What's Changed
- feature/SWD-1-Setup-code-base by @thongdanghoang in #3
- bugfix/SWD-23-Fix-bug-in-window by @thongdanghoang in #4
- feature/SWD-28-Build-Components-base-for-project by @thongdanghoang in #5
- feature/SWD-22-Setup-Prettier-for-frontend-add-tsx-eslint-rules by @thongdanghoang in #6
- SWD-28: create base button for application by @thongdanghoang in #7
- SWD-12: create lint pipeline for PR to main by @thongdanghoang in #9
- SWD-18: base css config and header by @thongdanghoang in #13
- feature/SWD-18-GUI-header-footer-Implement by @IOdan78 in #14
- SWD-32: publish infrastructure to cloud by @thongdanghoang in #15
- SWD-18: correct styling by @thongdanghoang in #16
- Feature/swd-29 user_endpoint and post product by @thaintd in #18
- SWD-30: docker workflows build and push for services by @thongdanghoang in #20
- SWD-18: get current user by @nganntqe170236 in #23
- SWD-37: setup react router by @nganntqe170236 in #24
- Feature/swd 25 homepage correct by @nganntqe170236 in #29
- Feature/swd 37 integration us by @nganntqe170236 in #30
- Feature/swd 26 post product correct styling by @thongdanghoang in #27
- Feature/swd 42 exchange product by @thongdanghoang in #31
- SWD-48: allow guest use app with limited features by @nganntqe170236 in #35
- Swd 49 user profile 1 2 by @IOdan78 in #39
- Feature/swd 47 upload download images and video through cloudinary (#38) by @thongdanghoang in #40
- Feature/swd 40 websocket chat function implement in backend frontend by @thaintd in #36
- bugfix: fix dependencies of useEffect by @thongdanghoang in #42
- bugfix: just get published products by @thongdanghoang in #43
- bugfix: remove hard-code imageURL by @nganntqe170236 in #45
- SWD-53: dis-allow request exchange with myself by @nganntqe170236 in #46
- fix/SWD-69 image size by @thaintd in #48
- Fix/swd 63 fix chat username by @thaintd in #47
- fix upload image and video, show image and video selected by @thaintd in #50
- SWD-74-user-seller-profile, Seller product chưa hiển thị được by @IOdan78 in #51
- Bugfix/swd 81 by @nganntqe170236 in #55
- SWD-68: pagination for homapage search and search bar work by @nganntqe170236 in #56
- SWD-82: implement userProvider to hold user context data by @nganntqe170236 in #57
- SWD-43: Validation when Post Product by @nganntqe170236 in #59
- Swd 50 rate by @IOdan78 in #61
- SWD-72-exchange-detail-bug by @IOdan78 in #60
- SWD-65: select multiple products to exchange by @nganntqe170236 in #63
- SWD-77 by @thaintd in #64
- SWD-51: user dashboard by @nganntqe170236 in #65
- SWD-55: fix exchange detail bug and add actions by @nganntqe170236 in #66
- hotfix: exchange by money not work by @nganntqe170236 in #67
- hotfix: accept exchange not work correctly by @nganntqe170236 in #68
- SWD-80-fix-userprofile by @IOdan78 in #69
- SWD-71: Feature Upload avatar by Cloudadinary by @thongdanghoang in #70
- SWD-85: Feature Edit user profile such as address, phone number, full… by @nganntqe170236 in #71
- SWD-91: Fix missed integration in product detail and show local date … by @nganntqe170236 in #72
- SWD-93: User can edit or delete his products by @nganntqe170236 in #73
- hotfix by @thongdanghoang in #74
- hotfix: some products may not be fetched by @thongdanghoang in #75
- Feature/swd 94 moderator can view all product as list to review by @nganntqe170236 in #76
- SWD-80 by @thaintd in #77
- SWD-86 by @thaintd in #78
- Swd44 by @thaintd in #79
- swd87 by @thaintd in #80
- SWD-97-fixbutonchinhsua userprofile by @IOdan78 in #81
- swd101 by @thaintd in #82
- swd98 by @thaintd in #87
- swd99 & swd100 by @thaintd in #86
- SWD-88 by @IOdan78 in #84
- swd103 by @thaintd in #85
- hotfix: fix search query and moderator controller by @thongdanghoang in #88
- swd105- xem sản phẩm mình đã bán và chôn phần đã bán của seller profile by @thaintd in #90
- Swd 90 fixbug by @IOdan78 in #91
- hotfix: clean unnecessary buttons by @thongdanghoang in #92
- hotfix: fix accept error, collect chat initialize in one place in fro… by @thongdanghoang in #93
Full Changelog: https://github.com/thongdanghoang/SWD392_JS1701_Group6/commits/1.0.0