9.


The project was created as a Software Engineering Lab project at the Department of Computer Science in the University of Helsinki. The authors are:

Current maintainer