2383 commits
to master
since this release
- #261 sum of label stats is not equals to stats total
- #270 implements handover protocol
- #278 predefined list entity: add documentation
- #281 fixes IAE invalid hexadecimal representation of an ObjectId
- #282 switch to mongo replicaset by default
- #284 bot admin: "add new answer" admin panel displays conf names in select box instead of bot ids
- #285 trying to store a list or a map in dialog context should throw an error
- #287 messenger: add page id in custom events
- #288 switchStory should keep step when relevant
- #289 ensure refresh bot answers when bot configuration is updated
- #290 use $changeStream to listen configuration changes
- #291 xray: add xray execution in admin interface
- #292 bot: does not select a step if StoryStep.intent returns null
- #293 bot: add UserTimelineDAO#updatePlayerId