Dark colorscheme for Vim. This is a fork of wong/vim-hybrid.
I have modified a few highlight groups to my taste. Mainly related to the tab and status lines.
- gVim 7.3+ on Linux, Mac and Windows.
- Vim 7.3+ on Linux and Mac, using a terminal that supports 256 colors.
or alternatively, use a plugin manger.
Add to
:syntax on set background=dark colorscheme hybrid
Due to the limited 256 palette, colors in Vim and gVim will still be slightly different.
In order to have Vim use the same colors as gVim (the way this color scheme is intended) define the basic 16 colors in your terminal.
Add the default palette to
or terminal emulator:! Set terminal colors to use the palette from Hybrid theme. *background: #1D1F21 *foreground: #C5C8C6 ! black *color0: #282A2E *color8: #373B41 ! red *color1: #A54242 *color9: #CC6666 ! green *color2: #8C9440 *color10: #B5BD68 ! yellow *color3: #DE935F *color11: #F0C674 ! blue *color4: #5F819D *color12: #81A2BE ! magenta *color5: #85678F *color13: #B294BB ! cyan *color6: #5E8D87 *color14: #8ABEB7 ! white *color7: #707880 *color15: #C5C8C6
Add to
:let g:hybrid_custom_term_colors = 1 colorscheme hybrid