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Gallery Installation, Configuration and Update Instructions

hairballopolis edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 10 revisions

The gallery can be added to an existing radiant installation or to a fresh install


Before the gallery can be used a installation of radiantcms will need to be installed on your system and setup.
Install Radiant


Note: If you checkout the master branch versions 0.7 to 0.9 of Radiant should be supported out of the box

After the Radiant installation you must install the attachment_fu plugin:

 cd /path/to/radiant
 git clone git:// vendor/plugins/attachment_fu

Then install the Gallery extension:

 git clone git:// vendor/extensions/gallery
cd vendor/extensions/gallery
git checkout 0.8.1 or the latest stable version in line with the current radiant version

* Note: Extension must be checked out by tag or you may end up with a feature set that is not supported by the radiant version *

Now you can run the install task:

rake RAILS_ENV=production radiant:extensions:gallery:install


The installation task creates a file called gallery.yml under /path/to/radiant/config/extensions/gallery/.
Inside that file there are some variables you can edit:

  • path_prefix: The galleries folder path.
  • processor: The processor used to create thumbnails (rmagick | image_science | mini_magick), based on the image manipulation support offered by attachment_fu.
  • max_size: size in kilobytes for the maximum allowed size of image to be processed and added.
    The default is 3000kb to prevent server setups with limited memory from crashing the app when processing images in imagemagick. This is not necessary in an environment where you are not processing images.
  • storage: The type of storage to use (:file_system | :db_file | :s3 | :cloud_files)
    the default is :file_system
  • default_thumbnails: a list of thumbnails that will be generated after each upload.
path_prefix: public/galleries
processor: rmagick  
max_size: 3000 #file max size in kilobytes  
storage: file_system # default 
gallery_based: no
  admin_thumb: 300x300   # do not remove
  admin_preview: 500x500 # do not remove
  small: 150x
  large: 450x    

storage can be updated by also config/environment.rb

config.after_initialize do
    Radiant::Config[""] = "file_system"


The simplest process to updating the gallery either inline with radiant upgrade or to capture the latest bug fixes:

cd vendor/extensions/gallery
git fetch origin
git fetch --tags
git checkout x.x.x referring to desired tag

then in the RADIANT_ROOT directory:

rake radiant:update:javascripts
rake radiant:extensions:gallery:update

this will update the public assets (i.e. javascript, css, etc. )

If there is a change in the config file, either update by

rake radiant:extensions:gallery:create_config_file 

or check for the differences with your current config/extensions/gallery/gallery.yml and the config file in config/gallery.yml.default

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