Fast FITS Cutter uses the unsafe bindings to CFITSIO from fitsio
to quickly make cutouts of FITS images by using the capability of reading only a small region instead of the entire image.
To install this package, first install CFITSIO e.g. through
dnf install cfitsio cfitsio-devel
Afterwards, simply clone the repository and run
cargo build --release
cargo install --path .
Usage: ffc [OPTIONS] --size <SIZE> <FITSIMAGE>
<FITSIMAGE> Input image to make a cutout out of
--ra <RA> Right ascension to centre cutout on [default: 0.0]
--dec <DEC> Declination to centre cutout on [default: 0.0]
--size <SIZE> Size of the cutout in degrees
--outfile <OUTFILE> Name of the output file [default: output]
--sourcetable <SOURCETABLE> CSV table to read cutout positions from. Should contain three columns with name, right ascension and declination [default: ]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version