Open skeleton tracking using Kinect Log in to the Windows workstation. Password is on the sticky note
Skeleton Tracking: Start Delicode NI mate 2 and access it from the system tray icon. Click on the icon and select Control Interface.
In Setup Default IP = 127.0 .0 .1
Port = 7000 Or whichever is in the server.js file
Start the service if not started already
Expand the Kinect for Windows option in the list Select Skeleton tracking In Skeleton tracking you can see the joints being tracked from the Kinect. Select or Deselect Hands option according to the need
You can see the tracking on the Screen
NOTE: Make sure that the Origin is set to Sensor
Logging Kinect data to the Ubuntu workstation.
Run Windows command line
Press Win+R key, input cmd
in the box and hit Enter.
Navigate to the folder C:\Users\trina\Desktop\hiro_ws\websock-osc-master
cd Desktop\hiro_ws\websock-osc-master
And open this service
node server.js
This will enable the sharing of data with the Ubuntu workstation
Make sure Baxtett is ON and ssh into the robot using
ssh trina@trina-server
To enable robot run the following command
rosrun baxter_tools -e
To disable the robot run this command
rosrun baxter_tools -d
Enable hands by
roslaunch ebolabot_bringup hands.launch
We will be working on the handover package of the hmc_ws Navigate to the necessary folder and work on your part.
NOTE: We are going to use ROS and Python heavily, so make sure that you learn it in the next couple of weeks