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File metadata and controls

188 lines (111 loc) · 4.92 KB


If you want to install the app from a pre-built version on the release page, you can simply run the executeable after download.

For updating simply download the new version and copy it over the old one (keep a backup of the old one if you want to be sure).

Config folder

The data folder for Wallet is stored in other places:

  • Windows %APPDATA%\SERO Wallet
  • macOS ~/Library/Application\ Support/SERO Wallet
  • Linux ~/.config/SERO Wallet


For development, a Meteor server will need to be started to assist with live reload and CSS injection. Once a Wallet version is released the Meteor frontend part is bundled using the meteor-build-client npm package to create pure static files.


To run wallet in development you need:

  • Node.js v7.x (use the prefered installation method for your OS)
  • Meteor javascript app framework
  • Yarn package manager
  • Electron v1.7.9 cross platform desktop app framework
  • Gulp build and automation system

Install the latter ones via:

$ curl | sh
$ curl -o- -L | bash
$ yarn global add electron@1.7.9
$ yarn global add gulp


Now you're ready to initialise Wallet for development:

$ git clone
$ cd wallet
$ yarn

To update Wallet in the future, run:

$ cd wallet
$ git pull
$ yarn

Run the Wallet

Start the wallet app for development, in a separate terminal window:

$ cd wallet/interface && meteor --no-release-checkFS

// and in another terminal

$ cd my/path/meteor-dapp-wallet/app && meteor --port 3050

In the original window you can then start Wallet using wallet mode:

$ cd wallet
$ yarn dev:electron --mode wallet

Connecting to node via HTTP instead of IPC

This is useful if you have a node running on another machine, though note that it's less secure than using the default IPC method.

$ yarn dev:electron --rpc http://localhost:8545

Passing options to Gero

You can pass command-line options directly to Gero by prefixing them with --node- in the command-line invocation:

$ yarn dev:electron --mode wallet --node-rpcport 19343 --node-networkid 2

The --rpc Wallet option is a special case. If you set this to an IPC socket file path then the --ipcpath option automatically gets set, i.e.:

$ yarn dev:electron --rpc /my/gero.ipc the same as doing...

$ yarn dev:electron --rpc /my/gero.ipc --node-ipcpath /my/gero.ipc

Using Wallet with a privatenet

To run a private network you will need to set the IPC path, network id and data folder:

$ yarn dev:electron --rpc ~/Library/SERO/gero.ipc --node-networkid 1234 --node-datadir ~/Library/SERO/privatenet

NOTE: since ipcpath is also a Wallet option you do not need to also include a --node-ipcpath option.

You can also launch gero separately with the same options prior starting Wallet.


Our build system relies on gulp and electron-builder.


meteor-build-client bundles the meteor-based interface. Install it via:

$ npm install -g meteor-build-client

Furthermore cross-platform builds require additional electron-builder dependencies. On macOS those are:

// windows deps
$ brew install wine --without-x11 mono makensis

// linux deps
$ brew install gnu-tar libicns graphicsmagick xz

Generate packages

To generate the binaries for Wallet run:

$ gulp
$ gulp --wallet

The generated binaries will be under dist_wallet/release or dist_wallet/release.



To build binaries for specific platforms (default: all available) use the following flags:

// on mac
$ gulp --win --linux --mac

// on linux
$ gulp --win --linux

// on win
$ gulp --win

With the walletSource you can specify the wallet branch to use, default is master:

$ gulp --wallet --walletSource develop

Options are:

  • master
  • develop
  • local Will try to build the wallet from [wallet/]../meteor-dapp-wallet/app

Note: applicable only when combined with --wallet


When building a binary, you can optionally skip some tasks — generally for testing purposes.

$ gulp --mac --skipTasks=bundling-interface,release-dist


Spits out the MD5 checksums of distributables.

It expects installer/zip files to be in the generated folders e.g. dist_wallet/release

$ gulp checksums [--wallet]