ClickHouse driver for Metabase is an open-source project, and we welcome any contributions from the community. Please share your ideas, contribute to the codebase, and help us maintain up-to-date documentation.
- Please report any issues you encounter during operations.
- Feel free to create a pull request, preferably with a test or five.
- Clojure 1.11+
- OpenJDK 11
- Node.js 16.x
- Yarn
For testing: Docker Compose
Please refer to the extensive documentation available on the Metabase website: Guide to writing a Metabase driver
ClickHouse driver's code should be inside the main Metabase repository checkout in modules/drivers/clickhouse
Additionally, you need to tweak Metabase's deps.edn
a bit.
The easiest way to set up a development environment is as follows (mostly the same as in the CI):
- Clone Metabase and ClickHouse driver repositories
git clone
cd metabase
git clone modules/drivers/clickhouse
- Create custom Clojure profiles
mkdir -p ~/.clojure
cat modules/drivers/clickhouse/.github/deps.edn | sed -e "s|PWD|$PWD|g" > ~/.clojure/deps.edn
Modifying ~/.clojure/deps.edn
will create a new profile: user/clickhouse
, that adds driver's sources to the class path, and user/test
that includes all the Metabase tests that are guaranteed to work with the driver.
- Install the Metabase dependencies:
clojure -X:deps:drivers prep
- Build the frontend:
yarn && yarn build-static-viz
- Add /etc/hosts entry
Required for TLS tests.
sudo -- sh -c "echo server.clickhouseconnect.test >> /etc/hosts"
- Start Docker containers
docker compose -f modules/drivers/clickhouse/docker-compose.yml up -d
Here's an overview of the started containers, which have the ports exposed to the localhost
(see docker-compose.yml):
- Metabase with the ClickHouse driver loaded from the JAR file (port: 3000)
- Current ClickHouse version (port: 8123) - the main instance for all tests.
- Current ClickHouse cluster with two nodes (+ nginx as an LB, port: 8127) - required for the set role tests (verifying that the role is set correctly via the query parameters).
- Current ClickHouse version with TLS support (port: 8443) - required for the TLS tests.
- Older ClickHouse version (port: 8124) - required for the string functions tests (switch between UTF8 (current) and non-UTF8 (pre-23.8) versions), as well as to verify that certain features, such as connection impersonation, are disabled on the older server versions.
Now, you should be able to run the tests:
DRIVERS=clickhouse clojure -X:dev:drivers:drivers-dev:test:user/clickhouse
you can see that we have our :user/clickhouse
profile added to the command above, and with DRIVERS=clickhouse
we instruct Metabase to run the tests only for ClickHouse.
NB: Omitting DRIVERS
will run the tests for all the built-in database drivers.
If you want to run tests for only a specific namespace:
DRIVERS=clickhouse clojure -X:dev:drivers:drivers-dev:test:user/clickhouse :only metabase.driver.clickhouse-test
or even a single test:
DRIVERS=clickhouse clojure -X:dev:drivers:drivers-dev:test:user/clickhouse :only metabase.driver.clickhouse-test/clickhouse-nullable-arrays
Testing the driver with the older ClickHouse version (see docker-compose.yml):
MB_CLICKHOUSE_TEST_PORT=8124 DRIVERS=clickhouse clojure -X:dev:drivers:drivers-dev:test:user/clickhouse :only metabase.driver.clickhouse-test
You need to add an entry for ClickHouse in modules/drivers/deps.edn
metabase/clickhouse {:local/root "clickhouse"}
or just run this from the root Metabase directory, overwriting the entire file:
echo "{:deps {metabase/clickhouse {:local/root \"clickhouse\" }}}" > modules/drivers/deps.edn
Now, you should be able to build the final jar:
bin/ clickhouse
As the result, resources/modules/clickhouse.metabase-driver.jar
should be created.
For smoke testing, there is a Metabase with the link to the driver available as a Docker container:
docker compose -f modules/drivers/clickhouse/docker-compose.yml up -d metabase
It should pick up the driver jar as a volume.