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Releases: tidymodels/recipes

recipes 0.1.8

20 Feb 19:37
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Breaking Changes

  • The imputation steps do not change the data type being imputed now. Previously, if the data were integer, the data would be changed to numeric (for some step types). The change is breaking since the underlying data of imputed values are now saved as a list instead of a vector (for some step types).

  • The data sets were moved to the new modeldata package.

  • step_num2factor() was rewritten due to a bug that ignored the user-supplied levels (#425). The results of the transform argument are now required to be a function and levels must now be supplied.

Other Changes

  • Using a minus in the formula to recipes() is no longer allowed (it didn't remove variables anyway). step_rm() or update_role() can be used instead.

  • When using a selector that returns no columns, juice() and bake() will now return a tibble with as many rows as the original template data or the new_data respectively. This is more consistent with how selectors work in dplyr (#411).

  • Code was added to explicitly register tunable methods when recipes is loaded. This is required because of changes occurring in R 4.0.

  • check_class() checks if a variable is of the designated class. Class is either learned from the train set or provided in the check. (contributed by Edwin Thoen)

  • step_normalize() and step_scale() gained a factor argument with values of 1 or 2 that can scale the standard deviations used to transform the data. (#380)

  • bake() now produces a tibble with columns in the same order as juice() (#365)

recipes 1.1.1

12 Feb 18:02
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  • Example for step_novel() now better illustrates how it works. (@Edgar-Zamora, #1248)

  • prep.recipe(..., strings_as_factors = TRUE) now only converts string variables that have role "predictor" or "outcome". (@dajmcdon, #1358, #1376)

recipes 1.1.0

05 Jul 14:24
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  • Improved error message for misspelled argument in step functions. (#1318)

  • recipe() can now take data.frames with list-columns or sf data.frames as input to data. (#1283)

  • recipe() will now show better error when columns are misspelled in formula (#1283).

  • add_role() now errors if a column would simultaneously have roles "outcome" and "predictor". (#935)

  • prep() will now error if the ptype of the data doesn't match which was used to define the recipe. (#793)

  • Added more documentation in ?selections about how tidyselect::everything() works in recipes. (#1259)

  • New extract_fit_time() method has been added that returns the time it took to train the recipe. (#1071)

  • step_spline_b(), step_spline_convex(), step_spline_monotone(), and step_spline_nonnegative() now throws informative errors if thedegree, deg_free, and complete_set arguments causes an error. (#1170)

  • step_mutate() gained .pkgs argument to specify what packages need to be loaded for step to work. (#1282)

  • step_interact() now gives better error if terms isn't a formula. (#1299)

  • The prefix argument of step_dummy_multi_choice() is now properly documented. (#1298)

  • Significant speedup in step_dummy() when applied to many columns. (#1305)

  • step_dummy() now gives an informative error on attempt to generate too many columns to fit in memory. (#828)

  • step_dummy() and step_unknown() now throw more informative warnings for unseen levels. (#450)

  • step_dummy() now throws more informative warnings for NA values. (#450)

Bug Fixes

  • NA levels in factors aren't dropped when passed to recipe(). (#1291)

  • recipe() no longer crashes when given long formula expression (#1283).

  • Fixed bug in step_ns() and step_bs() where knots field in options argument wasn't correctly used. (#1297)

  • Bug fixed in step_interact() where long formulas were used. (#1231, #1289)

  • Fixed documentation mistake where default value of keep_original_cols argument were wrong. (#1314)


  • Developer helper function recipes_ptype() has been added, returning expected input data for prep() and bake() for a given recipe object. (#1329)

  • Developer helper function recipes_ptype_validate() has been added, to validate new data is compatible with recipe ptype. (#793)

  • Developer helper functions recipes_names_predictors() and recipes_names_outcomes() have been added to aid variable selection in steps. (#1026)

recipes 1.0.10

18 Feb 20:06
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug where step_log() breaks legacy recipe objects by indexing names(object) in bake(). (@stufield, #1284)

recipes 1.0.9

14 Dec 12:23
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  • Minor speed-up and reduced memory consumption for step_pca() in the bake() stage by reducing unused multiplications (@jkennel, #1265)

  • Document that update_role(), add_role() and remove_role() are applied before steps and checks. (#778)

  • Documentation for tidy methods for all steps has been added when missing and improved to describe the return value more accurately. (#936)

  • step_dummy() will now error if passed character instead of loudly ignoring them. Only applicable when setting strings_as_factors = FALSE. (#1233)

  • It is now documented that step_spline_b() can be made periodic. (#1223)

  • prep() now correctly throws a warning when training argument is set when prepping a prepped recipe, telling the user that it will be ignored. (#1244)

  • When errors are thrown about wrongly typed input to steps, the offending variables and their types are now listed. (#1217)

  • All warnings and errors have been updated to use the cli package for increased clarity and consistency. (#1237)

  • Added warnings when step_scale(), step_normalise(), step_center() or step_range() result in NaN columns. (@mastoffel, #1221)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug where step_factor2string() if strings_as_factors = TRUE is set in prep(). (#317)

  • Fixed bug where tidy.step_cut() always returned zero row tibbles for trained recipes. (#1229)

recipes 1.0.8

26 Aug 13:44
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bugs where spline steps (step_ns(), step_bs(), step_spline_b(), step_spline_convex(), step_spline_monotone(), step_spline_natural(), step_spline_nonnegative()) would error if baked with 1 row. (#1191)

recipes 1.0.7

10 Aug 23:27
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New Steps

  • step_classdist_shrunken(), a regularized version of step_classdist(), was added. (#1185)


  • step_bs() and step_ns() have gained keep_original_cols argument. (#1164)

  • The keep_original_cols argument has been added to step_classdist(), step_count(), step_depth(), step_geodist(), step_indicate_na(), step_interact(), step_lag(), step_poly(), step_regex(), step_window(). The default for each step is set to preserve past behavior. This change should mean that every step that produces new columns has the keep_original_cols argument. (#1167)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bugs where step_classdist(), step_count(), step_depth(), step_geodist(), step_interact(), step_nnmf_sparse(), and step_regex() didn't work with empty selection. All steps now leave data unmodified when having empty selections. (#1142)

  • step_classdist(), step_count() and step_depth() no longer returns a column with all NAs with empty selections. (#1142)

  • step_regex() no longer returns a column with all 0s with empty selections. (#1142)

  • The tidy() methods for step_geodist(), step_nnmf_sparse(), and step_sample() now correctly return zero-row tibbles when used with empty selections. (#1144)

  • step_poly_bernstein(), step_profile(), step_spline_b(), step_spline_convex(), step_spline_monotone(), step_spline_natural(), and step_spline_nonnegative() now correctly return a zero row tibble when used with empty selection. (#1133)

  • Fixed bug where the tidy() method for step_sample() didn't return an id column. (#1144)

  • check_class(), check_missing(), check_new_values(), check_range(), step_naomit(), step_poly_bernstein(), step_spline_b(), step_spline_convex(), step_spline_monotone(), step_spline_natural(), step_spline_nonnegative(), and step_string2factor() now throw an informative error if needed non-standard role columns are missing during bake(). (#1145)

Breaking Changes

  • step_window() now throws an error instead of silently overwriting if names argument overlaps with existing columns. (#1172)

  • step_regex() and step_count() will now informatively error if name collision occurs. (#1169)


  • Added developer function remove_original_cols() to help remove original columns that are no longer needed. (#1149)

  • Added developer function recipes_remove_cols() to provide standardized way to remove columns by column names. (#1155)

recipes 1.0.6

25 Apr 03:36
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  • Steps with tunable arguments now have those arguments listed in the documentation.

  • All steps that add new columns will now informatively error if name collision occurs. (#983)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug in step_spline_b(), step_spline_convex(), step_spline_monotone(), and spline_nonnegative() where you weren't able to tune the degree argument.

  • step_range() now perform correctly performs clipping on recipes created before 1.0.3. (#1097)

Breaking Changes

  • The tidy() method for step_impute_mean(), step_impute_median(), and step_impute_mode() now the imputed value with the column name value instead of model. This is in line with the output of step_impute_lower(). (#826)

recipes 0.1.17

29 Mar 03:14
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New Steps

  • Added new step_harmonic() (#702).

  • Added a new step called step_dummy_multi_choice(), which will take multiple nominal variables and produces shared dummy variables. (#716)

Deprecation News

  • The deprecation for step_upsample() and step_downsample() has been escalated from a deprecation warning to a deprecation error; these functions are available in the themis package.

  • Escalate deprecation for old versions of imputation steps (such as step_bagimpute()) from a soft deprecation to a regular deprecation; these imputation steps have new names like step_impute_bag() (#753).

  • step_kpca() was un-deprecated and gained the keep_original_cols argument.

  • The deprecation of the preserve argument to step_pls() and step_dummy() was escalated from a soft deprecation to regular deprecation.

  • The deprecation of the options argument to step_nzv() was escalated to a deprecation error.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix imputation steps for new data that is all NA, and generate a warning for recipes created under previous versions that cannot be imputed with this fix (#719).

  • A bug was fixed where imputed values via bagged trees would have the wrong levels.

Improvements and Other Changes

  • The computations for the Yeo-Johnson transformation were made more efficient (#782).

  • New recipes_eval_select() which is a developer tool that is useful for creating new recipes steps. It powers the tidyselect semantics that are specific to recipes and supports the modern tidyselect API introduced in tidyselect 1.0.0. Additionally, the older terms_select() has been deprecated in favor of this new helper (#739).

  • Speed-up/simplification to step_spatialsign()

  • When only the terms attributes are desired from model.frame use the first row of data to improve speed and memory use (#726).

  • Use Haversine formula for latitude-longitude pairs in step_geodist() (#725).

  • Reorganize documentation for all recipe step tidy methods (#701).

  • Generate warning when user attempts a Box-Cox transformation of non-positive data (@liamblake, #713).

  • step_logit() gained an offset argument for cases where the input is either zero or one (#784)

  • The tidy() methods for objects from check_new_values(), check_class() and step_nnmf() are now exported.

recipes 1.0.5

20 Feb 20:25
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  • Added outside argument to step_percentile() to determine different ways of handling values outside the range of the training data.

  • step_range() is now backwards compatible with respect to the clipping argument that was added 1.0.3, and old saved recipes can now be baked. (#1090)

  • update print methods to use cli package for formatting. (#426)

  • Print methods no longer errors for untrained recipes with long selections. (#1083)

  • The recipe, step, and check methods for generics::tune_args() are now registered unconditionally (tidymodels/workflows#192).

  • Added a conditionMessage() method for recipes_errors to consistently point out which step errors occurred in when reporting errors. (#1080)