-- Final Fantasy Brave Exvius: ffbeAuto - Farming & Exploration -- by tinotk -- Memu 960x600 120dpi
Original thread: http://ankulua.boards.net/thread/167/brave-exvius-ffbeauto-farming-explorations
So everyone here must be familiar with this game already:

How to donate:
Easy as pie, just click the button below. You all know that I provided this script for free, and if you find it helpful, please consider donating me some beers. I usually code this while drinking and find that beers enhance my coding skill ^_^.

How to use:
- Open your maps selection screen and start the script.
- Trace Mode: for exploration maps, some paths require precise single step-by-step, if you notice the character moves more than 1 step, try different trace mode.-
- Find Battle: if this is checked the script will keep running around (in your defined direction for 80 laps) to find all the battles in the map (to maximize your loot, xp... per energy spent). It will then starting to check your gold every 5 laps after lap#30. Find Battle will stop after you've reached certain gold amount or 80 laps, whichever comes first. Keep in mind that this is experimental feature, these numbers might change.
- Use click for step:
- Dungeon Finder: as you can tell from the name: it will find all available dungeons on screen and give you a list to choose from. As of now, this option can be used to farm any dungeon, yes any dungeon including those in vortex.
- Dim screen: dim your screen while running.
- Free Farm: activate this when you're inside exploration, the script will keep going in your chosen direction and find battle until you stop it.
- Colosseum Schedule: if checked, it will do Colosseum battle every 2 hours and come back to your farming location.
Note: The following maps are not compatible with this feature, do not check this if you are planning to farm on these:
How to define custom path:
This is what I originally planned for when starting this script. Here we go, create a new file called "custom.txt" and place it in the same folder of this script (which is ffbe.lua).
The general syntax for custom path is:
map_name: you name it with whatever you like, this name will show up on the selection list with a "custom_" prefix.
steps: anything <20 will be single step (trust me you don't need more than 20), anything above that will be ms (milliseconds).
Rule of thumb: one map per line
. Make sure that you put all directions on a single line separated direction by a | (pipe).
Direction example:
Below is an example of my fulan path taken from the script:
Special settings for custom path:
If you read my custom fulan path above you will notice the extra battle part. This setting is used for the Find Battle option, see below for syntax:
Another setting is used to find moving direction for single steps (for Use click to step mode). When the exploration begin on some maps such as Phantom Forest or Maranda Coast, Rain's position might not be at the center of the screen, as a result you might need to use this to get Rain's position again. Put findmove at anyplace where you want the script to update Rain's position. Usually you only need to do this once and only need to do this if Rain's position is not at the center of the screen. See an example below for my Maranda Coast path:
How to define a good path:
Below are few tips that I've learned from doing those exploration paths:
- First of all, try to minimize single steps if possible. Single steps take more time due to the fact that the script will wait and check for any battle encounter after each step.
- For any of your calculated ms, add 1000 to it.
- Minimum 500ms, don't go below that.
Also don't forget check out this extremely handy trick from eleck .
How to report a bug:
Please take a screenshot of your script config (like the first picture above), and advise what you were trying to do to produce that bug.
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="560" height="349" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/TMOD8Y7alcM?wmode=transparent&start=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="1"></iframe>
The farming details below was obtained from exviuswiki.com/Best_places_to_farm. Give them credit will you.
- v0.51:
- v0.5:
- v0.48:
- v0.47:
- v0.45:
- v0.44:
- v0.43:
- v0.42:
- v0.41:
- v0.4:
- v0.31:
- v0.3:
- v0.29:
- v0.28:
- v0.27:
- v0.26:
- v0.25:
- v0.24:
- v0.23:
- v0.22:
- v0.21:
- v0.2:
- v0.12:
- v0.11:
- v0.1b:
Thank you very much for your contributions!!
Wolfsfang Peak by zenkrye
Dwarves_Forge by eleck
Having trouble running the script? Read all the comments in this thread, your solution might be there.
Want to report a bug? Read "How to report a bug" before asking. Thanks.
Note on exploration maps: the script is set to collect treasure chests (don't know if they reset the chests daily or they can only be opened once) and yellow stars (or whatever name they are).
Big note: Since I've just started playing this game a few days ago, so everything in this game is considered new to me. For that reason let me know if I'm missing anything.
This script has been tested on Memu and Nexus 6P
How to donate:
Easy as pie, just click the button below. You all know that I provided this script for free, and if you find it helpful, please consider donating me some beers. I usually code this while drinking and find that beers enhance my coding skill ^_^.
How to use:
- Open your maps selection screen and start the script.
- Trace Mode: for exploration maps, some paths require precise single step-by-step, if you notice the character moves more than 1 step, try different trace mode.-
- Find Battle: if this is checked the script will keep running around (in your defined direction for 80 laps) to find all the battles in the map (to maximize your loot, xp... per energy spent). It will then starting to check your gold every 5 laps after lap#30. Find Battle will stop after you've reached certain gold amount or 80 laps, whichever comes first. Keep in mind that this is experimental feature, these numbers might change.
- Use click for step:
- Single step only: if checked, the script will do click to move a single step instead of swiping. Move location will be determine by finding Rain's position on screen when exploration started. I recommend you check this for maximum compatibility. If the script can't find Rain it will turn this off automatically.
- Always: if swiping is not working for you then choose this.
- Dungeon Finder: as you can tell from the name: it will find all available dungeons on screen and give you a list to choose from. As of now, this option can be used to farm any dungeon, yes any dungeon including those in vortex.
- Dim screen: dim your screen while running.
- Free Farm: activate this when you're inside exploration, the script will keep going in your chosen direction and find battle until you stop it.
- Colosseum Schedule: if checked, it will do Colosseum battle every 2 hours and come back to your farming location.
Note: The following maps are not compatible with this feature, do not check this if you are planning to farm on these:
- Grandshelt Catacombs
- Ballen Passage - Entrance
- Maranda Coast
- Vortex dungeons
- to be continued... let me know so I can add
How to define custom path:
This is what I originally planned for when starting this script. Here we go, create a new file called "custom.txt" and place it in the same folder of this script (which is ffbe.lua).
The general syntax for custom path is:
- up, down, left, right
- ul: go up-left (North West)
- ur: go up-right (North East)
- dl: go down-left
- dr: down-right
steps: anything <20 will be single step (trust me you don't need more than 20), anything above that will be ms (milliseconds).
Rule of thumb: one map per line
. Make sure that you put all directions on a single line separated direction by a | (pipe).
Direction example:
up,5: go up 5 steps
up,5000: go up 5s
left,1000: go left 1s
ul,1500: go up-left 1.5s
up,5000: go up 5s
left,1000: go left 1s
ul,1500: go up-left 1.5s
Special settings for custom path:
If you read my custom fulan path above you will notice the extra battle part. This setting is used for the Find Battle option, see below for syntax:
- battle_direction: either "ud" for up-down or "lr" for left-right
- Gil cap: amount of gil to check, if > this amount, the script will exit battle and continue exploration. How to get this? Either manually battle yourself or check here: exviuswiki.com/
- Exit direction: direction to go next after done battle.
Another setting is used to find moving direction for single steps (for Use click to step mode). When the exploration begin on some maps such as Phantom Forest or Maranda Coast, Rain's position might not be at the center of the screen, as a result you might need to use this to get Rain's position again. Put findmove at anyplace where you want the script to update Rain's position. Usually you only need to do this once and only need to do this if Rain's position is not at the center of the screen. See an example below for my Maranda Coast path:
down,8000|findmove|up,13|left,5000|: go down 8s, then update Rain's position, then move up 13 steps, then left 5s
How to define a good path:
Below are few tips that I've learned from doing those exploration paths:
- First of all, try to minimize single steps if possible. Single steps take more time due to the fact that the script will wait and check for any battle encounter after each step.
- For any of your calculated ms, add 1000 to it.
- Minimum 500ms, don't go below that.
Also don't forget check out this extremely handy trick from eleck .
How to report a bug:
Please take a screenshot of your script config (like the first picture above), and advise what you were trying to do to produce that bug.
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="560" height="349" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/TMOD8Y7alcM?wmode=transparent&start=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="1"></iframe>
The farming details below was obtained from exviuswiki.com/Best_places_to_farm. Give them credit will you.
- v0.51:
- Update for FFBE v2.0
- Updated handling gameOver
- v0.5:
- Minor improvement
- v0.48:
- Fixed bug in Maranda Coast Exploration
- v0.47:
- Fixed farming in FFBE v1.2
- v0.45:
- Updated Earth Shrine exit for Limit Burst farming.
- v0.44:
- Fixed bug when departing with no companion
- Updated Earth Shrine exit for Limit Burst farming. Note: turn on Auto Limit Burst and turn off Continuous Auto Battle in your game settings.
- v0.43:
- Added diagonal moving directions in exploration. See How to use for detail.
- v0.42:
- Improved handling battle
- v0.41:
- Updated Halloween graphic for Colosseum battle
- Handle Stage Cleared reward dialog in Colosseum battle
- v0.4:
- Added lagx support in dungeon battle
- Added Free Farm
- Added Colosseum battle scheduled. Check How to use section for incompatible maps before activating this.
- Handle Game over screen
- v0.31:
- Improved Phantom Forest Exploration path
- Improved handling explore battle
- v0.3:
- Added Orbonne Monastery Vault Exploration (ADV). Note: due to having too many maps in this event, the script will swipe all the way down to find the vault explorations, if swiping is not working for you then this might not work.
- Improved handling explore battle
- v0.29:
- Fixed bug in Phantom Forest Exploration
- v0.28:
- Fixed bug in Dungeon Finder.
- v0.27:
- Added Enchanted Maze. Note this will only work in Swipe mode, I don't have enough data to make it compatible with "Always" step mode.
- v0.26:
- Check for Connection error
- v0.25:
- Added Dungeon Finder
- Added Dim screen
- v0.24:
- Added Dalnakya Cavern Harvest. This is for PRO event exploration in vortex, set to collect all yellow stars (yes, 8 of them baby), find battle is not supported. Note that the script won't heal nor revive in case you die. If you can't auto on this map then don't do it.
- Improved Earth Shrine Exploration
- Improved battle handling. Note: this implementation requires updating the path at the end of exploration to lead the char all the way to the exit zone (not at the final boss like before). I have updated the paths to reflect the changes but not fully tested all of them so let me know if it's stopped working after update.
- Added trace mode #3.
- Added Step mode: Always
- v0.22:
- Added Lag Multiplier.
- v0.21:
- Fixed Earth Shrine Exploration bug.
- Adjust selection screen timing.
- v0.2:
- Added Custom path (be sure to read the guide how to define your own path if you want to use this)
- Added Maranda Coast Exploration
- 60064 unit exp for 12 energy. 5005.33 unit exp/energy
- Blue Magicite (Siren)
- Ice Megacryst (for Hero's Ring)
- Added Find Battle (still under testing, only enabled in Phantom Forest Exploration map)
- Added Check Gold (for Find Battle). The gold region will be hightlighted with a red box, for any reason if the box was not correcty hightlighted please report. This will check and toast your total earned gold amount.
- Added Use click for step mode
- v0.12:
- Added Fulan Pass Exploration
- 11216 unit exp for 6 energy. 1869.33 unit exp/energy
- White Magicite (Carbuncle - unreleased)
- Improved handling results screen
- Handle Daily Quest popup
- Handle Rank up screen
- v0.11:
- Added Phantom Forest Exploration
- Green Magicite
- Sacred Crystal
- Phantom Forest/Exploration is the best place to farm experience for ANY Esper per energy spent (based on people's testing) due to its ridiculously high drop rate of Green Magicites and Green Megacites.
- Added Trace mode
- v0.1b:
- Earth Shrine Entrance
- Trust / Friendship Point / Gil
- Trust / Friendship Point / Gil
- Earth Shrine Exit
- Trust / Friendship Point / Gil
- Earth Shrine Exploration:
- Red Magicite (Ifrit)
Thank you very much for your contributions!!
Wolfsfang Peak by zenkrye
Dwarves_Forge by eleck
Having trouble running the script? Read all the comments in this thread, your solution might be there.
Want to report a bug? Read "How to report a bug" before asking. Thanks.
Big note: Since I've just started playing this game a few days ago, so everything in this game is considered new to me. For that reason let me know if I'm missing anything.
This script has been tested on Memu and Nexus 6P