This is an API for a news articles PSQL database.
It has articles that:
- are divided into topics.
- users can add (and remove) comments on.
- can be up or down voted.
- can be deleted
The comments:
- can be up or down voted
- can be deleted
It has topics:
- that are linked to articles
Actions can only be performed by users with an account.
Available endpoints are listed at the above address.
Files required to connect to databases:
- .env.development
- .env.test
- .env.production
- setup.sql
These files should contain the enviroment variable 'PGDATABASE' or 'DATABASE_URL' pointing to the relevant test and development database names. Speak to secret keeper to get database names/urls. setup.sql is configured to create clean copies of the required databases.
Installing dependencies:
all dependencies are defined in the package.json file and should be installed using the following command before seeding the database.
'npm install'
developer dependencies can be installed with
'npm install -D'
Seeding a clean local copy of the database:
the development database can be seeded using the commands:
'npm run setup-dbs' (this only needs to be run once) 'npm run seed'
- Nodes.js - v21.6.1
- Postgres = v8.7.3