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Gallery Installation, Configuration and Update Instructions

hairballopolis edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 10 revisions


After the Radiant installation you must install the attachment_fu plugin:

 cd /path/to/radiant
 git clone git:// vendor/plugins/attachment_fu

Then install the Gallery extension:

 git clone git:// vendor/extensions/gallery
cd vendor/extensions/gallery
git checkout 0.8.1 or the latest stable version in line with the current radiant version
  • Note: Extension must be checked out by tag or you may end up with a feature set that is not supported by the radiant version **

Now you can run the install task:

rake RAILS_ENV=production radiant:extensions:gallery:install


The installation task creates a file called gallery.yml under /path/to/radiant/config/extensions/gallery/.
Inside that file there are some variables you can edit:

  • path_prefix: The galleries folder path.
  • processor: The processor used to create thumbnails (rmagick | image_science | mini_magick).
  • default_thumbnails: a list of thumbnails that will be generated after each upload.
  • max_size: size in kilobytes for the maximum allowed size of image to be processed and added.
  • storage: The type of storage to use (:file_system | :db_file | :s3 | :cloud_files) ], the default is :file_system
path_prefix: public/galleries
processor: rmagick  
max_size: 3000 #file max size in kilobytes  
storage: file_system # default 
gallery_based: no
  admin_thumb: 300x300   # do not remove
  admin_preview: 500x500 # do not remove
  small: 150x
  large: 450x    

storage can be updated by also config/environment.rb

config.after_initialize do
    Radiant::Config[""] = "file_system"


The simplest process to updating the gallery either inline with radiant upgrade or to capture the latest bug fixes:

cd vendor/extensions/gallery
git fetch origin
git fetch --tags
git checkout x.x.x referring to desired tag

then in the RADIANT_ROOT directory:

rake radiant:update:javascripts
rake radiant:extensions:gallery:update

this will update the public assets (i.e. javascript, css, etc. )

If there is a change in the config file, either update by

rake radiant:extensions:gallery:create_config_file 

or check for the differences with your current config/extensions/gallery/gallery.yml and the config file in config/gallery.yml.default

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