- Systems Engineer with a passion for development and building systems.
- Over a decade of experience under my belt in support and engineering roles.
- Commited to continuous improvement. There is always more to learn.
- Fond of micro tech (Raspberry Pi, Mini-PCs etc).
☁️ Cloud Platforms (Azure)
⌨️ Infrastructure as Code (Terraform, Bicep)
💻 Home Lab Enthusiast (Proxmox and Kubernetes)
🐍 Upskilling in Python (Django and Flask apps, misc utility scripts)
🤖 Developing DevOps skills and practices (CI/CD, automation)
My personal home lab utlizing some HP EliteDesk mini-pcs from under my desk.
Running Proxmox VE for virtualization, and Kuberenetes for container orchestration.
Incorporating a few Azure services where I can to adopt a hybrid-cloud approach.
A key part of my continous learning journey, and a playground for testing.
It's a work in progress, with ambitions to expand as my knowledge develops further.