Proton requires the Clang compiler and related LLVM toolchain. GCC is not supported.
./docker/packager/packager --package-type binary --docker-image-version clang-19 --proton-build --enable-proton-local --output-dir `pwd`/build_output
- clang-19 /clang++-19 or above (minimum supported version: Clang 16, GCC not supported)
- cmake 3.20 or above
- ninja
apt install git cmake ccache python3 ninja-build wget apt-transport-https apt-utils ca-certificates dnsutils gnupg iputils-ping lsb-release gpg curl software-properties-common
install llvm-19 compiler
chmod +x
sudo ./ 19
$ git clone --recurse-submodules
$ cd proton
$ mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake ..
$ ninja
Possible Solution:
Install the required packages:
apt-get install -y build-essential cmake libc6-dev libpthread-stubs0-dev linux-libc-dev
Clean the build folder and rerun the CMake command.
- clang-19 /clang++-19 or above
- cmake 3.20 or above
- ninja
$ git clone --recurse-submodules
$ cd proton
$ mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake ..
$ ninja
- clang-19 /clang++-19 or above
- cmake 3.20 or above
- ninja
$ git clone --recurse-submodules
$ cd proton
$ mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake ..
$ ninja
- clang-19 /clang++-19 or above
- cmake 3.20 or above
- ninja
$ git clone --recurse-submodules
$ cd proton
$ mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake ..
$ ninja
Not supported.
We don't support build Proton by using Apple Clang. Please use brew install llvm
to install
clang-19 / clang++-19.
- clang-19 /clang++-19 or above
- cmake 3.20 or above
- ninja
$ git clone --recurse-submodules
$ cd proton
$ mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake ..
$ ninja
Not supported.
Ensure you have the correct version of Xcode installed:
- Version 14.3.1
- Or any version newer than 15.1.Beta.1.
To check your Xcode version, run the following command:
/Applications/ -version
You should receive an output similar to:
Xcode 14.3.1
Build version 14E300c
Or, for newer versions:
Xcode 15.1
Build version 15C5042i
Proton build is not supported with Apple Clang. Use Homebrew to install LLVM version 19 instead:
brew install llvm@19
First, if you haven't installed Homebrew yet, follow the instructions at
Next, install the required dependencies using the following commands:
brew update
brew install ccache cmake ninja libtool gettext llvm@19 gcc binutils grep findutils libiconv
Set up the environment variables required for building Proton:
export PATH=$(brew --prefix llvm@19)/bin:$PATH
export CC=$(brew --prefix llvm@19)/bin/clang
export CXX=$(brew --prefix llvm@19)/bin/clang++
Clone the Proton repository and initiate the build process:
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd proton
mkdir -p build && cd build
cmake ..
Enter Proton binary folder and run Proton server
You can either launch the server with a self-modified(especially the path) YAML file or start it without specifying the config file (This way will store the data in current path).
$ cd proton/build
$ ./programs/proton server --config-file ../programs/server/config.yaml
$ ./programs/proton server start
In another console, run Proton client
$ cd proton/build
$ ./programs/proton client
Then follow Timeplus user documents to create stream, insert data and run queries.