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Tock Vue Kit

A Vue 3 chat widget to easily embed Tock into web pages or web apps.


Try the Tock Vue Kit (and the Tock Vue Kit Editor) on the demo page


Run a Tock Bot in API mode

Quick Start

Basic html page integration example

Include js and css files:

<script src=""></script>

<!-- Next line can be omitted if no Latex formula is expected in bot responses -->

Display the chat widget in desired target:

<div id="chat-wrapper"></div>


Vue3 3.4.29 integration example

Install the dependency:

npm install tock-vue-kit

In the desired component:

<script setup lang="ts">
  import { onMounted, ref } from "vue";
  import "tock-vue-kit/dist/style.css";
  import { renderChat } from "tock-vue-kit";

  const chatTarget = ref<HTMLElement>();

  onMounted(() => {
    renderChat(chatTarget.value!, "<TOCK_BOT_API_URL>");

  <div ref="chatTarget"></div>

<style scoped>
  /* Any scoped styling... */

<!-- Use unscoped styling to visualy customize the Tvk widget -->
  :root {
    --tvk_colors_brand-hue: 214;
    --tvk_colors_brand-lightness: 42%;
    --tvk_colors_brand-saturation: 40%;
    --tvk_colors_dark_neutral: white;
    --tvk_colors_dark_text1: white;
    --tvk_colors_dark_text2: white;
    --tvk_wrapper_height: calc(98vh - 6em);

If Latex formulas are expected in bot responses, include the katex css file as well.

For example, directly in the component :

<style lang="scss">
  @import url("");

Or by installing the library locally:

npm install katex

And then by including the css in your imports :

import "katex/dist/katex.min.css";

Angular 18.1.0 integration example

Install the dependency:

npm install tock-vue-kit

In the desired component:

import {
} from "@angular/core";
import { renderChat } from "tock-vue-kit";
import "tock-vue-kit/dist/style.css";

  selector: "app-my-component",
  standalone: true,
  template: `<div #chatTarget></div>`,
  styles: `
  :root {
    --tvk_colors_brand-hue: 214;
    --tvk_colors_brand-lightness: 42%;
    --tvk_colors_brand-saturation: 40%;
    --tvk_colors_light_background: hsl(var(--tvk_colors_brand-hue) 50% 90%);
    --tvk_colors_dark_neutral: white;
    --tvk_colors_dark_text1: white;
    --tvk_colors_dark_text2: white;
    --tvk_wrapper_height: calc(100vh - 5em);
    --tvk_wrapper_max-height: calc(100vh - 5em);
  encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
export class MyComponentComponent {
  @ViewChild("chatTarget") chatTarget!: ElementRef<HTMLDivElement>;

  ngAfterViewInit() {
    renderChat(this.chatTarget.nativeElement, "<TOCK_BOT_API_URL>");

If Latex formulas are expected in bot responses, include the katex css file as well.

For example, by localy installing the katex library:

npm install katex

And then including katex css file in your angular.json :

"projects": {
      "architect": {
        "build": {
          "options": {
            "styles": [

React 18.3.1 integration example

Install the dependency:

npm install tock-vue-kit

In a css file, define your visual customizations of the widget (styles.css by example):

:root {
  --tvk_colors_brand-hue: 214;
  --tvk_colors_brand-lightness: 42%;
  --tvk_colors_brand-saturation: 40%;
  --tvk_colors_light_background: hsl(var(--tvk_colors_brand-hue) 50% 90%);
  --tvk_colors_dark_neutral: white;
  --tvk_colors_dark_text1: white;
  --tvk_colors_dark_text2: white;
  --tvk_wrapper_height: calc(100vh - 5em);
  --tvk_wrapper_max-height: calc(100vh - 5em);

Finally in the desired component:

import { useRef, useEffect } from "react";
import { renderChat } from "tock-vue-kit";
import "tock-vue-kit/dist/style.css";
import "./styles.css";

function App() {
  const chatTarget = useRef(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    renderChat(chatTarget.current, "<TOCK_BOT_API_URL>");

  return <div ref={chatTarget}></div>;

export default App;

If Latex formulas are expected in bot responses, include the katex css file as well

Svelte 4.2.7 integration example

Install the dependency:

npm install tock-vue-kit

In the desired component:

  :root {
    --tvk_colors_brand-hue: 214;
    --tvk_colors_brand-lightness: 42%;
    --tvk_colors_brand-saturation: 40%;
    --tvk_colors_light_background: hsl(var(--tvk_colors_brand-hue) 50% 90%);
    --tvk_colors_dark_neutral: white;
    --tvk_colors_dark_text1: white;
    --tvk_colors_dark_text2: white;
    --tvk_wrapper_height: calc(98vh - 6em);

  import { onMount } from "svelte";
  import { renderChat } from "tock-vue-kit";
  import "tock-vue-kit/dist/style.css";

  /** @type {HTMLDivElement} */
  let chatTarget;

  onMount(() => {
    renderChat(chatTarget, "<TOCK_BOT_API_URL>");

<div bind:this="{chatTarget}"></div>

If Latex formulas are expected in bot responses, include the katex css file as well

Note on KaTeX Integration

To optimize the size of our library and cater to the diverse needs of our users, we have chosen not to include the KaTeX CSS by default. Since the display of LaTeX formulas is not a required feature for all users, this approach helps reduce the overall weight of the library.

If you need the LaTeX formula display functionality, you can easily include the KaTeX CSS in your project by adding the following line to your HTML file or importing it into your CSS:


This will enable the display of mathematical formulas while giving you control over the resources loaded in your application.

Render method arguments



The first argument of TockVueKit.renderChat method is the element where to render the widget. The element must be present in the document and provided as a HTMLElement reference.


The second argument is the url of the Tock instance to communicate with. This can be found in Tock Studio in Settings > Configurations, Relative REST path field (add the hosting domain of the Tock instance before the given path).


The third argument hosts the widget's customization options. See below.

Customization options

Customization options are functional options of the widget. For visual widget customization, see Visual customization below. Customization options are provided in the form of an object that can contain the following optional attributes:

Tock Vue Kit Editor offers an easy way to define customization options (See demo page, click Editor switch then see Preferences and Wording tabs)


Options relating to the persistence in localStorage of messages exchanged by the user with the Tock instance :

Property name Description Type Default
enabled Retain conversation history in local storage Boolean False
prefix Prefix for local storage keys allowing communication with different bots from the same domain String undefined
maxNumberMessages Maximum number of messages to store in local storage. Passing this limit, older messages are removed of history. Integer 20

Example :

    localStorage : {
      enabled : true,
      prefix : 'myprefix',
      maxNumberMessages : 15


Property name Description Type Default
extraHeaders Additional HTTP header key/value pairs to be supplied in requests. Warning : Tock server configuration required. Key/Value pairs undefined
welcomeMessage Initial bot message to be displayed to the user at startup. It will not be sent to the bot and will be stored in local storage, if any. String undefined
openingMessage Initial user message to be sent to the bot at startup to trigger a welcome sequence. It will not be displayed to the user and will not be stored in local storage, if any. String undefined

Example :

    "initialization": {
      "extraHeaders": {
        "my-header-name": "My header value",
        "other-header-name": "other header value"
      "welcomeMessage": "Hi, how can i help you today ?"


Property name Description Type Default
messages Messages options Messages
questionBar User input area options QuestionBar


Property name Description Type Default
hideIfNoMessages Hide messages container if there is no messages to display. Boolean true
clearOnNewRequest If true, deletes previous messages when a new user request is sent Boolean false
parseBotResponsesMarkdown If true, the text of the bot's responses is evaluated by a markown parser, transformed into html markup and then injected in dom after sanitizing. This includes syntax highlighting of code blocks and display of Latex and MathML content. If false, the textual content of the bot's responses is displayed in plain text, even if it's markdown and/or html content. Boolean true
message Message options Message
footNotes Footnotes options FootNotes
Property name Description Type Default
hideUserMessages If true, user messages are not displayed. Boolean false
header Message header options Header
Property name Description Type Default
display Display a header above message. Boolean true
avatar Message header avatar options Avatar
label Message header label options Label
Property name Description Type Default
display Display an avatar in message header. Boolean true
userIcon Class name of the user avatar icon (displayed only if User image is not defined). String bi bi-person-fill
userImage Image of the user avatar. ImageDef undefined
botIcon Class name of the bot avatar icon (displayed only if Bot image is not defined). String bi bi-robot
botImage Image of the bot avatar. ImageDef undefined
Property name Description Type Default
display Display a label in message header (cf wording.messages.message.header.labelUser and wording.messages.message.header.labelBot for textual content). Boolean true

Footnotes can optionally be added to Rag messages.

Property name Description Type Default
display For RAG responses, display the sources used to generate the answer if any. Boolean true
requireSourcesContent For RAG responses, request the textual content of the source in addition to the source title and link. Boolean false
parseContentMarkdown If true, the text content of footnotes is evaluated by a markown parser, transformed into html markup and then injected in dom after sanitizing. If false, content of sources is displayed in plain text. Boolean true
clampSourceContent For RAG responses with sources content, truncate the textual source content. Boolean true
clampSourceContentNbLines For RAG responses with sources content, number of lines after which to truncate text. Integer 2
displayOnMessageSide For RAG responses, any sources are displayed on one side of the message response rather than directly following the response. Boolean false


Property name Description Type Default
clearTypedCharsOnSubmit Whether or not the question input field should be cleared on submit. Boolean true
maxUserInputLength Max length of the user input message string Integer 500
clearHistory Options of clear hitsory button clearHistory
submit Options of submit button submit
Property name Description Type Default
display Show the clear discussion and history button Boolean true
icon Class name of the clear history control icon (displayed only if no image is defined) String bi bi-trash-fill
image Image of the clearHistory control ImageDef undefined
Property name Description Type Default
icon Class name of the submit control icon (displayed only if no image is defined) String bi bi-send-fill
image Image of the submit control ImageDef undefined


Option object for providing images references.

Property name Description Type
width Width in which to display the image. String
height Height in which to display the image. String
src Src of the image (url or svg data image) String

Example :

    "preferences": {
      "messages": {
        "hideIfNoMessages": false,
        "message": {
          "header": {
            "avatar": {
              "userImage": {
                "src": "",
                "width": "1em",
                "height": "1em"
            "label": {
              "display": false
        "footNotes": {
          "requireSourcesContent": true,
          "clampSourceContentNbLines": "4"
      "questionBar": {
        "submit": {
          "icon": "bi bi-arrow-right-circle-fill"


The Wording customization option lets you redefine all or part of the text displayed by the widget.

Property name Description Type Default
messages Messages wording Messages
questionBar User input area wording QuestionBar
connectionErrorMessage Connection error message String An unexpected error occured. Please try again later.


Property name Description Type
message Message wording Message
Property name Description Type
header Message header wording Header
footnotes Message footnotes wording Footnotes
Property name Description Type Default
labelUser Message header user label String You
labelBot Message header bot label String Bot
Property name Description Type Default
sources Footnotes label String Sources:
showMoreLink Show more link label String > Show more


Property name Description Type Default
clearHistory Clear history button label String
clearHistoryAriaLabel Clear history button Aria label String Clear discussion and history button
submit Submit button label String
submitAriaLabel Submit button Aria label String Submit button
input Input field wording Input
Property name Description Type Default
placeholder User input placeholder String Ask me a question...

Example :

    "wording": {
      "messages": {
        "message": {
          "header": {
            "labelUser": "Vous"
          "footnotes": {
            "sources": "Sources :",
            "showMoreLink": "> Voir plus"
      "questionBar": {
        "clearHistoryAriaLabel": "Effacer la discussion et l'historique",
        "input": {
          "placeholder": "Posez moi une question..."
        "submitAriaLabel": "Bouton d'envoi"
      "connectionErrorMessage": "Une erreur est survenue. Merci de réessayer dans quelques instants."

Visual customization

Most of the css rules that shape the widget are defined by css variables.

Each of these variables has a default value, which you are free to redefine according to your needs. Use your DevTools to identify the variables to overload or take a look at the Tock Vue Kit Editor via its demo page. The css variables are prefixed with the string “--tvk” so as not to unintentionally impact the page hosting the widget.

Tock Vue Kit Editor offers an easy way to define and export css variables customization (See demo page, click Editor switch then see Styling and Output tabs)

You can redefine the desired css variables in a number of ways:

Visual customization in source

Redefine desired css variables in the source of the page hosting the widget, anywhere after inclusion of the css file.

Example :

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge" />
    <title>My Website</title>
    <script src=""></script>
    <link href="node_modules/tock-vue-kit/dist/style.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <script src="node_modules/tock-vue-kit/dist/tock-vue-kit.umd.cjs"></script>
      :root {
        --tvk_colors_brand-hue: 214;
        --tvk_colors_brand-lightness: 42%;
        --tvk_colors_brand-saturation: 40%;
        --tvk_colors_dark_neutral: white;
        --tvk_colors_dark_text1: white;
        --tvk_colors_dark_text2: white;
        --tvk_wrapper_height: calc(98vh - 6em);
      <h1>Welcome to My Website</h1>
      <div id="chat-wrapper"></div>


Visual customization in a separate css file

Create a separate css file where you redefine css variables and include this file in source, after inclusion of main css file.

Example :

Main html page

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge" />
    <title>My Website</title>
    <script src=""></script>
    <link href="node_modules/tock-vue-kit/dist/style.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <script src="node_modules/tock-vue-kit/dist/tock-vue-kit.umd.cjs"></script>
    <link href="my-visual-customization.css" rel="stylesheet" />
      <h1>Welcome to My Website</h1>
      <div id="chat-wrapper"></div>


Separate customization file (my-visual-customization.css in this example)

:root {
  --tvk_colors_brand-hue: 214;
  --tvk_colors_brand-lightness: 42%;
  --tvk_colors_brand-saturation: 40%;
  --tvk_colors_dark_neutral: white;
  --tvk_colors_dark_text1: white;
  --tvk_colors_dark_text2: white;
  --tvk_wrapper_height: calc(98vh - 6em);

Visual customization with javascript

If necessary, you can inject css variable overloads with javascript at runtime.

Example :

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge" />
    <title>My Website</title>
    <script src=""></script>
    <link href="node_modules/tock-vue-kit/dist/style.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <script src="node_modules/tock-vue-kit/dist/tock-vue-kit.umd.cjs"></script>
      <h1>Welcome to My Website</h1>
      <div id="chat-wrapper"></div>


      const styling = {
        "--tvk_colors_brand-hue": "214",
        "--tvk_colors_brand-lightness": "42%",
        "--tvk_colors_brand-saturation": "40%",
          "hsl(var(--tvk_colors_brand-hue) 50% 20%)",
        "--tvk_colors_dark_neutral": "white",
        "--tvk_colors_dark_text1": "white",
        "--tvk_colors_dark_text2": "white",
          "hsl(var(--tvk_colors_brand-hue) 50% 90%)",
        "--tvk_wrapper_height": "calc(98vh - 6em)",

      let root = document.documentElement;
      Object.entries(styling).forEach((style) => {[0], style[1]);

More advanced visual customization

If you need to modify the widget's appearance in greater depth, use your own version of the "dist/style.css" file, which you can then customize as you see fit.

About colors

The Tock Vue Kit supports light and dark modes out of the box. Based on the three HSL variables (--tvk_colors_brand-hue, --tvk_colors_brand-lightness and --tvk_colors_brand-saturation), two sets of color variables (light and dark) are defined. The variables in each of these two sets contain the discriminants light or dark in their names, enabling the colors for each mode to be defined easily and independently (--tvk_colors_light_text1 | --tvk_colors_dark_text1, --tvk_colors_light_surface1 | --tvk_colors_dark_surface1, etc.). These are automatically mapped to their non-discriminating equivalent (--tvk_colors_text1, --tvk_colors_surface1, etc.) according to the state of the “data-theme” (or “data-bs-theme”) html tag attribute. Wherever color variables are referenced, the non-discriminant versions are used. This makes it possible to switch seamlessly between light and dark modes. Take a look at the demo page of the Tock Vue Kit Editor to better understand this mechanism.