A node JS based app to replace Brightcove's deprecated FTP upload.
- Git for source controlling.
- Node JS for HTTP serving and server JS moduling.
- Express JS application framework
- [Brightcove APIs] (https://support.brightcove.com/getting-started-brightcove-apis) Brightcove APIs
- Node Package Manager for server JS package managing.
This app is using Winston for logging which interacts with the npm logging levels: { error: 0, warn: 1, info: 2, verbose: 3, debug: 4, silly: 5 }
The maximum level of messages that winston logs is determined by NODE_ENV in bcls-proxy.js.
NODE_ENV is set by passing DEBUG_LEVEL arg to docker e.g. in docker run command add: -e DEBUG_LEVEL=silly (will show everything but silly messages)
- Clone repo
- At command line cd to repo
- Run
NODE_ENV=silly LOG_FILE='log/bcls-proxy.log' npm start
- If successful you will see messages showing servers running on port 8001 and 8002
- Access site in browser at localhost:3000