Releases: theopenconversationkit/tock
Releases · theopenconversationkit/tock
- Atomic user lock (thanks to @Bertrand )
- #304 SimpleAnswer configurations use intent i18n category
- #305 set default delay for multi answers
- #307 add account linking for google assistant
- #308 cleanup Dialog/UserTimeline utilities
- #309 fixes getting started page and update doc
- #310 bot: add feature flipping support
- #311 bot engine: automatic cast for bus context value
- #312 define ConfigurableStoryHandler
- #313 bot toolkit: wait for nlp availability at startup
- #314 bot test engine: support StoryHandlerListener
- #294 add not understood sentence count in admin interface
- #295 bot : handle intent disambiguation
- #296 bot: handle entity disambiguation
- #297 bot: dot not fail on nlp listener throwing error
- #298 add loadByTemporaryIdsWithoutDialogs in UserTimelineDAO
- #299 bot: configuration is not always loaded at startup
- #300 bot: allow to select an existing intent for custom answer
- #301 bot test: add locale & nlp stats info
- #261 sum of label stats is not equals to stats total
- #270 implements handover protocol
- #278 predefined list entity: add documentation
- #281 fixes IAE invalid hexadecimal representation of an ObjectId
- #282 switch to mongo replicaset by default
- #284 bot admin: "add new answer" admin panel displays conf names in select box instead of bot ids
- #285 trying to store a list or a map in dialog context should throw an error
- #287 messenger: add page id in custom events
- #288 switchStory should keep step when relevant
- #289 ensure refresh bot answers when bot configuration is updated
- #290 use $changeStream to listen configuration changes
- #291 xray: add xray execution in admin interface
- #292 bot: does not select a step if StoryStep.intent returns null
- #293 bot: add UserTimelineDAO#updatePlayerId
The major new feature of the release is the new way to add bot connector: directly via the admin interface (#274 )
- #132 i18n: add label usage stats
- #262 nlp: add predefined list entity support
- #271 Interface error with last snapshot in the "Entity Errors" menu
- #272 bot should use the best qualifier value when unknown intent is returned by nlp
- #273 nlp: unknown intent should not throw fatal error in intent selector
- #274 live refresh of bot configuration
- #275 add option to fill nlp models in memory at startup
- #279 send choice should activate disabled bot
- #259 avoid multi-namespace blocking issue
- #260 add BotBus.handleAndSwitchStory method
- #261 add log stats persistence
- #263 nlp admin: status glitch on firefox
- #264 property tock.logback.fileAppender=true throws NPE
- #265 messenger: media template support
- #266 improves entity types cache
- #267 bot framework: rename ContextValue to EntityValue
- #269 alexa: add session start & end support
The 1.0.0 Tock release is available
- #247 add unwanted english locale when importing nlp dump from code
- #248 Forced to add a trigger word while connecting to Slack
- #249 alexa: requestSignatureCheck not activated
- #250 rename ContextValue.set to ContextValue.setTo
- #251 i18n: two labels of two different namespaces may not have same id
- #252 Application dump import when using shared intents triggers bugs in angular
- #253 I18nLabelValue should not be a data class
- #254 i18n alternative sentences: ensure alternative sentences are not used twice
- #256 alexa: response without text should not fail
- #257 remove logback file from tock
- #258 bot admin: add bot configuration support for slack & alexa custom configuration parameters
- #259 nlp admin: state & mandatory intents can not be removed
- #224 Can't choose connector type while creating a new Bot configuration
- #241 admin: better design for sidenav
- #242 messenger: allow to add connector from a property file
- #243 ga: add image url in list template
- #244 bot: new test dsl helpers for junit5
- #245 messenger: do not throw exception using listTemplate when more than 4 items
- #223 can't create two intents with the same name in different NLP applications
- #225 admin: bot configurations are not displayed if there is no nlp model
- #226 bot: two connectors with same id should throw an exception at startup
- #227 slack monitoring is broken
- #228 bot: steps are not initialized to the right intent
- #229 alexa: add monitoring support
- #230 nlp app dump: new locale are not added when app already exists
- #233 bot admin: allow to update the configuration from the admin
- #235 nlp: validated sentences bypass nlp intent restrictions
- #236 move to kmongo dsl
- #237 nlp log : add intents qualifiers in logs
- #238 cannot attach simple file with facebook messenger