1179 commits
to master
since this release
We are approaching the final alpha release so that is why a second point alpha was released so early. We are in hurry, ya know ;)
What was fixed:
- Fixed issue where the album arts weren't loading #56
- Tries to fix audio cuts in mobile #39 Critical Bug
- Fixed issue where song forward order in grouped/sorted list was unlogical.
- Fixed sorting by Year.
What was improved:
- Player startup was improved #61
- AlbumView loading was improved with
- Jumplists were improved. #60
- Settings UI was rewritten and redesigned.
- UI and Icons were redesigned. (Hamburger Menu was tinkered with a lot).
What was added:
- New sorting category (By Genre).
- Ability to place PlayBar on top or bottom.
- Auto-Loading of Music Library on first start.
- A redesigned "About" tab was added in settings.
What wasn't fixed:
- Issue where forwarding songs rapidly made the Next Function dysfunctional. #52