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Releases: tloncorp/tlon-apps


12 Mar 02:24
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Over the air update for the %groups desk. This update fixes a few bugs around group invites and adds new backend capabilities to give more metadata to clients about groups.

hash: 0v1l.9iipn.mvtqj.m1vpf.2136o.jp6ug.0457h.rk503.9qk7i.b5vbc.55g8a

What's Changed

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12 Feb 14:28
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Over-the-air update to the %grouper and %activity agents in the %groups desk. Better support for personal link invites and fixes a bug where we were resetting notification settings unintentionally.

hash: 0v11.orstt.svlvi.9a3u5.1ue5r.8jb5o.fs9r8.ti6ip.mnrvb.9qodt.g79lr

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v6.8.0...v6.9.0


21 Jan 20:34
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Over-the-air update to the %grouper agent in the %groups desk. Enables Lure system logging for better observability and debugging.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v6.7.0...v6.8.0


08 Jan 18:34
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Over-the-air (OTA) update for %groups. Just a reminder: the new Tlon mobile apps are now available on the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v6.6.0...v6.7.0


06 Jan 17:04
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Over-the-air (OTA) update for %groups. This release adds the ability to alter channel behavior on the backend without recompiling desk, more info can be found here:

hash: 0v11.nch7k.b33b3.aqrtn.jp60v.oq2i4.91b8g.0nipa.376us.dotdo.qtase

What's New

  • Added a new feature which lets you modify how a channel works on the backend/host. You can read more here:
  • Added a new agent to help track errors happening on the backend
  • Added support for activity events from profile edits
  • Fixed an issue where new channels weren't being joined in some cases
  • Fixed an issue where running more than one group join in a row or attempting to join a group that you're already in was causing it to appear as joining


Full Changelog: v6.5.0...v6.6.0


18 Dec 17:18
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update new frontend glob:  [skip actions]


20 Nov 15:25
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Over-the-air (OTA) update for %groups. This release adds the ability to DM with yourself and fixes an issue with Lure invites to secret groups.

hash: 0v1v.1o2q2.t2flh.7s9mc.m7831.bmch1.jao4l.pc8jg.dfujd.75h55.u2ith

What's new

  • Adds the capability to DM with yourself.
  • Adds remote logging for poke and subscription failures.
  • Adds several improvements to /lib/test-agent.
  • Fixes an issue where off-network invites issued by a non-hosting admin of a secret group would fail to send an invite for the group.
  • Fixes an issue where the %activity agent was not scrying for enough detail.


Full Changelog: v6.4.2...v6.5.0


12 Oct 19:46
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Over-the-air update to %groups. This release fixes issues with repeated invite spamming and missing notifications in DMs.

What's Changed

  • groups: make sure you only get one invite by @arthyn in #4022
  • notify: self-poke conditional on being provider by @Fang- in #4050
  • chat: refine activity check and make sure we transition net in DMs by @arthyn in #4058
  • ops: promote 6.4.2 by @arthyn in #4063

Full Changelog: v6.4.0...v6.4.2


12 Oct 14:34
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Over-the-air update for %groups. This release changes the notification volume default for groups joined after this point. You will now receive a notification for every new message in a group by default. You can always change this after the fact and none of your current group notifications settings are affected.

Desk hash:


What's Changed

Full Changelog: v6.4.0...v6.5.0


02 Oct 18:21
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Over-the-air (OTA) update for %groups. This release notably fixes Lure invites for private and secret groups.

Desk hash:


What's new

  • Fixes an issue where Lure links to private and secret groups would result in the invited ship getting an invite to DM with their inviter, but not an invite for the group they were seeking to join.
  • Fixes an issue where leaving a group would sometimes fail to leave all channels in the group.
  • Fixes an issue where leaving a DM would result in never being able to navigate back to it, even if someone re-invites you.
  • Fixes an issue where group invitations would not produce notifications.
  • Adds rudimentary clearweb publishing for messages on the ship via reference. Run |start %groups %expose and follow the instructions in /desk/app/expose.hoon (link).


Full Changelog: v6.3.0...v6.4.0