This document applies to TruffleRuby as built and distributed as part of GraalVM or the standalone distribution, which are the only supported ways to use TruffleRuby.
TruffleRuby is copyright (c) 2013-2021 Oracle and/or its affiliates, and is made available to you under the terms of any one of the following three licenses:
- Eclipse Public License version 2.0, or
- GNU General Public License version 2, or
- GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1.
See epl-2.0.txt
, gpl-2.txt
, lgpl-2.1.txt
The standard implementation of Ruby is MRI. TruffleRuby contains code from MRI version 2.7.4, including:
- the standard library in
, - Ruby C extension API in
, - C extensions in
MRI is copyright Yukihiro Matsumoto. It is made available under the terms of the
2-clause BSD licence ruby-bsdl.txt
, or a custom licence ruby-licence.txt
MRI itself includes some third-party code that we have then included. This includes, but isn't limited to:
The general-purpose hash table library src/main/c/cext/st.c
was written originally be Peter Moore and is
public domain.
are all
utilities from CCAN and are public domain or available under the terms of the
CC0 public domain dedication, see ccan-cc0.txt
is a utility from CCAN and is available under the
terms of 'BSD-MIT', see ccan-bsd-mit.txt
. Despite the filename 'BSD-MIT' this
is the conventional MIT licence.
RDoc Darkfish theme fonts under lib/mri/rdoc/generator/template/darkfish/
available under the terms of the SIL Open Font License 1.1, see ofl.txt
The header file lib/cext/include/ruby/onigmo.h
is part of Onigmo, available
under the same 2-clause BSD licence as Ruby.
RubyGems, in lib/mri/rubygems
is available under the same custom licence as
MRI, see ruby-licence.txt
, or the MIT licence, see mit.txt
The C implementation of YAML, src/main/c/psych/yaml
is available under the
MIT licence, see mit.txt
TruffleRuby contains code from JRuby, including Java implementation code, build system, shell script launchers, standard library modified from MRI, and so on.
Where original files had JRuby licence headers we have copied them over. In general this code is available under any of these licences:
- Eclipse Public License version 2.0, or
- GNU General Public License version 2, or
- GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1.
See epl-2.0.txt
, gpl-2.txt
, lgpl-2.1.txt
Some libraries that were spun out of JRuby, such as ByteList, have been incorporated into our source code. These were under the same copyright and licence as JRuby in the first place, so we have considered them part of JRuby.
For historical information from JRuby, see jruby-copying.txt
, but this will
now be out of date.
TruffleRuby contains code from Rubinius 2.11, including core library
implementation in src/main/ruby/truffleruby/core
. This is in some cases
copyright 2011 Evan Phoenix, and in other cases copyright 2007-2015 Evan Phoenix
and contributors, and released under the 3-clause BSD license. We have included
licence headers in these files which weren't in the original ones.
Some parts of the TruffleRuby Java code (such as the implementation of Rubinius primitives) are derived from Rubinius C++ code which is copyright 2007-2015, Evan Phoenix and contributors, and released under the 3-clause BSD license.
Some parts of the Ruby implementations of the standard library in lib/truffle
are copyright 2013 Brian Shirai and are licensed under the 3-clause BSD license.
In some cases this code is just code from MRI, and covered by their licence. In
some cases we have modified this code.
Versions as used in MRI unless otherwise specified.
did_you_mean is copyright 2014 Yuki Nishijima and is available under an MIT
licence (see mit.txt
minitest is copyright Ryan Davis and is available under an MIT licence (see
net-telnet is under the same copyright and licence as MRI.
power_assert copyright Kazuki Tsujimoto, but available under the same licence as MRI.
Rake is copyright Jim Weirich and is available under an MIT licence (see
test-unit is copyright Kouhei Sutou, Ryan Davis, and Nathaniel Talbott and is
available under the terms of the GPL 2 (see gpl-2.txt
), or the same custom
licence as MRI (see ruby-licence.txt
The JSON gem is available under the same licence as MRI.
It's part of the standard library, not an included gem, but RDoc is copyright
Dave Thomas and Eric Hodel and is available under the terms of the GPL 2 (see
), or the same custom licence as MRI (see ruby-licence.txt
). Some
other files in RDoc have different, but compatible, licences detailed in the
TruffleRuby includes parts of the FFI gem 1.14.2. The FFI gem is copyright
2008-2016, Ruby FFI project contributors, and covered by the three-clause BSD
licence (see ffi.txt
TruffleRuby has Java dependencies on these modules, which are then included in the distribution:
TruffleRuby uses JONI (version as described in mx.truffleruby/
is copyright its authors and is released under an MIT licence (see mit.txt
TruffleRuby uses JCodings (version as described in mx.truffleruby/
JCodings is copyright its authors and is released under an MIT licence (see
contains patches to gems that are automatically applied when the
gems are loaded, and contain third party code from those gems, with permissive
licenses. We've added the licenses to the individual files.
patches code in the standard library.
We do not distribute MSpec or the Ruby Specs, but they are both copyright 2008
Engine Yard and are released under an MIT licence (see mit.txt
We do not distribute the FFI Specs, but they are copyright 2008-2014
Ruby-FFI contributors and are released under an MIT licence (see mit.txt
TruffleRuby uses the Jay parser generator, modified from revision 9ffc59a
. Jay is copyright 1989 The
Regents of the University of California, ported by Axel T. Schreiner, and is
covered by the three-clause BSD licence (see jay.txt
). We only distribute Jay
in the source repository - it isn't part of releases.
For any software that you receive from Oracle in binary form which is licensed under an open source license that gives you the right to receive the source code for that binary, you can obtain a copy of the applicable source code by visiting If the source code for the binary was not provided to you with the binary, you can also receive a copy of the source code on physical media by submitting a written request to the address listed below or by sending an email to Oracle using the following link:
Oracle America, Inc.
Attn: Senior Vice President
Development and Engineering Legal
500 Oracle Parkway, 10th Floor
Redwood Shores, CA 94065
Your request should include:
- The name of the binary for which you are requesting the source code
- The name and version number of the Oracle product containing the binary
- The date you received the Oracle product
- Your name
- Your company name (if applicable)
- Your return mailing address and email, and
- A telephone number in the event we need to reach you.
We may charge you a fee to cover the cost of physical media and processing.
Your request must be sent
within three (3) years of the date you received the Oracle product that included the binary that is the subject of your request, or
in the case of code licensed under the GPL v3 for as long as Oracle offers spare parts or customer support for that product model.