diff --git a/edm4hep.yaml b/edm4hep.yaml index 0db016be4..a98528967 100644 --- a/edm4hep.yaml +++ b/edm4hep.yaml @@ -533,13 +533,10 @@ datatypes: - int32_t type // flagword that defines the type of track.Bits 16-31 are used internally - float chi2 // Chi^2 of the track fit - int32_t ndf // number of degrees of freedom of the track fit - - float dEdx // dEdx of the track - - float dEdxError // error of dEdx - float radiusOfInnermostHit // radius of the innermost hit that has been used in the track fit VectorMembers: - int32_t subdetectorHitNumbers // number of hits in particular subdetectors - edm4hep::TrackState trackStates // track states - - edm4hep::Quantity dxQuantities // different measurements of dx quantities OneToManyRelations: - edm4hep::TrackerHit trackerHits // hits that have been used to create this track - edm4hep::Track tracks // tracks (segments) that have been combined to create this track