This update changes the container base to Fedora 31 for a newer GCC version that better supports and optimizes for recent architectures (specifically AVX512). Multiple recipes are now provided as well for the base container to be built with MKL and/or CUDA (relevant for IDG).
- Container is now Fedora 31 instead of 27
- Updated CUDA to 11.3
- Updated DS9 to Fedora 30 8.2.1
- Updated HDF5 to 1.10.5
- Updated WSClean to 2.10.1
- Added astLib, astro-kittens, astro-pyxis, astropy-healpix, astroquery, bcrypt, beautifulsoup4, cffi, crytography, deap, emcee, entrypoints, enum34, ephem, future, html5lib, ipython, keyring, lxml, meqtrees-cattery, montage_wrapper, mysqlclient, owlcat, paramiko, pathlib2, pexpect, pickleshare, Pillow, Polygon2, prettytable, prompt-toolkit, psutil, ptyprocess, purr, py-cpuinfo, pybind11, pycparser, pyephem, pyFFTW, pyfits, Pygments, PyMySQL, PyNaCl, reproject, scandir, SecretStorage, SharedArray, simplegeneric, soupsieve, sshtunnel, traitlets, wcwidth and webencodings Python 2 packages.
- Added ddf recipe that uses the public branches
- Added msoverview
- Added back ParmDB functionality
- Added back support for non-dysco measurement sets
- Removed MKL_DEBUG_CPU_TYPE workaround for AMD as it no longer works
- Make building for specific architectures simpler