return back to README
- "Harder" Patty buff option, toggleable
- Patty does not get interrupted during heal animation
- Anti-Melee Lock for Patty(if he wants to heal and enemy is within melee range, force chaingun attack)
- Zed Gun disintegrates Explosive Gunner projectiles
- Flamethrower/Explosive damage blows up Explosive Gunner projectiles
- Mutator configurations to add:
- Restore old Headshot function
- Restore old Wave System(if possible)
- Disable Health Scaling
- Option to enable Hardpat
- Play minigun whirring sound when Ranged Pound enters prefire animation so that it's less unexpected.
- Ranged Pounds that have LoS timed out from their attack should fire nearly immediately after making contact with the player.
- Explosive Pound spawns alongside Fleshpounds
- Add additional Siren "explosive block" state in controller similar to Fleshpound Spinstate that causes each explosive within range to explode.
- Redo animation for RangedPreFireMG, removing excessive head shake and point minigun accurately
- Mirror Scrake melee animation for Explosive Pound(probably never?)
- Make Fleshpound Avoid Area's only spawn when enraged and make Avoid Area extend a couple of meters infront of Fleshpounds to make zeds "Clear the way"
- Currently, Fleshpound Avoid Area has been temporarily removed until this is done.
- Log Spams(update this with specific log spam later)
- Bloat Puke Damtype bugs out Bilebomb and puking generally for an unknown reasson
- Bloat puke can be seen through walls(KFMod issue).
- (Vel) Check for compatibility with Scrake Spin Fix Mut (Or other muts e.g. Hard Pat, Texture mods etc... (?))