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437 lines (327 loc) · 11.7 KB


A node module for interacting with the Apache Fineract API


Install npm packages

npm install

Demo Page

There's a demo page ( live here ) that gives the user a simple interface to create commands and send them to a server running Fineract.

To run the demo locally

npm run demo

You can access the Fineract instance through a Mifos frontend here


To run tests

npm run test


First import the module

const finereact = require("./node-finereact");

Then initialize it

   url: "",
   username: "mifos",
   password: "password"

After initialization you can run commands that interact with the Fineract API

finereact.clients.find({}).then((response) => {
    //your code here

All commands except for initialization will always return a promise


Adding a new client

Name Type Example Required Description
firstname string "Sarah" yes The first name of the client
lastname string "Smith" yes The last name of the client
active boolean false yes Indicates whether this client is to be created as active client. If active=true, then activationDate must be provided. If active=false, then the client is created as pending.
activationDate string "04 March 2009" yes The date on which the client became active.
dateFormat string "dd MMMM yyyy" yes The format of the date
locale string "en" yes The locale
officeId number 1 yes The identifier of the office


    "firstname": "Jane",
    "lastname": "Smith",
    "active": true,
    "officeId": 1,
    "locale": "en",
    "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy",
    "activationDate": "04 March 2009"
}).then((response) => {
    //your code here

Querying For Clients

Name Type Example Required Description
offset number 0 no Indicates the result from which pagination starts
limit string 200 no Restricts the size of results returned. To override the default and return all entries you must explicitly pass a non-positive integer value for limit e.g. limit=0, or limit=-1
displayName string "John Smith" no Search for user by name.
fields array ["id", "firstname", "lastname"] no Restrict result to certain fields


    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 200,
    "displayName": "John Smith",
    "fields": [
}).then((response) => {
    //your code here

Query Single Client

Name Type Example Required Description
id number 1 no The id of the client you are querying
fields array ["id", "firstname", "lastname"] yes Restrict result to certain fields


    "id": 1,
    "fields": [
}).then((response) => {
    //your code here


Submitting a new loan application

Name Type Example Required Description
clientId number 1 yes The id of the clientn associated with this loan
productId number 1 yes The loan product id
principal string "10,000.00" yes
loanTermFrequency string "04 March 2009" yes
loanTermFrequencyType string 2 yes
locale string "en" yes The locale
loanType number "individual" yes
numberOfRepayments number "individual" yes
repaymentEvery 1 "individual" yes
dateFormat string "dd MMMM yyyy" yes The format of the date

    "clientId": 1,
    "productId": 1,
    "principal": "10,000.00",
    "loanTermFrequency": 12,
    "loanTermFrequencyType": 2,
    "locale": "en",
    "loanType": "individual",
    "numberOfRepayments": 10,
    "repaymentEvery": 1,
    "repaymentFrequencyType": 2,
    "interestRatePerPeriod": 10,
    "amortizationType": 1,
    "interestType": 0,
    "interestCalculationPeriodType": 1,
    "transactionProcessingStrategyId": 1,
    "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy",
    "expectedDisbursementDate": "10 Jun 2013",
    "submittedOnDate": "10 Jun 2013"
}).then((response) => {
    //your code here

Querying For Loans

Name Type Example Required Description
offset number 0 no Indicates the result from which pagination starts
limit string 200 no Restricts the size of results returned. To override the default and return all entries you must explicitly pass a non-positive integer value for limit e.g. limit=0, or limit=-1
displayName string "John Smith" no Search for user by name.
fields array ["id", "firstname", "lastname"] no Restrict result to certain fields

    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 200
}).then((response) => {
    //your code here

Query Single Loan

Name Type Example Required Description
id number 1 yes The id of the loan you are querying

    "id": 1
}).then((response) => {
    //your code here

Approve A Loan

Name Type Example Required Description
loanId number 1 yes The id of the loan you are trying to approve
locale number "en" yes The locale
dateFormat string "dd MMMM yyyy" yes The format of the date
expectedDisbursementDate string "2 February 2019" yes When the loan will be disbursed
note string "Loan approval note" no A note accompaying the approval

    "loanId": 1,
    "locale": "en",
    "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy",
    "approvedOnDate": "2 February 2019",
    "expectedDisbursementDate": "20 September 2019",
    "note": "Loan approval note"
}).then((response) => {
    //your code here

Reject A Loan

Name Type Example Required Description
loanId number 1 yes The id of the loan you are trying to approve
locale number "en" yes The locale
dateFormat string "dd MMMM yyyy" yes The format of the date
rejectedOnDate string "2 February 2019" yes When the loan was rejected
note string "Loan rejection note" no A noet accompaying the rejection

    "loanId": 1,
    "locale": "en",
    "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy",
    "rejectedOnDate": "2 February 2019",
    "note": "Loan rejection note"
}).then((response) => {
    //your code here

Withdraw A Loan

Name Type Example Required Description
loanId number 1 yes The id of the loan you are trying to approve
locale number "en" yes The locale
dateFormat string "dd MMMM yyyy" yes The format of the date
withdrawnOnDate string "2 February 2019" yes When the loan was withdrawn
note string "Loan withdrawl note" no A noet accompaying the withdrawl

    "loanId": 1,
    "locale": "en",
    "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy",
    "withdrawnOnDate": "2 February 2019",
    "note": "Reason loan applicant withdrew from application"
}).then((response) => {
    //your code here

Loan Products

Adding a new loan product

Name Type Example Required Description
name string "Product 1" yes The name of the load product
shortName string "prd1" yes Shortened name of the product, 4 characters max
currencyCode string "USD" yes
digitsAfterDecimal string "2" yes
inMultiplesOf string "0" yes
principal string "5000" yes
numberOfRepayments number 10 yes
repaymentFrequencyType number 0 yes
amortizationType number 1 yes
interestType number 0 yes
interestCalculationPeriodType number 01 yes
transactionProcessingStrategyId number 1 yes
accountingRule string "1" yes
isInterestRecalculationEnabled string "false" yes
daysInMonthType number 1 yes
daysInYearType number 1 yes
locale number "en" yes The locale
dateFormat string "dd MMMM yyyy" yes The format of the date


    "name": "Product 1",
    "shortName": "prd1",
    "currencyCode": "USD",
    "digitsAfterDecimal": "2",
    "inMultiplesOf": "0",
    "principal": "5000",
    "numberOfRepayments": 10,
    "repaymentFrequencyType": 0,
    "repaymentEvery": "7",
    "interestRatePerPeriod": "5",
    "interestRateFrequencyType": 2,
    "amortizationType": 1,
    "interestType": 0,
    "interestCalculationPeriodType": 1,
    "transactionProcessingStrategyId": 1,
    "accountingRule": "1",
    "isInterestRecalculationEnabled": "false",
    "daysInMonthType": 1,
    "daysInYearType": 1,
    "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy",
    "locale": "en"
}).then((response) => {
    //your code here

Querying For loan products

Name Type Example Required Description
offset number 0 no Indicates the result from which pagination starts
limit string 200 no Restricts the size of results returned. To override the default and return all entries you must explicitly pass a non-positive integer value for limit e.g. limit=0, or limit=-1


    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 200
}).then((response) => {
    //your code here

Query Single Loan Product

Name Type Example Required Description
id number 1 no The id of the loan product you are querying


    "id": 1
}).then((response) => {
    //your code here