File tree
1,657 files changed
lines changed- api
- classes
- AgentRuntime
- CacheManager
- DatabaseAdapter
- DbCacheAdapter
- FsCacheAdapter
- MemoryCacheAdapter
- MemoryManager
- RAGKnowledgeManager
- Service
- enumerations
- ActionTimelineType
- CacheKeyPrefix
- CacheStore
- Clients
- GoalStatus
- IrysDataType
- IrysMessageType
- KnowledgeScope
- LoggingLevel
- ModelClass
- ModelProviderName
- ServiceType
- TokenizerType
- TranscriptionProvider
- VerifiableInferenceProvider
- functions
- addHeader
- cleanJsonResponse
- composeActionExamples
- composeContext
- composeRandomUser
- configureSettings
- createGoal
- createRelationship
- embed
- extractAttributes
- findNearestEnvFile
- formatActionNames
- formatActions
- formatActors
- formatEvaluatorExampleDescriptions
- formatEvaluatorExamples
- formatEvaluatorNames
- formatEvaluators
- formatGoalsAsString
- formatMessages
- formatPosts
- formatRelationships
- formatTimestamp
- generateCaption
- generateImage
- generateMessageResponse
- generateObject
- generateObjectArray
- generateObjectDeprecated
- generateShouldRespond
- generateText
- generateTextArray
- generateTrueOrFalse
- generateTweetActions
- generateWebSearch
- getActorDetails
- getEmbeddingConfig
- getEmbeddingModelSettings
- getEmbeddingType
- getEmbeddingZeroVector
- getEndpoint
- getEnvVariable
- getGoals
- getImageModelSettings
- getModel
- getModelSettings
- getProviders
- getRelationship
- getRelationships
- handleProvider
- hasEnvVariable
- loadEnvConfig
- parseActionResponseFromText
- parseBooleanFromText
- parseJSONObjectFromText
- parseJsonArrayFromText
- parseShouldRespondFromText
- splitChunks
- stringToUuid
- trimTokens
- truncateToCompleteSentence
- updateGoal
- validateCharacterConfig
- validateEnv
- validateUuid
- interfaces
- Account
- Action
- ActionExample
- ActionResponse
- Actor
- ChunkRow
- Content
- ConversationExample
- DataIrysFetchedFromGQL
- DirectoryItem
- EvaluationExample
- Evaluator
- GenerationOptions
- Goal
- GraphQLTag
- IAgentConfig
- IAgentRuntime
- IAwsS3Service
- IBrowserService
- ICacheAdapter
- ICacheManager
- IDatabaseAdapter
- IDatabaseCacheAdapter
- IImageDescriptionService
- IIrysService
- IMemoryManager
- IPdfService
- IRAGKnowledgeManager
- ISlackService
- ISpeechService
- ITeeLogService
- ITextGenerationService
- ITranscriptionService
- IVerifiableInferenceAdapter
- IVideoService
- IrysTimestamp
- Memory
- MessageExample
- ModelConfiguration
- Objective
- Participant
- Provider
- RAGKnowledgeItem
- Relationship
- Room
- State
- TwitterSpaceDecisionOptions
- UploadIrysResult
- VerifiableInferenceOptions
- VerifiableInferenceResult
- type-aliases
- CacheOptions
- Character
- CharacterConfig
- Client
- EmbeddingConfig
- EmbeddingModelSettings
- EmbeddingProviderType
- EnvConfig
- Handler
- HandlerCallback
- ImageModelSettings
- KnowledgeItem
- Media
- Model
- ModelSettings
- Models
- Plugin
- SearchImage
- SearchResponse
- SearchResult
- TelemetrySettings
- TemplateType
- Validator
- variables
- CharacterSchema
- EmbeddingProvider
- defaultCharacter
- elizaLogger
- envSchema
- evaluationTemplate
- knowledge
- models
- settings
- uuidSchema
- assets
- images
- js
- community
- Contributors
- eliza-council
- inspiration
- profiles
- weekly-contributor-meeting
- 2024-12-10
- 2024-12-31
- 2025-01-07
- 2025-01-14
- Discord
- collaborations/3d-ai-tv
- chat_2024-12-02
- chat_2024-12-03
- chat_2024-12-04
- chat_2024-12-05
- chat_2024-12-06
- chat_2024-12-07
- chat_2024-12-08
- chat_2024-12-09
- development
- agent-dev-school
- chat_2024-11-28
- chat_2024-11-29
- chat_2024-11-30
- chat_2024-12-01
- chat_2024-12-02
- chat_2024-12-03
- chat_2024-12-04
- chat_2024-12-05
- chat_2024-12-06
- chat_2024-12-07
- chat_2024-12-08
- chat_2024-12-09
- autonomous-hackathon
- chat_2024-12-08
- chat_2024-12-09
- coders
- chat_2024-10-27
- chat_2024-10-28
- chat_2024-10-29
- chat_2024-10-30
- chat_2024-10-31
- chat_2024-11-01
- chat_2024-11-02
- chat_2024-11-03
- chat_2024-11-04
- chat_2024-11-05
- chat_2024-11-06
- chat_2024-11-07
- chat_2024-11-08
- chat_2024-11-09
- chat_2024-11-10
- chat_2024-11-11
- chat_2024-11-12
- chat_2024-11-13
- chat_2024-11-14
- chat_2024-11-15
- chat_2024-11-16
- chat_2024-11-17
- chat_2024-11-18
- chat_2024-11-19
- chat_2024-11-20
- chat_2024-11-21
- chat_2024-11-22
- chat_2024-11-23
- chat_2024-11-24
- chat_2024-11-25
- chat_2024-11-26
- chat_2024-11-27
- chat_2024-11-28
- chat_2024-11-29
- chat_2024-11-30
- chat_2024-12-01
- chat_2024-12-02
- chat_2024-12-03
- chat_2024-12-04
- chat_2024-12-05
- chat_2024-12-06
- chat_2024-12-07
- chat_2024-12-08
- chat_2024-12-09
- dev-contributors
- chat_2024-11-20
- chat_2024-11-21
- chat_2024-11-22
- chat_2024-11-23
- chat_2024-11-24
- chat_2024-11-25
- chat_2024-11-26
- chat_2024-11-27
- chat_2024-11-28
- chat_2024-11-29
- chat_2024-11-30
- chat_2024-12-01
- chat_2024-12-02
- chat_2024-12-03
- chat_2024-12-04
- chat_2024-12-05
- chat_2024-12-06
- chat_2024-12-07
- chat_2024-12-08
- chat_2024-12-09
- dev-vc
- chat_2024-11-11
- chat_2024-11-12
- chat_2024-11-15
- chat_2024-11-16
- chat_2024-11-17
- chat_2024-11-18
- chat_2024-11-19
- chat_2024-11-20
- chat_2024-11-22
- chat_2024-11-24
- chat_2024-11-26
- chat_2024-12-02
- chat_2024-12-04
- chat_2024-12-09
- the_arena
- degenspartanai
- chat_2024-11-18
- chat_2024-11-19
- chat_2024-11-20
- chat_2024-11-21
- chat_2024-11-22
- chat_2024-11-23
- chat_2024-11-24
- chat_2024-11-25
- chat_2024-11-26
- discussion
- chat_2024-06-20
- chat_2024-06-21
- chat_2024-06-22
- chat_2024-06-23
- chat_2024-06-24
- chat_2024-06-25
- chat_2024-06-26
- chat_2024-06-27
- chat_2024-06-28
- chat_2024-06-29
- chat_2024-06-30
- chat_2024-07-01
- chat_2024-07-02
- chat_2024-07-03
- chat_2024-07-04
- chat_2024-07-05
- chat_2024-07-06
- chat_2024-07-07
- chat_2024-07-08
- chat_2024-07-09
- chat_2024-07-10
- chat_2024-07-11
- chat_2024-07-12
- chat_2024-07-13
- chat_2024-07-14
- chat_2024-07-15
- chat_2024-07-16
- chat_2024-07-17
- chat_2024-07-18
- chat_2024-07-19
- chat_2024-07-20
- chat_2024-07-21
- chat_2024-07-22
- chat_2024-07-23
- chat_2024-07-24
- chat_2024-07-25
- chat_2024-07-26
- chat_2024-07-29
- chat_2024-07-30
- chat_2024-08-07
- chat_2024-08-12
- chat_2024-08-15
- chat_2024-08-17
- chat_2024-09-08
- chat_2024-09-09
- chat_2024-09-10
- chat_2024-09-11
- chat_2024-09-12
- chat_2024-09-13
- chat_2024-09-17
- chat_2024-09-18
- chat_2024-09-23
- chat_2024-09-27
- chat_2024-10-03
- chat_2024-10-04
- chat_2024-10-05
- chat_2024-10-16
- chat_2024-10-17
- chat_2024-10-22
- chat_2024-10-23
- chat_2024-10-24
- chat_2024-10-25
- chat_2024-10-26
- chat_2024-10-27
- chat_2024-10-28
- chat_2024-10-29
- chat_2024-10-30
- chat_2024-10-31
- chat_2024-11-01
- chat_2024-11-02
- chat_2024-11-03
- chat_2024-11-04
- chat_2024-11-05
- chat_2024-11-06
- chat_2024-11-07
- chat_2024-11-08
- chat_2024-11-09
- chat_2024-11-10
- chat_2024-11-11
- chat_2024-11-12
- chat_2024-11-13
- chat_2024-11-14
- chat_2024-11-15
- chat_2024-11-16
- chat_2024-11-17
- chat_2024-11-18
- chat_2024-11-19
- chat_2024-11-20
- chat_2024-11-21
- chat_2024-11-22
- chat_2024-11-23
- chat_2024-11-24
- chat_2024-11-25
- chat_2024-11-26
- chat_2024-11-27
- chat_2024-11-28
- chat_2024-11-29
- chat_2024-11-30
- chat_2024-12-01
- chat_2024-12-02
- chat_2024-12-03
- chat_2024-12-04
- chat_2024-12-05
- chat_2024-12-06
- chat_2024-12-07
- chat_2024-12-08
- chat_2024-12-09
- general
- chat_2024-11-30
- chat_2024-12-03
- chat_2024-12-04
- chat_2024-12-09
- ideas-feedback-rants
- chat_2024-10-29
- chat_2024-10-30
- chat_2024-10-31
- chat_2024-11-01
- chat_2024-11-02
- chat_2024-11-03
- chat_2024-11-04
- chat_2024-11-05
- chat_2024-11-06
- chat_2024-11-07
- chat_2024-11-08
- chat_2024-11-09
- chat_2024-11-10
- chat_2024-11-11
- chat_2024-11-12
- chat_2024-11-13
- chat_2024-11-14
- chat_2024-11-15
- chat_2024-11-16
- chat_2024-11-17
- chat_2024-11-18
- chat_2024-11-19
- chat_2024-11-20
- chat_2024-11-21
- chat_2024-11-22
- chat_2024-11-23
- chat_2024-11-24
- chat_2024-11-25
- chat_2024-11-26
- chat_2024-11-27
- chat_2024-11-28
- chat_2024-11-29
- chat_2024-11-30
- chat_2024-12-01
- chat_2024-12-02
- chat_2024-12-03
- chat_2024-12-04
- chat_2024-12-05
- chat_2024-12-06
- chat_2024-12-07
- chat_2024-12-08
- chat_2024-12-09
- memes-and-marketing
- chat_2024-10-26
- chat_2024-10-27
- chat_2024-10-28
- chat_2024-10-29
- chat_2024-10-30
- chat_2024-10-31
- chat_2024-11-01
- chat_2024-11-02
- chat_2024-11-03
- chat_2024-11-04
- chat_2024-11-05
- chat_2024-11-06
- chat_2024-11-07
- chat_2024-11-08
- chat_2024-11-09
- chat_2024-11-10
- chat_2024-11-11
- chat_2024-11-12
- chat_2024-11-13
- chat_2024-11-14
- chat_2024-11-15
- chat_2024-11-16
- chat_2024-11-17
- chat_2024-11-18
- chat_2024-11-19
- chat_2024-11-20
- chat_2024-11-21
- chat_2024-11-22
- chat_2024-11-23
- chat_2024-11-24
- chat_2024-11-25
- chat_2024-11-26
- chat_2024-11-27
- chat_2024-11-28
- chat_2024-11-29
- chat_2024-11-30
- chat_2024-12-01
- chat_2024-12-02
- chat_2024-12-03
- chat_2024-12-04
- chat_2024-12-05
- chat_2024-12-06
- chat_2024-12-07
- chat_2024-12-08
- chat_2024-12-09
- price-talk-trenches
- chat_2024-10-26
- chat_2024-10-27
- chat_2024-10-28
- chat_2024-10-29
- chat_2024-10-30
- chat_2024-10-31
- chat_2024-11-01
- chat_2024-11-02
- chat_2024-11-03
- chat_2024-11-04
- chat_2024-11-05
- chat_2024-11-06
- chat_2024-11-07
- chat_2024-11-08
- chat_2024-11-09
- chat_2024-11-10
- chat_2024-11-11
- chat_2024-11-12
- chat_2024-11-13
- chat_2024-11-14
- chat_2024-11-15
- chat_2024-11-16
- chat_2024-11-17
- chat_2024-11-18
- chat_2024-11-19
- chat_2024-11-20
- chat_2024-11-21
- chat_2024-11-22
- chat_2024-11-23
- chat_2024-11-24
- chat_2024-11-25
- chat_2024-11-26
- chat_2024-11-27
- chat_2024-11-28
- chat_2024-11-29
- chat_2024-11-30
- chat_2024-12-01
- chat_2024-12-02
- chat_2024-12-03
- chat_2024-12-04
- chat_2024-12-05
- chat_2024-12-06
- chat_2024-12-07
- chat_2024-12-08
- chat_2024-12-09
- the-arena
- chat_2024-10-22
- chat_2024-10-23
- chat_2024-10-24
- chat_2024-10-25
- chat_2024-10-26
- chat_2024-10-27
- chat_2024-10-28
- chat_2024-10-29
- chat_2024-10-30
- chat_2024-10-31
- chat_2024-11-01
- chat_2024-11-02
- chat_2024-11-03
- chat_2024-11-04
- chat_2024-11-05
- chat_2024-11-06
- chat_2024-11-07
- chat_2024-11-08
- chat_2024-11-09
- chat_2024-11-10
- chat_2024-11-11
- chat_2024-11-12
- chat_2024-11-13
- chat_2024-11-14
- chat_2024-11-15
- chat_2024-11-16
- chat_2024-11-17
- chat_2024-11-18
- chat_2024-11-19
- chat_2024-11-20
- chat_2024-11-21
- chat_2024-11-22
- chat_2024-11-23
- chat_2024-11-24
- chat_2024-11-25
- chat_2024-11-26
- chat_2024-11-27
- chat_2024-11-28
- chat_2024-11-29
- chat_2024-11-30
- chat_2024-12-01
- chat_2024-12-02
- chat_2024-12-03
- chat_2024-12-04
- chat_2024-12-05
- chat_2024-12-06
- chat_2024-12-07
- chat_2024-12-08
- chat_2024-12-09
- twitter
- chat_2024-10-28
- chat_2024-10-29
- chat_2024-10-30
- chat_2024-10-31
- chat_2024-11-01
- chat_2024-11-02
- chat_2024-11-03
- chat_2024-11-04
- chat_2024-11-05
- chat_2024-11-06
- chat_2024-11-07
- chat_2024-11-08
- chat_2024-11-09
- chat_2024-11-10
- chat_2024-11-11
- chat_2024-11-12
- chat_2024-11-13
- chat_2024-11-14
- chat_2024-11-15
- chat_2024-11-16
- chat_2024-11-17
- chat_2024-11-18
- chat_2024-11-19
- chat_2024-11-20
- chat_2024-11-21
- chat_2024-11-22
- chat_2024-11-23
- chat_2024-11-24
- chat_2024-11-25
- chat_2024-11-26
- welcome
- announcements
- chat_2024-11-27
- chat_2024-11-28
- chat_2024-11-30
- chat_2024-12-02
- chat_2024-12-05
- chat_2024-12-06
- stage
- chat_2024-11-27
- chat_2024-11-28
- chat_2024-11-29
- chat_2024-11-30
- chat_2024-12-01
- chat_2024-12-02
- chat_2024-12-03
- chat_2024-12-05
- workinggroups/workgroups-general
- chat_2024-11-27
- chat_2024-11-29
- chat_2024-11-30
- chat_2024-12-02
- chat_2024-12-03
- chat_2024-12-06
- chat_2024-12-07
- chat_2024-12-08
- Notes
- cookbook
- lore
- murad2049
- Streams
- 01-2025
- 2025-01-03
- 2025-01-10
- 2025-01-17
- 10-2024
- 2024-10-25
- 2024-10-27
- 2024-10-29
- 11-2024
- 2024-11-06
- 2024-11-08
- 2024-11-10
- 2024-11-15
- 2024-11-21
- 2024-11-22
- 2024-11-24
- 2024-11-26
- 2024-11-28
- 2024-11-29
- 12-2024
- 2024-12-01
- 2024-12-03
- 2024-12-05
- 2024-12-06
- 2024-12-10
- 2024-12-11
- 2024-12-13
- 2024-12-17
- 2024-12-20
- 2024-12-27
- greenpill
- ai_evolution
- core_concepts
- daos_ai_evolution2
- greenpill_ai-dao-prompt
- information_management
- ai-dev-school
- nader_tutorial_10min
- nader_tutorial_15min
- part1
- part2
- part3
- ai16z
- degenai
- pmairca
- awesome-eliza
- creator-fund
- faq-and-support
- tokenomics
- proposals
- discussions
- partners
- chat_2024-12-19
- chat_2024-12-20
- chat_2024-12-21
- chat_2024-12-22
- chat_2024-12-23
- regen-tokenomics
- 2024-12-20
- 2024-12-21
- 2024-12-22
- 2024-12-23
- feedback
- feedback_discord
- phase1
- hybridpool
- valueaccrual
- docs
- advanced
- autonomous-trading
- eliza-in-tee
- fine-tuning
- infrastructure
- trust-engine
- verified-inference
- api
- classes
- AgentRuntime
- DatabaseAdapter
- MemoryManager
- Service
- enumerations
- Clients
- GoalStatus
- ModelClass
- ModelProviderName
- ServiceType
- functions
- addHeader
- composeActionExamples
- composeContext
- createGoal
- createRelationship
- embed
- findNearestEnvFile
- formatActionNames
- formatActions
- formatActors
- formatEvaluatorExampleDescriptions
- formatEvaluatorExamples
- formatEvaluatorNames
- formatEvaluators
- formatGoalsAsString
- formatMessages
- formatPosts
- formatRelationships
- formatTimestamp
- generateCaption
- generateImage
- generateMessageResponse
- generateObject
- generateObjectArray
- generateShouldRespond
- generateText
- generateTextArray
- generateTrueOrFalse
- getActorDetails
- getEndpoint
- getGoals
- getModel
- getProviders
- getRelationship
- getRelationships
- loadEnvConfig
- retrieveCachedEmbedding
- splitChunks
- trimTokens
- updateGoal
- globals
- interfaces
- Account
- Action
- ActionExample
- Actor
- Content
- ConversationExample
- EvaluationExample
- Evaluator
- Goal
- IAgentRuntime
- IBrowserService
- IDatabaseAdapter
- IImageDescriptionService
- IMemoryManager
- IPdfService
- ISpeechService
- ITextGenerationService
- ITranscriptionService
- IVideoService
- Memory
- MessageExample
- Objective
- Participant
- Provider
- Relationship
- Room
- State
- type-aliases
- Character
- Client
- Handler
- HandlerCallback
- Media
- Model
- Models
- Plugin
- Validator
- variables
- defaultCharacter
- elizaLogger
- embeddingDimension
- embeddingZeroVector
- evaluationTemplate
- settings
- contributing
- core
- actions
- agents
- characterfile
- evaluators
- providers
- faq
- guides
- advanced
- configuration
- docker-setup
- local-development
- secrets-management
- start-script
- template-configuration
- wsl
- intro
- packages
- adapters
- agent
- agents
- clients
- core
- database-adapters
- plugins
- quickstart
- img
- markdown-page
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
1,657 files changed
lines changed+3-3
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2 | 2 |
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3 | 3 |
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4 | 4 |
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5 |
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6 | 6 |
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7 |
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8 |
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9 | 9 |
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10 | 10 |
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11 | 11 |
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0 commit comments