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Provanto is a testing framework for Dyalog APL, including the fully automated testing of ⎕WC user interfaces.

It is included with Dado, and may be run with the user command ]Dado.Runtests. Dado expects the tests to be in the namespace Tests and the code to be in the namespace Main, unless otherwise specified. Provanto is also distributed as a single namespace script for copy/pasting into a project, with no need for Dado. And, as a Dado project itself, Provanto may be included as a dependency in the normal way.

The Tests Namespace

Provanto requires one or more test suites which are namespaces containing test functions.
The Tests namespace may be a test suite itself, or a parent namespace contain multiple test suites. The Test functions must be named with the prefix Test. A test suite may contain application specific helper functions. However, there are four reserved words (function/operator names): Assert and Try should not be used in a test suite, and Startup and Teardown have special meaning outlined below.

A test function is a gauntlet of assertions terminated by a 0. For example, to test the primitive function + we might write:

     Assert 4=2+2:
     Assert 2 3 4≡1 2 3+1:
     Assert 5 6≡2+3 4:
     Assert 5=2 3+Try 4 5 6:
     Assert 11=2+Try'A':

The Assert function requires a scalar Boolean right argument. It preceeds a naked guard. The Try operator attempts to apply the function with the given arguments, and returns the error number or 0 if no error is generated.

Note that the naked guard technique is not a requirement. The requirement is that if the assertion is true, the test function continues. Thus the naked guard may be avoided by using a trad function for the test or by assigning the result of Assert.

A test function may include additional expressions as necessary. It is typical to use two lines for each assertion, the first to compute a value, the subsequent one to test the value. For real examples, see the tests for the Text2Date project.

Test Result Codes

A test should explicitly return a 0 for Passed. The framework provides a 1 for Failed, or a 2 for Broken. A test may explicilty return a 3 for Not Applicable, or or 4 for Disabled.

Running the Tests

The Run function takes a test suite or parent namespace containing multiple test suites, and executes the tests:

      {R}←[X [Y]] Run T [C] 

T is a test suite or namespace of test suites. C is an optional namespace of code the provision of which triggers code coverage reporting. X is an optional Boolean flag that if set to 1 stops the Run function on failed or broken tests. Y is an optional integer from 0 to 3 that progressively suppresses session output. R is a namespace full of useful results for further processing or reporting.

The following is an example from the Text2Date project:

      #.Provanto.Main.Run #.Text2Date.(Tests Main)
Running suite: Tests
Passed:       #.Text2Date.Tests.TestCenturyWindow
Passed:       #.Text2Date.Tests.TestComplexNumbers
Passed:       #.Text2Date.Tests.TestErrorTrapping
Passed:       #.Text2Date.Tests.TestExcelFormats
Passed:       #.Text2Date.Tests.TestFalsePostives
Passed:       #.Text2Date.Tests.TestFixedFormats
Passed:       #.Text2Date.Tests.TestInferFormat
Passed:       #.Text2Date.Tests.TestLeadingVariableElement
Passed:       #.Text2Date.Tests.TestMultipleFormats
Passed:       #.Text2Date.Tests.TestNumericData
Passed:       #.Text2Date.Tests.TestPattern
Passed:       #.Text2Date.Tests.TestUndelimitedFixedFormats
Passed:       #.Text2Date.Tests.TestVariableFormats
 Total  Passed  Failed  Broken  N/A  Disabled 
    13      13       0       0    0         0 

Code coverage: 100%

If code coverage is activated, the test namespace is automatically added to the code measured for coverage.

Startup and Teardown

Each test suite may contain a Startup function and a Teardown function. These are automatically run before and after the tests in the suite. There may also be a Startup and Teardown function in the parent namespace of a set of suites, which are run once for all of the suites.

Testing GUI Code

Provanto provides simple tools for the automated testing of GUIs built with ⎕WC. The #.Provanto.SampleGUIApp namepace contains a sample GUI application and associated tests. Typically the Startup function will create the GUI and initialize the primary form for automated testing. The Startup function in the sample GUI app is:

     _←1 ##.Main.Run 0
     _←#.Provanto.QWC.Init ##.Main.fmSampleApp

This creates the GUI and then intializes the primary form, preparing it for automated tests. Once this is done, a typical test might look like:

     s←GetAppState 0
     Enter'Name' 'A12B345C':
     Assert e.Text≡'ABC':
     Assert s.AllowDigits:
     Enter'Name' '12345':
     Assert e.Text≡'ABC12345':

The GetAppState function is a user-provided function that gives easy access to the state of the application It might return a namepace, a class, or anything at all. The Get and Enter functions are injected into the test namepace by QWC.Init (just like Assert and Try are injected). Get retrieves objects from the primary form using as short a path as possible. Enter takes some action on a GUI object. In the case of the checkbox AllowDigits, it simply toggles it. In the case of the edit oject Name, it enters the provided text. Enter will expect different arguments for different types of objects, and do different things depending on the type of object.

Events may be fired using the Fire function.