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Merge pull request #1447 from tier4/fix/find_nearest_segment_index
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fix pitch and slope acceleration calculation for ego vehicle
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hakuturu583 authored Nov 21, 2024
2 parents 480b26b + 8ffdbdc commit 04b190a
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Showing 6 changed files with 246 additions and 60 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ class EgoEntitySimulation

const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::VehicleParameters vehicle_parameters;

auto calculateEgoPitch() const -> double;
auto calculateAccelerationBySlope() const -> double;

auto getCurrentPose(const double pitch_angle) const -> geometry_msgs::msg::Pose;

auto getCurrentTwist() const -> geometry_msgs::msg::Twist;
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Expand Up @@ -305,17 +305,7 @@ void EgoEntitySimulation::update(
if (is_npc_logic_started) {
auto input = Eigen::VectorXd(vehicle_model_ptr_->getDimU());

auto acceleration_by_slope = [this]() {
if (consider_acceleration_by_road_slope_) {
// calculate longitudinal acceleration by slope
constexpr double gravity_acceleration = -9.81;
const double ego_pitch_angle = calculateEgoPitch();
const double slope_angle = -ego_pitch_angle;
return gravity_acceleration * std::sin(slope_angle);
} else {
return 0.0;
auto acceleration_by_slope = calculateAccelerationBySlope();

switch (vehicle_model_type_) {
case VehicleModelType::DELAY_STEER_ACC:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -349,56 +339,16 @@ void EgoEntitySimulation::update(

auto EgoEntitySimulation::calculateEgoPitch() const -> double
auto EgoEntitySimulation::calculateAccelerationBySlope() const -> double
// calculate prev/next point of lanelet centerline nearest to ego pose.
if (!status_.laneMatchingSucceed()) {
if (consider_acceleration_by_road_slope_) {
constexpr double gravity_acceleration = -9.81;
const double ego_pitch_angle =
return gravity_acceleration * std::sin(ego_pitch_angle);
} else {
return 0.0;

/// @note Copied from motion_util::findNearestSegmentIndex
auto centerline_points = hdmap_utils_ptr_->getCenterPoints(status_.getLaneletId());
auto find_nearest_segment_index =
[](const std::vector<geometry_msgs::msg::Point> & points, const Eigen::Vector3d & point) {
assert(not points.empty());

double min_dist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
size_t min_idx = 0;

for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i) {
const auto dist =
[](const geometry_msgs::msg::Point & point1, const Eigen::Vector3d & point2) {
const auto dx = point1.x - point2.x();
const auto dy = point1.y - point2.y();
return dx * dx + dy * dy;
}(, point);

if (dist < min_dist) {
min_dist = dist;
min_idx = i;
return min_idx;

const size_t ego_seg_idx =
find_nearest_segment_index(centerline_points, world_relative_position_);

const auto & prev_point =;
const auto & next_point = + 1);

/// @note Calculate ego yaw angle on lanelet coordinates
const double lanelet_yaw = std::atan2(next_point.y - prev_point.y, next_point.x - prev_point.x);
const double ego_yaw_against_lanelet = vehicle_model_ptr_->getYaw() - lanelet_yaw;

/// @note calculate ego pitch angle considering ego yaw.
const double diff_z = next_point.z - prev_point.z;
const double diff_xy = std::hypot(next_point.x - prev_point.x, next_point.y - prev_point.y) /
const bool reverse_sign = std::cos(ego_yaw_against_lanelet) < 0.0;
const double ego_pitch_angle =
reverse_sign ? -std::atan2(-diff_z, -diff_xy) : -std::atan2(diff_z, diff_xy);
return ego_pitch_angle;

auto EgoEntitySimulation::getCurrentTwist() const -> geometry_msgs::msg::Twist
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions simulation/simple_sensor_simulator/test/CMakeLists.txt
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Expand Up @@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ include_directories(${Protobuf_INCLUDE_DIRS})
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
ament_add_gtest(test_ego_entity_simulation test_ego_entity_simulation.cpp)
target_link_libraries(test_ego_entity_simulation simple_sensor_simulator_component ${traffic_simulator_libraries})
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@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
// Copyright 2015 TIER IV, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

#include <gtest/gtest.h>

#include <ament_index_cpp/get_package_share_directory.hpp>
#include <memory>
#include <rclcpp/rclcpp.hpp>
#include <simple_sensor_simulator/vehicle_simulation/ego_entity_simulation.hpp>
#include <traffic_simulator/hdmap_utils/hdmap_utils.hpp>
#include <vector>

using namespace vehicle_simulation;

TEST(EgoEntitySimulation, calculateAccelerationBySlope)
// initialize rclcpp for rosparam in EgoEntitySimulation class
rclcpp::init(0, nullptr);

auto hdmap_utils = std::make_shared<hdmap_utils::HdMapUtils>(
ament_index_cpp::get_package_share_directory("traffic_simulator") +

constexpr double gravity_acceleration = -9.81;
// expected value in the lanelet(id:7)
// first 25m: 1m up
constexpr double expected_slope_acceleration_first_25m =
std::sin(std::atan(1. / 25.)) * gravity_acceleration;
// last 25m: 4m up
constexpr double expected_slope_acceleration_last_25m =
std::sin(std::atan(4. / 25.)) * gravity_acceleration;

auto get_slope_acceleration_at =
[&](const traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::LaneletPose & lanelet_pose, bool consider_slope) {
traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::EntityStatus initial_status; = "ego";
initial_status.lanelet_pose_valid = true;
initial_status.lanelet_pose = lanelet_pose;
initial_status.pose =
traffic_simulator::pose::toMapPose(initial_status.lanelet_pose, hdmap_utils);

EgoEntitySimulation ego_entity_simulation(
initial_status, traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::VehicleParameters(), 1.f / 30.f, hdmap_utils,
rclcpp::Parameter("use_sim_time", false), consider_slope);
return ego_entity_simulation.calculateAccelerationBySlope();

traffic_simulator_msgs::msg::LaneletPose lanelet_pose;
lanelet_pose.lanelet_id = 7;

// This value is determined manually by @Hans_Robo.
// Since it is affected by the calculation algorithm inside lanelet2, etc.,
// it will not exactly match the ideal value, so we manually selected the smallest possible value specifically for this test.
constexpr double compare_epsilon = 1e-7;

// first 25m, up, with considering slope
lanelet_pose.s = 12.5;
lanelet_pose.rpy.z = 0.0;
expected_slope_acceleration_first_25m, get_slope_acceleration_at(lanelet_pose, true),

// first 25m, up, without considering slope
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0.0, get_slope_acceleration_at(lanelet_pose, false));

// last 25m, up
lanelet_pose.s = 37.5;
lanelet_pose.rpy.z = 0.0;
expected_slope_acceleration_last_25m, get_slope_acceleration_at(lanelet_pose, true),

// last 25m, up, without considering slope
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0.0, get_slope_acceleration_at(lanelet_pose, false));

// first 25m, down
lanelet_pose.s = 12.5;
lanelet_pose.rpy.z = M_PI;
-expected_slope_acceleration_first_25m, get_slope_acceleration_at(lanelet_pose, true),

// first 25m, down, without considering slope
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0.0, get_slope_acceleration_at(lanelet_pose, false));

// last 25m, down
lanelet_pose.s = 37.5;
lanelet_pose.rpy.z = M_PI;
-expected_slope_acceleration_last_25m, get_slope_acceleration_at(lanelet_pose, true),

// last 25m, down, without considering slope
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0.0, get_slope_acceleration_at(lanelet_pose, false));


// EXPECT_NEAR(ego_entity_simulation.);
119 changes: 119 additions & 0 deletions simulation/traffic_simulator/test/map/slope/lanelet2_map.osm
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@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
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<relation id="7">
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<member type="way" role="right" ref="145"/>
<tag k="type" v="lanelet"/>
<tag k="subtype" v="road"/>
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<tag k="location" v="urban"/>
<tag k="one_way" v="yes"/>
<relation id="147">
<member type="way" role="left" ref="150"/>
<member type="way" role="right" ref="152"/>
<tag k="type" v="lanelet"/>
<tag k="subtype" v="road"/>
<tag k="speed_limit" v="10"/>
<tag k="location" v="urban"/>
<tag k="one_way" v="yes"/>
<relation id="154">
<member type="way" role="left" ref="151"/>
<member type="way" role="right" ref="153"/>
<tag k="type" v="lanelet"/>
<tag k="subtype" v="road"/>
<tag k="speed_limit" v="10"/>
<tag k="location" v="urban"/>
<tag k="one_way" v="yes"/>

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