An effort / library / gem ? to enable and ease writing Ruby native extensions in D programming language.
Because even native extensions should be written in a modern and pro-productive language. While still being close-to-the-metal and C-fast.
Currently contains:
bcd - ruby.d converted from ruby.h using bcd.gen
rudy - current state of the library that’s beyond the bindings
dexter - a playground application for testing and experimenting with (now) binding and (later) library
examples - small working code snippets for demonstrating RuDy features
See README files in each of the subdirs for explanation and further info.
RuDy is ready to be used, although lacking some (many) features it needs to be called “1.0”.
Bindings (bcd.ruby) working as far as current Dexter functionality and its test coverage is concerned.
Early state of RudyObject – a class for references to Ruby objects (VALUEs) that wraps, converts and allows some other magic. Barely usable (tiny feature set) at the moment.
d_type! template for converting Ruby VALUEs to native D types; opposite of to_ruby_value; working great, could use some new features (type support)
to_ruby_value – opposite to d_type!, a function returning Ruby VALUEs from native D types (some D reflection goodness here); working like a charm, needs a bit of non-critical work (wrapping functions/delegates etc.)
def! template for automatically registering D methods into Ruby – working with some cool features, but still lacks auto-wrapping/unwrapping passed arguments and return value
RuDy currently works on my 32bit Ubuntu, compiling D code with GDC. And that’s basically what “compile” scripts were done for. It definitely needs some smart build system (Makefile/autoconf, extended ruby mkmf, D-based build system – whatever will do the job) in order to start supporting other platforms.
I’d like to focus primarly on supporting:
64bit systems (bindings and VALUE need some work because of int size)
other Linux distros
Mostly because they could be all done without changing the compiler (GDC).
RuDY would also welcome support for:
Windows (MinGW/GCC family)
different D compilers, especially LDC (LLVM D Compiler) as the most promising one
You can find examples I’ve prepared for Euruko2009 conference in examples/ directory. They’re microextensions (with microtests) demonstrating various features of RuDy.
To see some more dirty code that I’m using to test all the new features, use Dexter. Check out dexter directory, namely files dexter.d (using Rudy), dexter_tester.rb (unittests for what’s implemented in dexter.d) and compile (how to compile the stuff as for now).
Generate complete and working .d files (based on ruby.h) for writing Ruby extensions in D.
Extend mkmf.rb to recognize and generate makefiles (maybe also dsss config files) for extensions written in D. Or any other smart build system (check “limitations” section above)
Create PyD ( equivalent for Ruby:
The whole RuDy project is licensed under Ruby / MIT license.
Tomasz Stachewicz - developer
Kirk McDonald - lots of help and advice on D and interaction with Ruby, original author of PyD (
Ray C. Horn (from and “cpunion” (author of - inspiration
Cpunion! If you’re reading this, please contact me (Tomasz Stachewicz) on email I belive I stumbled upon your blog, but in… Chinese, and while learned Mandarin a bit, I couldn’t figure out a way to contact you.