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95 lines (59 loc) · 5.97 KB

File metadata and controls

95 lines (59 loc) · 5.97 KB


v1.1.0 (unreleased)

  • Add support for Elixir 1.16, 1.17 and 1.18. Drop support for Elixir 1.13, 1.14, and 1.15. Elixir >= 1.16 is now required. Dropping support for older versions of Elixir simply means that this package is no longer tested with them in CI, and that compatibility issues are not considered bugs.
  • Require fun_with_flags ~> 1.12. This is not strictly required because v1.11 will also work, but it makes it easier to ensure that both libraries are compatible with the latest Elixir and OTP.
  • Add support for mobile screens. (Thanks s3cur3, pull/44)


No changes, but this package has been stable for so long that it's time to graduate to v1. It's possible to just upgrade from v0.x to v1.0 without issues. This also makes it easier to keep the versions of this UI package and of the fun_with_flags package in lockstep, when v2 is released.


  • Add support for Elixir 1.14 and 1.15. Drop support for Elixir 1.11 and 1.12. Elixir >= 1.13 is now required. Dropping support for older versions of Elixir simply means that this package is no longer tested with them in CI, and that compatibility issues are not considered bugs.
  • Drop support for Erlang/OTP 22 and 23, and Erlang/OTP >= 24 is now required. Dropping support for older versions of Erlang/OTP simply means that this package is not tested with them in CI, and that compatibility issues are not considered bugs.
  • Addressed Plug an Logger deprecation warnings. Thank you Ch4s3 (pull/27) and ryvasquez (pull/31) for bringing it up and addressing them.
  • Addressed XSS vulnerability. (Thanks ryanwinchester, pull/29, plus pull/34)


  • Always URI-escape flag names before rendering them in web pages. (pull/24) This fixes a XSS vulnerability on the 404 page. Thank you voltone for reporting the issue privately and for discussing possible fixes, and mmrupp from Cure53 for discovering the issue.


  • Add support for Elixir 1.11, 1.12, and 1.13. Drop support for Elixir 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9 and 1.10. Elixir >= 1.11 is now required. Dropping support for older versions of Elixir simply means that this package is no longer tested with them in CI, and that compatibility issues are not considered bugs.
  • Drop support for Erlang/OTP 20 and 21, and Erlang/OTP >= 22 is now required. Dropping support for older versions of Erlang/OTP simply means that this package is not tested with them in CI, and that compatibility issues are not considered bugs.
  • In the Flag index page, for each flag, always display the gates in a consistent order. Previously the order depended on how the data was returned by the persistent datastore. (Thanks LostKobrakai, pull/16)
  • Require more recent versions of runtime dependencies.
  • Local dev: added credo to CI setup.


  • Also include a non-gzipped version of the Bootstrap CSS file, so that applications can still serve it when the pre-gzipped file is not supported. This was a problem in some setups where a reverse proxy would interfere with the browser requests for the CSS file, for example by setting a consertative Accept-Enconding request header.


  • Relax fun_with_flags version constraint to ~> 1.1


  • Require fun_with_flags 1.1.0.
  • Drop support for Elixir 1.4 and 1.5. Elixir >= 1.6 is now required.
  • Drop support for OTP 19. OTP >= 20 is now required.


  • Fixed issue with CSRF protextion blocking GET requests for the library's JS file. (Thanks aturkewi, pull/6)
  • API change: now there is no need to declare Plug.CSRFProtection or protect_from_forgery in the host plug or phoenix router because this library's router handles it internally.
  • The mouse cursor now looks like a pointer when hovering buttons.
  • Allow to depend on Cowboy 2.



  • Remove compile-time call to Application.ensure_started that was causing noisy warning during compilation. (Thanks Gazler, pull/2)


  • Require fun_with_flags 1.0.0.
  • Add support for clearing boolean gates and display when a boolan gate is missing.
  • Add support for the percentage gates: percentage_of_time and percentage_of_actors.


  • Update fun_with_flags to 0.10, which allows binary group names.
  • Stop converting submitted group names to atoms.


  • Updated dependencies.


  • Visiting the details page for a non-exising flag will now render a 404 page, rather than displaying the details page with the flag disabled.
  • Fixed an issue where atoms where being dynamically created when requesting the details page for non existing flags.
  • Updated fun_with_flags dependency.


  • Added interface to cleanly run standalone.
  • Fixed some configuration issues.
  • Added tests and documentation.


The library can now be mounted into a host application, for example a Phoenix app or another Plug app.


Unstable release. The core functionality is working and it can run standalone.