Contact: Umberto Michelucci (
This repository contains material, notebooks, scripts for the TensorFlow Roadshow that will take place in Milano on the 6th Feb. 2020.
Note that this repository will use relative linking. That means that all the documentations (markdown files) can be accessed directly from your laptop without the need of having access to internet to get files from GitHub, once you have cloned the repository on your machine. Of course it can be completely accessed directly online.
The material is divided in sections, each having its own folder.
In each folder you will find a
with a table of content and instructions of what you can find in the folder. Here you will find a high level table of content that should help you in navigating the material and finding what you need or search.
Mostly the material is presented with three different media types:
Jupyter notebooks or Python scripts: those are scripts that can be used to try and learn. The notebooks and scripts are mostly used for the hands-on sessions.
Google Slides: the slides linked in this repository are not meant to contain all the material in details, but are used as a guideline. They show the reader/learner the main points that are important.
Markdown files in the repository: for some more technical material, that is important and that requires more explanation I have provided some markdown files that can be accessed directly online with more information on specific technical issues.
Luca Massaron - Deep Learning and Tabular Data - how to integrate TF / Keras with Scikit-Learn
Paolo Galeone - @tf.function - how to use it efficiently in TensorFlow 2.0
Simone Scardapane - Fairness in deep learning and the What-If Tool
Pause / Coffee / Networking / Questions
Umberto Michelucci - Edge Computing with TensorFlow Lite - Hands on with Google Coral TPU Devices