For license information check the LICENSE-file.
Yii 2 Decomposer decomposes and lists all the installed packages and their dependencies along with the Yii 2 Framework & the Server environment details your app is running in. All these just on the hit of a single route at your-domain/decomposer
This extension base on lubusIN/laravel-decomposer wrapper for Laravel user component.
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
composer require thangnm93/yii2-decomposer
or add
"thangnm93/yii2-decomposer": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json
Once the extension is installed, simply modify your application configuration as follows:
return [
'bootstrap' => ['decomposer'],
'modules' => [
'decomposer' => [
'class' => 'thangnm93\decomposer\Module',
// ...
Config common/config/main.php
to use Yii::$app->decompose
return [
'components' => [
'decompose' => [
'class' => 'thangnm93\decomposer\Decomposer',
Get Report as an Array
You might want to access the Decomposer Report in your code so that it could be passed to any third party services like Bugsnag, etc. or maybe you want to log it yourself somewhere if required.
helper method has been introduced to solve the same requirement. -
First use the Decomposer class at the top as follows:
use thangnm93\decomposer\helpers\DecomposerHelper;
Then use the
helper method as follows:$decomposerStats = DecomposerHelper::getReportArray();
It returns a multi-dimensional associative array with 4 keys: Server Environment, Yii 2 Environment & Installed Packages & Extra stats(If you or a package in your app have added any) having the respective details as an associative array.
Get Report as JSON
You might want to access the same Decomposer Report as JSON
helper method has been introduced to solve the same requirement. -
First use the Decomposer class at the top as follows:
use thangnm93\decomposer\helpers\DecomposerHelper;
Then use the
helper method as follows:$decomposerStats = DecomposerHelper::getReportJson();
It returns the report as JSON
Thank you for considering contributing to the Yii 2 Decomposer. You can read the contribution guide lines here
If you discover any security related issues, please email to