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Windy Plugins API

How Windy Plugin works

Windy plugin is piece of js, css and html that is compiled together into single plugin.js file.

The file is then published as npm package, and upon user's selection, loaded into to be launched upon user's action.

Name of your plugin

Most important configuration variable is name of your plugin, which is name of your package.json (since the name of your plugin must be the same as the name of your npm package).

The name of your plugin, and your npm package must have form windy-plugin-anyName

Source files

Your src/ directory should look like this:

plugin.less 	// <-- optional
otherFiles.mjs 	// <-- optional

plugin.html Similar to vue, svelte or riot tag, contains html, and also js code of your plugin.

	<!-- This is HTML code injected into page -->
	<b>Hello world</b>


	console.log('I am mounted to the page')

	this.onopen = () => console.log('I am opened')

	this.onclose = () => console.log('I am being closed')


plugin.less Your plugin will be wrapped inside #windy-plugin-anyName DIV. Whenever .onwindy-plugin-anyName class is applied to <body> of the page, you have chance to modify other styles on page.

.onwindy-plugin-anyName .right-border {
	right: 400px;

#windy-plugin-anyName {
	width: 400px;

config.js Basic configuration of your plugin has node.js module syntax. Remember, that name of your plugin, description and author is defined in your package.json.

module.exports = {
	// Display name of your plugin, as it will appear in the menu
	displayName: 'Hello world',

	// Place, where opening link to your plugin will appear. So far only
	// Allowed: 'contextmenu', 'menu'
	hook: 'menu',

	// List of external libraries, that should be loaded before
	// your plugin is even mounted to the page
	dependencies: ['']

	// List of class names that will be attached to your plugin upon mounting
	className: 'plugin-lhpane plugin-mobile-fullscreen',

	// If you want to apply different set of classes on mobile devices
	classNameMobile: 'this-is-other',

	// Forces all other window panes, with same pane id to be closed
	// Allowed: 'lhpane', 'rhpane' and 'all'
	exclusive: 'lhpane',

	// The place in page, where your plugin element will be mounted
	// to the page. By default all the plugins are attached to
	// #plugins div
	attachPoint: '#map_container .leaflet-popup-pane',

	// If you want to apply different mounting point on mobile devices
	attachPointMobile: '#plugins'

The life cycle of the plugin

Loading of the plugin

Whenever Windy loads your plugin, following actions will happen:

  1. Your plugin.js is loaded into Windy, and function W.loadPlugin is executed.
  2. Link for opening of your plugin is attached to particular menu (defined as hook in config.js)
  3. Done, your plugin is now ready to use. Now user must open your plugin by clicking on a hook link.


Whenever your plugin is opened for the first time, it must be "mounted" to the page:

  1. html code of your plugin is wrapped inside div with id windy-plugin-anyName. Inside is inserted another div element, that will act as closing button. Whole plugin element has style display:none.
  2. css code of your plugin is attached to <head> section of Windy
  3. Your plugin element is then inserted into the page inside element, where you required in config.js as attachPoint (by default inside #plugins DIV)
  4. Js code inside plugin.html is launched
  5. Then plugin is being opened

Resulting html code should look like this:

	<div id="windy-plugin-anyName" class="classesYouDefined" style="display:none;">
		<div class="closing-x"></div>
		Html content of your plugin


  1. The plugin element is enhanced with class open and its style is changed to display: block;
  2. CSS class .onwindy-plugin-anyName is attached to <body> element of page, so you can use CSS to modify other elements on page.
  3. If method this.onopen exists in your js code, it is called. If the plugin was opened from contextmenu hook { lat, lon } object is provided as parameters.


  1. If method this.onclose exists in your js code it is called
  2. Class open is removed from the plugin element class to perform closing animation
  3. CSS class .onwindy-plugin-anyName is removed from <body> element of page
  4. The plugin element gets style display: none; after some time

After closing, your plugin remains mounted in a page.

Plugins can be closed by clicking on their close button or programatically by broadcasting message broadcast.emit('rqstClose', 'name-of-plugin')